H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

Originally Posted by Lazy B

CLOSE OFF THE BORDER and put quarantine those who are infected.

Dude, 8 people are confirmed to be infected in the US and every single one survived. On that note, CLOSE THE BORDERS.
Man, Americans shouldn't be worried...unless your an infant or 65 yr old man bathing in Mexican pig blood...in a Mexican village.
Since I've been sick since last Friday, I went to the hospital yesterday and the doctors over there laughed at me explaining to me that swine flu is justanother flu virus that can kill you if you're immune system is weak. There should be no worries
Originally Posted by eddie

Originally Posted by Lazy B

CLOSE OFF THE BORDER and put quarantine those who are infected.

Dude, 8 people are confirmed to be infected in the US and every single one survived. On that note, CLOSE THE BORDERS.

A 2 year old in Houston died because of the Swine.
So, has there been a vaccination for this yet? This chick next to me in the computer lab is wearing latex gloves, and its kind of making me feel uncomfortable.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

So, has there been a vaccination for this yet? This chick next to me in the computer lab is wearing latex gloves, and its kind of making me feel uncomfortable.

As soon as they announce a case in Washington, I'm going out and getting late gloves as well as surgical masks.
Can somebody (who may really know) address the article I posted earlier on this page?

When I heard this cat from the CDC say that 36,000-40,000 people die from the common flu every year in the United States, I thought it had to be a misstep. Istart Googling flu statistics, and sure enough, that's the common number.

40,000 people, EVERY YEAR, just in this country, die DIRECTLY from the common flu? That can't be true.

I had the flu 2-3 months ago. If I were to die today of something internal, would I be apart of that statistic? That's what I feel like they do to come upwith 40,000.

Educate me, please.
St. Francis Prep has either 20 or 28 students infected.

Think this is still a ploy by Progressives to control the masses, Fede? Imbecile.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

St. Francis Prep has either 20 or 28 students infected.

Think this is still a ploy by Progressives to control the masses, Fede? Imbecile.
Until I catch it. Yes...yes I do.

Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:39pm EDT

  • Flu infecting people who have not been to Mexico
  • Virus spreading between humans, not from contact with pigs
  • New strain causing everything from mild to fatal illness
By Laura MacInnis

GENEVA (Reuters) - Swine flu is infecting people who have not been to Mexico and the outbreak shows no sign of slowing down, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.

The WHO's emergency committee had not scheduled a meeting to increase its pandemic alert level but was likely to do so soon, acting Assistant Director-General Keiji Fukuda said.

"It appears we are moving closer to that, but we are not there yet," he told a news conference. "At this point there is very intense analysis of all available information going on."

WHO experts are scrutinizing the transmission patterns of swine flu to see if it is spreading among people who have never been to Mexico -- the epicenter of the outbreak -- or had close contact with those who had.
Fukuda said people who have not traveled were among those falling ill, although many of those had contact with people who had recently traveled to Mexico.

Once the disease showed signs of spreading in a sustained way within communities in the United States, Europe or elsewhere, Fukuda said the WHO would look to again raise the alert level, as it did on Monday from 3 to 4.
The U.N. agency's official guidance indicates: "the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent."
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan could call an emergency committee meeting at short notice, Fukuda said, saying this could happen "whenever the evidence suggests."

In its own laboratories, the WHO has confirmed only eight deaths from swine flu, including seven in Mexico and one in the United States, a case that U.S. authorities have said was a Mexican toddler. Mexico has reported as many as 159 deaths from the virus.
Fukuda also cited 114 confirmed swine flu infections in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Israel, Spain, Britain and New Zealand, with mild symptoms reported outside Mexico.

"It is clear that the virus is spreading and we don't see any evidence of this slowing down at this point," he said.
There is no link between contact with pigs or eating pork and infection with the virus, which is spreading from person to person and appears to cause more diarrhea than seasonal flu...
This isn't the first time there was a threat about the swine flu virus. There was another threat back in 1976. Mass media is making more peopleparanoid and scared with their headlines than they need to be. Vaccines? If they do come up with a vaccine for this swine flu, I'm definitely not takingit. History shows that vaccines have proven to be ineffective and end up killing people or severely damaging individuals physically. Just google it and dosome homework and you'll learn it on your own.

Did any of you hear about Baxter International Inc. and how they were caught on the brink of starting an avian flu "pandemic" by distributing fluvaccines contaminated with H5N1 avian flu virus to 18 countries last December? No?! That's because mass media doesn't want to cover it. Mass mediais totally unwilling to talk about this story or investigate it. All they bleat about is the coming pandemic and the fear it generates. Yet in othercountries, this shocking revelation is being freely talked about. It was only by providence that the batch was first tested on ferrets in the Czech Republic,before being shipped out for injection into humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was made.

As always, everyone should be practicing ways on how to combat the flu, which means you're taking good care if yourself by eating healthy and nutrionally. Wash your hands with soap often and obviously stay away from those who are sick in general.

Forced mandatory vaccinations?! No thank you!@~%#

Read up. Mercola
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Wow. Anybody watching CNN? "Swine Flu 'Pandemic Imminent"

I'm watching..... "All of humanity under threat under pandemic" , "heightened surveillance" mentioned...

maintain a healthy skepticism still. let's not buy into everything presented to us or thrown at us.
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