Habitual liars vol: Tupac is my cousin.

I have a cousin that lies about EVERYTHING. The sad part is, what is he trying to gain from me???
There was this guy that used to live on my block thatalways claimed he was friends with Tupac when Tupac lived in the BX. No one believed him until Thug Immortal (I think thats the one) came out and Pac waswalking down 42nd st rapping and the dude I knew was standing right next to him
i also hate dudes who try to one up your story with some huge extravagant lie

like you tell them something and theyre like, "man thats NOTHING! this one time i..."

I have a former friend that I went to school with. She was my suitemate. On Facebook she says she's married and had triplets (I haven't seen her inalmost 4 years). Me and my other friend caught her in a lie. She stole the pictures that she posts from someone's blog. She made up these fake profiles andeverything... crazy as hell. I didn't know she was nuts like that.
my cousin always tells me stories here are two of them

Him:"man i was at a party the other night and some super hot female was checking me out so I danced on her then she grabbed me put me on the couch and ismashed her right there infront of everybody" my reply "really dude cuz every time i see you with girls they look more manly than you"

him:"i got in a fight at a party last night and i got stabbed. its on youtube man." me:"cool what should i search" Him:"i dont knowman i havnt seen it" ME:"oh well could i see your wound then? NH" Him:"i dont have one" Me:" u must be related to claire bennetif u can recover over night" Him:"what?
Originally Posted by Physicx

these guys are the worst

i dont know if its just as bad but there's usually one idiot out there who believes them

 word.. in our case, we just let dude do his usual jibber jabber.. 
everyone knows whats up already.
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

I had this friend concoct this elaborate lie where he said his moms had passed away several years prior and to explain all the pictures and whatnot around thecrib he went on to say that his pops turned around and married the mother's twin sister. That $#+% still blows my mind to this day that he genuinely wastrying to sell that as truth.

haha, thats something i would pull on a friend of mine for a prank. you sound gulliable son. lol
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I always thought it stemmed from type of insecurity they have. Or they just do it for fun.

The people I know, is due to insecurity. It's ridiculous. "I'm gonna smash her one of these days". The next day: "I smashed so many times. It's whack though" 
My one friend lies about everything, what classes he's taking, dude claims he's in AP Calc and what not, we all know he's not
Everyone that asks where he's going to college gets a different answer, drives a civic, but claims he has a benz at his house that he can drive after he graduates, the list goes on and on
I have a few friends that do this, they do it for laughs so whatever they say isn't taken seriously
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Anton Lavey said he had 50 shots in one night...
Again, you can't be a liar if you have witnesses and cosigners. Step your drinking game up.

50 shots tho...of what?
I met a dude who is one of those. Story begins when I was temporarily assigned at the Submarine Base here in San Diego and one of the dudes that was there with me saw me drive up in Bimmer and started asking about what year is my car, blah blah blah....so now, forward to him asking me, if he can buy my wheels after I tell him that I might be picking up a new set of BBS CHR's.  So asked me to take some pics so he can ask his "girl" who apparently drives a BMW, is she likes them.  

Now this dude begins to tell me a story about how he knows Jamarcus Russel and how they used to chill together or what not.  And one of these days, he would drive up to Oakland and see if he can watch a Raider game for free. (BTW this happened the same year when Russel got drafted by the Raiders) So I told him to just call him when they play the Chargers here in San Diego...dude just gave the look like it would be impossible to happen.

So just when I started to notice this dudes lies and stories, he tells me that he just bought a house in Temecula, a 5 BR, 3 baths, 3 car garage...etc.  And his "uncle" also just gave him a plant nursery (if you haven't been to SD there are a lot of plant nurseries on the 15 Freeway on the way to Temecula). He then tells me how owning this Plant Nursery would make him a baller and he needs a ride to go with it. So I asked what kind of ride would this be (to play along), he tells me "an Mercedes Benz ML 500, Silver, fully loaded with all the options". So knowing that he doesn't even own a car at the moment, I volunteered to take him to the Benz dealership and also to find out how far would this dude ride his lies.

Forward to driving to the dealership, this dude then tells me that he decided that he purchase a used ML instead of brand new because of how fast these cars lose their value, so I took him to the Benz used car lot.
As soon I parked my car, one of the salesmen quickly approached me and asked "what kind of car am I looking for?" so I told the Salesman that I'm not the dude that he needs to talk to and pointed at the dude with me.

They begin looking around and dude picks the nicest looking ML in the lot. So I begin to think and damn this dude might just be for real...so we get inside and the Benz dealership really treats their customers nicely. I felt like I was some sort of VIP, I've never gotten that treatment at BMW.

So they begin to run his credit...wait for it....wait for it.

this dude has ZERO credit. I can hear the manager tell him that he can't purchase the car with ZERO credit...so I mentioned how he just purchased a house. But this dude can't even provide an address
I wanted to laugh so hard but I knew that it was the wrong place at the wrong time. AND THEN THIS DUDE HAD THE AUDACITY TO ASK ME TO COSIGN HIM....

