H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

My little cousin's been coughing and has a fever now.......

She's at the hospital as I'm typing this.........

I ain't saying wassup to anyone at school man. I'm kinda scared to get this, so I'm taking the right precautions. Drinking lots of water and eatinghealthy FTW!!
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

call this a scare tactic or w/e you want..........im just posting the info

One of the greatest concerns is that the new strain seems to target young, healthy adults, the same group affected by Spanish flu, which killed 20 to 50 million people in 1918.
been KINDA fat/unhealthy FTW?

but seriously this is spreading 2 damn quick

any cases of this in florida yet?

in 1918, sanitation and healthcare was light years behind, there was no widespread news media or internet to communicate info to the public... it's probeasier for something to spread back in those times..... people just gotta be smart. wash hands, keep clean, stay home when you're sick.....
Seriously, this is just like any other cold or flu. It could be cured if detected. They're just trying to have everyone panic and sellvaccinations. It's not that serious, at least I hope not...
i just got in from the doctors. I have influenza flue strain B. I'm going to be staying out of school for a week until I get better. I know the chances ofhaving swine flu was very very slim, but it's didn't hurt to go check.
Originally Posted by armanzaballa

i just got in from the doctors. I have influenza flue strain B. I'm going to be staying out of school for a week until I get better. I know the chances of having swine flu was very very slim, but it's didn't hurt to go check.
Just stay away from bbq ribs and pig knuckles and you'll be fine
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by armanzaballa

i just got in from the doctors. I have influenza flue strain B. I'm going to be staying out of school for a week until I get better. I know the chances of having swine flu was very very slim, but it's didn't hurt to go check.
Just stay away from bbq ribs and pig knuckles and you'll be fine
I've been craving ribs for a while. I'm not lettign swine flu stop me when I get around to eating them. Too good
[size=+4]Somthing Wicked
This Way Comes
[/size] [size=+3]Scene I, Act II|[/size]
By A. True Ott, PhD, ND
[table][tr][td] [size=+1]On March 20, 2009, this researcher outlined a peculiar "PANDEMIC VACCINE TRAINING" exercise in Texas scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 2, 2009. See complete article at http://www.rense.com/general85/dsd2.htm [/size] [size=+1]I thought it very strange that a rather obscure Texas county would see fit to conduct such a "training exercise" involving Texas National Guard Troops involving "drive-thru vaccination clinics". I also thought it exceedingly strange that these rather obscure county officials would make the public declarations that emergency "pandemic vaccination programs would mean a line of cars 41 miles long" in Guadalupe County, but that San Antonio's drive-thru vaccine's line would stretch from "San Antonio to Calgary, Alberta Canada" --- strange, because this just happens to be the planned route of the AMERO FREEWAY -- connecting the late-great U.S.A. with Mexico and Canada. Could this, too, be a coded message to insiders?[/size] [size=+1]Just as NORAD was conducting "mock" terrorist drills on the morning of September 11, 2001 - could this May 2 event be TIMED to announce the release of the planned pandemic and the eventual advent of martial law in North America? [/size] [size=+1]Today, Friday, April 24, 2009 - according to USA TODAY, the BBC, and the Associated Press, the World Health Organization (WHO) is "very, very concerned" about a very strange "swine flu" outbreak in Mexico City. [/size] [size=+1]http://www.usatoday.com/n...tm?csp=34 The WHO is so concerned, in fact, that it has ordered all WHO officers to man the "Pandemic Control Room" 24/7 for the 1st time. [/size] [size=+1]ATTENTION AMERICA!!!! This is highly significant. The WHO "Pandemic Control Room" is a creation of the Illuminati elite for the final "end-game" killer virus mapping and tracking, and is thus equipped with super-computers tied to all U.N. member government's security forces. This "control room" is where any declarations of "pandemic" will originate. When such a "declaration" is sent to President Obama, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security "Pandemic Task Forces" will be deployed. Each State Governor will be notified that the provisions of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) will be implemented. [/size] [size=+1]This means that all Americans must consent to mass vaccinations, or be guilty of a FELONY crime (without a TRIAL, mind you!). And why a FELONY and not a mere 'misdemeanor'? Simple. Police agencies know that the use of "DEADLY FORCE" is only approved for felony suspects when they resist arrest. Refuse the government's untested, untried, highly suspect "MADE IN CHINA" vaccine, and you will instantly be labelled a felonious criminal. So, refuse the forced vaccine, and then resist forced relocation to a prepared "quarantine compound" (i.e. concentration/re-education camp) and you can "legally" be shot and killed. (Justified "deadly force".) See http://www.forhealthfreedom.org/Publications/Informed/RevisedModelState.html [/size] [size=+1]Never forget that in 2005, the Chinese PLA "defense minister" declared in a speech to the Chinese PLA brass that China must [/size] [size=+1]"possess" North America (Mexico, America, and Canada) and that 15-200 million Americans "must die" by means of a "perfected" biological weapon. What could be more "natural" and deflect suspicion more effectively than a weaponized "killer influenza" that is propagandized into an "act of nature"??[/size] [size=+1]Beginning in the spring of 1918, an "unusual flu" began to emerge, that eventually blossomed into the killer flu pandemic killing millions worldwide. Subsequent research has proven that the "unusual flu" was a "recombinant strain" showing swine viruses mixed with bird viruses mutating with human-specific strains of flu virus. THIS IS EXACTLY THE KILLER VIRUS THAT DR. JEFFREY TAUBENBERGER AND HIS TEAM AT FORT DEDRICK RE-CREATED DURING YEARS 1997 - 2003. Is it just a mere coincidence that the same recombinant virus is once again making its appearance known? [/size] [size=+1]According to Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinsky's "NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA" - the earth must be cleansed of at least 5 billion human beings in order to create their "Utopia". In 1974, this agenda was outlined in a report called NSSM 200 - and the genocide was to begin in specific 3rd world countries. See http://www.mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=90207 However, it is logical that North America (especially Mexico City) would have to be "cleansed" as well. Never forget that both Kissinger and Brezinsky are solid backers of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama makes an official visit to Mexico, and a short week later, Mexico City schools, Universities, and all PUBLIC BUILDINGS are shut down in pandemic fear -- (for the first time since the devastating 1985 earthquake!) Again, is this just a bizarre co-incidence??[/size] [size=+1]SOMETHING WICKED IS NOT COMING, IT IS ALREADY HERE.[/size] [size=+1]"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as KILLER VIRUS to lower human population levels."[/size] [size=+1]------ Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, head of the World Wildlife Fund and World FREEMASONRY --- December 1995[/size] [size=+1]"A 'killer virus' is indeed an evolutionary step-up for some of this planet's so-called "elites" ---- hopefully Prince Phillip, Henry Kissinger, Zbignew Brezinsky, et. al. can each achieve this milestone and not return once again as the mutiganeous-primal-pond-scum life-form they currently occupy today."[/size] [size=+1]------ Dr. A. True Ott, Concerned American PATRIOT, April, 2009.[/size]


