Habitual liars vol: Tupac is my cousin.

Yea.......this chic that used to work at my job used to lie all the damn time.

She had a 2005 malibu for like the first few months of working there.....Then after awhile she had a red mustang..........ok......simple enough.

THEN come the lies.

she told me she traded the malibu in and got $7500 for it and only owed $3500 (this was in 2007,the car was a 2006....really?)

I see her in the malibu again like 6 months later ....I was like, what happened to the stang? She like, its in the shop....my baby daddy got hit and had some body damage.
me and some other people were talking and she told them that the malibu was her Baby daddys car. (is that right?? i didnt even mention that she already told me she traded it in for the stang).

so after this.....she didnt drive to work anymore and her BD picked her up in the same mustang.

THEN i see her in a grey charger..........i was like, damn, where is the malibu.......she was like awww....its in the garage, i wanted to start driving this because it was just sitting in the garage (OH RLY??).

Come to find out when her and her BD got into a big $!+ fight at the job that her real car was the malibu....the mustang was her mothers car that she used when her malibu got impounded for tickets and when she got the malibu back, her transmission went out and the charger was her dads car that she used because he had another car.



When she was leaving after having a meeting with the managers (when she got fired), she said "See yall monday, my grandmother is sick, i gotta go."............and her desk was as clean as the day she started.

she couldnt even leave without telling ONE MORE lie...........it was ridiculous.
one of my friends is notorious for lying EVERYONE knows she does it too, but everyone doesnt wanna call her on it because we thinking she gonna have a nervous breakdown or blow up at us...lies she has told us:

-she's an airplane pilot
-she was late to work because she was flying some "big" director
-claims to be making 5 times more than what she made at our job for just flying that big director but still works there
- said she had some heart monitor put into her that beeps if she doesnt get enough sugar, we were all warned that if she randomly ran to the back she was beeping to fast....she never beeped
-claimed to be an all american softball player for our softball tourney...she was way too over weight

ironically before her we had a friend that told crazy lies. some of his were:

-he was late to work because he saved a baby from chocking on a hodog(what was a BABY doing eating a hotdog)
-claimed to be dating a stripper at a strip club we went to, she was a DIME easily the best looking and an awesome dancer, my boy went to a bday party for his friend and went to the same strip club we go to, got a dance from her and asked the stripper if she was dating the guy...she said know. Dude continued to lie to us EVEN AFTER we found out the truth but we never told him bout that.The crazy part is he would ask me for advice on how to deal with her

-said he owned part of a trio of clubs/bars here in dwntown san jose. He invited us to go and we were stuck in this huge line. One of the chicks is like "it's your club get us in man." he said that he sold his part of ownership that day
I have a friend that lied about going to college in Texas, the guy even went as far as making facebook statuses about how hard his classes were.

We just ran with it while we slowly disassociated ourselves with him. The same dude thinks that the car I drive is really my moms car.
i got a friend who comes up with a story everyday, no joke. hes cool and the stories are funny so we hang with him. but he is dead serious about these stories.
got a homie like this. i grew up with him so hes like my brother. i usually call him out on it but i just get too lazy now. its like why you gotta lie to be bout the dumbest things i known you since you was 4. thing that sucks most is you can never trust them.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Unfortunately, my brother is one of these
He's only 16 and since I have a crap load of sneakers (like most of NT) he tells all his boys that all of my kicks are his...I'm a size 11 and he's a 10 and sometimes he'll take kicks from behind my back and wear them to school to stunt and act like he got it like that and his dumb H.S friends believe him..I caught him rockin my shoes and told him to cut it out bc his smaller feet are creasing the %+!# out of them...Then I see his facebook and all his boys are hyping up his "sneaker collection" saying he must be rich because he has like 50 pairs of shoes..When in actuality he only owns 3 but I'm not gonna blow up his spot because he's still my younger brother...But I
every time I see somebody give props to "his" shoe collection

let your bro shyne sometime
Originally Posted by dhart48

-claimed to be dating a stripper at a strip club we went to, she was a DIME easily the best looking and an awesome dancer, my boy went to a bday party for his friend and went to the same strip club we go to, got a dance from her and asked the stripper if she was dating the guy...she said [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]know[/color]. Dude continued to lie to us EVEN AFTER we found out the truth but we never told him bout that.The crazy part is he would ask me for advice on how to deal with her

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