I told him no and I told him that I had things to do, so we had to go. I swear I was more embarrassed that him...I've never felt so damn small. I walked out the dealer with the quickness.
%!$! yeah man, one dude in my circle lies habitually. Been doing it for years & we're just like "okay *+@*%"

extremely annoying. Which is probably why we don't chill w/that dude that much anymore.

hate when people gotta lie to kick it
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

My one friend lies about everything, what classes he's taking, dude claims he's in AP Calc and what not, we all know he's not
Everyone that asks where he's going to college gets a different answer, drives a civic, but claims he has a benz at his house that he can drive after he graduates, the list goes on and on

This reminds me of my friend Payam.  He used to turn other people's stories into his own stories, and was just the kind of guy who tried so hard to be cool.  I remember deliberately making up a story about scuba diving, about how we used to take deep breaths at the bottom and then hold it all the way up to the surface, and his response was, yeah, we used to do that too.  Not sure how many people on here scuba dive, but anyway, you do that $#%$ and your lungs will burst.  Regardless, we all called him out on it and he thought we were *#+%$%@! for doing it.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Yea i got one of those friends... Dude lies about stuff thats easy to catch like him goin off to school... Dude told everybody we knew he was goin to college 4hours away. Dude has not left his moms house... Cuz he's on probation
. He lies ALL the time

I'm so mean

But dude does lie about dumb *%*@.

The week MW2 came out i had it and i was tellin him about it.
Him: I already had it for like a week now.
Me: How?
Him: I got a modded xbox and somebody got the game for me. I can get yours modded if you want
Me: You got it already? Prove it. Take a pic of the menu screen and send it to me or ducktales
Him: Man i'm tellin you how i got it
*ignores message* he text me like 5 mins later
Him: Lol but nah i aint got it. I heard its nice tho
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Good looking out! I was about to post the same thing! These Guys are modern day�warriors!
No %*%* I was just talking to one of them at the store!!
Yes we can.


Oh and dollabill87 aint lying about seeing an All Black just now.

Mr Casey Laulala just exited the building


You might have heard of us...


All this rugby talk is nonsense. You really gassing up these dudes as terminators just because they play rugby? Like you guys seriously believe they are on par athletic wise with the top nfl players? Seriously now?
Got a homeboy named James, who is notorious for this. It gotten to the point where if someone is lying we'll just say they are "Jamesing."
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Yea i got one of those friends... Dude lies about stuff thats easy to catch like him goin off to school... Dude told everybody we knew he was goin to college 4hours away. Dude has not left his moms house... Cuz he's on probation
. He lies ALL the time

I'm so mean

But dude does lie about dumb *%*@.

The week MW2 came out i had it and i was tellin him about it.
Him: I already had it for like a week now.
Me: How?
Him: I got a modded xbox and somebody got the game for me. I can get yours modded if you want
Me: You got it already? Prove it. Take a pic of the menu screen and send it to me or ducktales
Him: Man i'm tellin you how i got it
*ignores message* he text me like 5 mins later
Him: Lol but nah i aint got it. I heard its nice tho

I stopped hanging with lames that do stupid stuff like this.
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Yea i got one of those friends... Dude lies about stuff thats easy to catch like him goin off to school... Dude told everybody we knew he was goin to college 4hours away. Dude has not left his moms house... Cuz he's on probation
. He lies ALL the time

I'm so mean

But dude does lie about dumb *%*@.

The week MW2 came out i had it and i was tellin him about it.
Him: I already had it for like a week now.
Me: How?
Him: I got a modded xbox and somebody got the game for me. I can get yours modded if you want
Me: You got it already? Prove it. Take a pic of the menu screen and send it to me or ducktales
Him: Man i'm tellin you how i got it
*ignores message* he text me like 5 mins later
Him: Lol but nah i aint got it. I heard its nice tho

Originally Posted by hassan16

my friends do it for fun... when we're just sitting at the lunch table (HS) and bored, it's almost like clockwork. One of us will just bust out ofnowhere with a random %!$ story with some of the weirdest *%@* in it.

Like driving down the freeway with Cam'ron and getting shot but it was really you because you had multiple personality disorder. lol
Me and my roommates do this +!@$ all the time. Somebody just starts making up a story or event and everybody else has to play along and make it relevant. Whoever laughs or can't continue the conversation first loses.

Him: Christian Bale called, he's not happy about what you did last thursday.
Me: Well if I'm gonna throw him a benefit dinner he damn well better show up. It's not my fault that I cussed him out I just had to tell it like it is.
Him: We all know he's difficult, you just have to learn to live with it. We've all accepted him for the person he is, why can't you?

We have a few reoccurring storylines/people. Yea I know it's weird as hell
I work with this guy who will pretend to know what you are talking about no matter what it is. You could be like, hey remember that one time when this happened, and he'll play along like he was there. Or you can make up something that happened on a TV show and he will be like, oh yeah I remember that episode!
I'm guilty of it sometimes myself, but its NEVER as bad as my homeboy. Dudes been claiming hes a Kappa for the last 3 years now, when homeboy went to Alabama A&M for ONE semester(fall 2006) and them a local community college the next, also he's been "in school" at UAB even though everyone knows he hasnt. He had a 98 grand am and he said he was gonna be 26s on it, he even had the rim size stickers and all too smh. Back in HS he had this pic of an NTers colletion and passed it off as his own... even though I've NEVER seen anything like in the pic. like 2 years ago he was rockin fake yellow pradas too smh. HE always lying about what he rocks too. The worst part of all this though? Girls like him, well until he lies to em. He's well known around Birmingham for his lies smh.
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