[/td] [/tr][/table]​
im no conspiracy theorist but i keep saying 2010-2012

i mean we are midway thru 09 already.........
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

im no conspiracy theorist but i keep saying 2010-2012

i mean we are midway thru 09 already.........

"Major events will happen more frequently as we get closer to 2012."
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

im no conspiracy theorist but i keep saying 2010-2012

i mean we are midway thru 09 already.........

"Major events will happen more frequently as we get closer to 2012."

i agree 100%

including natural disasters on this earth.
I have not been to sleep in two days.� I have no idea why or what the hell/if anything is wrong with me.� I'm not even tired.� Tonight, when I tried to goto sleep, I had a strange dream that really stuck in my mind, and that's not usual of me to have dreams thatI remember like this one...� I never havenightmares, and tonight I had a dream that my friend decided to play a prank on me and he came from under a table with the loudest scream and most terrifyingface I've seen in a long time, although I knew it was my friend, it did not look like him.� I fell to the floor and he began to laugh at me and I couldntbreathe.� I've slept about three or four hours on and off in the last two days.� Something isnt right!
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

im no conspiracy theorist but i keep saying 2010-2012

i mean we are midway thru 09 already.........

"Major events will happen more frequently as we get closer to 2012."

i agree 100%

including natural disasters on this earth.
Ive watched specials about the end of the world and they say Natural disasters, economy crisis, sickness outbreaks, world wars are all signs ofthe end.

The end is near....
Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

im no conspiracy theorist but i keep saying 2010-2012

i mean we are midway thru 09 already.........

"Major events will happen more frequently as we get closer to 2012."

i agree 100%

including natural disasters on this earth.
Ive watched specials about the end of the world and they say Natural disasters, economy crisis, sickness outbreaks, world wars are all signs of the end.

The end is near....

I cant say that I agree or disagree, but everybody knows something is up. Weather they want to admit it or not. But, "The end is near..." makespeople panic, and a clear state of mind is very important.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by armanzaballa

i just got in from the doctors. I have influenza flue strain B. I'm going to be staying out of school for a week until I get better. I know the chances of having swine flu was very very slim, but it's didn't hurt to go check.
Just stay away from bbq ribs and pig knuckles and you'll be fine

this isn't like mad cow disease. the reason why people fear this "swine flu" is because it could infect more people than could be treated(pandemic). diseases like these should be taken seriously because it could onyl get worse by being tolerant to the anti-infective agents. Couple that with aperson who is young, old, or anyone else whose immune system is vulnerable/low, the worst could happen.
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