H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

cant wait until this ones over
Wow this got real serious real quick, at the airports there are military gas masks that were just shipped in. They are expecting this thing to get really outof control -_-

I've never seen a government reacation to anything like this since I been working here.
These people that are getting the swine flu are given an vaccine, and they are still sick in the hospital. From what I've heard the vaccines aren'treally working.
They need to take the dead bodies and burn them.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Egypt ordered the killing of ALL pigs in the country? Seriously... I feel like this is a movie right now. SMH
It's not like they eat pigs...

You're an idiot. Christians live in Egypt too. And just because they didn't eat them its okay to kill around 300,000 animals?
In the ladder of importance. Human > Animal. If this causes a pandemic, your going to have to rid the source. What is 300,000 pigs when millions of human lives are at stake.

Did you not read anything about what is going on? It was most likely started in MEXICO, and now is being passed from person to person, not from pig to person.And lets just say for *%!%* and giggles that all the Mexican pigs have "swine flu", unless the Mexican pigs are flying to Egypt and chilling with theEgyptian pigs they have no problem. This is just an example of people in power being idiots. Yes, the pigs would eventually be killed.. but there is a HUGEdifference between killing for consumption and killing for no reason. I need to research what more Egypt is doing- because all it seems they have done so faris miseducate their people.

Received this via email; Watch how quickly Mexico went into a "police state" mode after infections surfaced."

be prepared yall
Originally Posted by WallyHopp


Received this via email; Watch how quickly Mexico went into a "police state" mode after infections surfaced."

be prepared yall
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]it's prolly gonna lead to some type of border control bill...[/color]
As long as someone with swine flu gets treated with a day or two this is completely treatable ?
Basicly this is just like the regular flu just over hyped ?
no #$%!...

but no one dies?

you can get technical all you want, but people still die/died because they have aids.

but continue posting those little quips of yours
OK if It isn't deadly and it jus like a normal Flu The Hell is everyone so Worried about..

P.S if some NT'ers wanna capitalize off hype holla at me ang we could get this mask thing poppin. LV, Gucci, Supreme etc lets get it on

I want to see what happens to the people who get vaccinated. That's the sameee thing that happened in 1918..
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Egypt ordered the killing of ALL pigs in the country? Seriously... I feel like this is a movie right now. SMH
It's not like they eat pigs...

You're an idiot. Christians live in Egypt too. And just because they didn't eat them its okay to kill around 300,000 animals?
True. About 10% of the population in Egypt are Christians and the pig farms are there to cater to them. Goes to show how much ignorance is onhere. I think people need to understand the difference between a probable case of swine flue and a confirmed case of swine flu. Most of the ones beingreported here in the states are probable cases that have not yet been determined to have the exact strain of swine flu that has caused deaths in Mexico. Thiskind of misleading information just scares people even more and that's evident if you look at some of these replies.

Listening to mass media only agrees to their will and that's putting fear in you and I'll be damned if the U.S. Government makes taking vaccinesmandatory! Be informed. Read here andhere.
My mom works at a pharmacy and she told me people bought 50 face masks for 50 dollars. They sold few hundred boxes.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

My mom works at a pharmacy and she told me people bought 50 face masks for 50 dollars. They sold few hundred boxes.
i dig...wanna make some money...buy all the masks in your town and sell em up
This isn't the first time there was a threat about the swine flu virus. There was another threat back in 1976. Mass media is making more people paranoid and scared with their headlines than they need to be. Vaccines? If they do come up with a vaccine for this swine flu, I'm definitely not taking it. History shows that vaccines have proven to be ineffective and end up killing people or severely damaging individuals physically. Just google it and do some homework and you'll learn it on your own.

Pretty much sums up how I feel, people in an entire state going nuts over 10 suspected cases, code red and all this #$@@.

Media is a complete joke.
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