Habitual liars vol: Tupac is my cousin.

Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Good looking out! I was about to post the same thing! These Guys are modern day�warriors!
No %*%* I was just talking to one of them at the store!!
Yes we can.


Oh and dollabill87 aint lying about seeing an All Black just now.

Mr Casey Laulala just exited the building


You might have heard of us...


All this rugby talk is nonsense. You really gassing up these dudes as terminators just because they play rugby? Like you guys seriously believe they are on par athletic wise with the top nfl players? Seriously now?

Pretty off topic, but IMO I think they could, theres no stoppages in rugby (barring penalties and injury) and the same 15 players that start play the full 80mins. Whereas in grid iron theres stoppages every play, a defensive and offensive side, i think the top rugby players would have better fitness. Phisically they may not be as big, but there aint no pads in rugby, meaning the players at top level have tackling down to a fine art to prevent injury. but this is just my humble opinion.
I know a guy who lies like his life depends on it. Claims kids by a Spanish chick when he's black and the baby doesn't even look slightly mixed. Kid doesn't have his last name or the mothers. Last time I saw him he told me he couldn't move cuz he was waiting to be a dope charge. I've know this kid since we were about 11 and he stills lies like I just met him and don't know anything about him. Some chick in NY is suppose to have a kid by him but no one knows anything about this kid or mother.

Lie about gettin money or doin it big. Why lieabout kids that aren't yours? Who does that?
My boy is a pro, this dude had me convinced his pops just bought him an 04 eclipse. I hit this dude up to see if he can pick me up from work and he asking me for a ride.
 On that o nah my pops decided not to get it anymore, like +#%.
Man I know TOO many _s that lie for no reason at all. My one guy gotta be the worst though, he lies to me but he be doing the most on facebook.

Its a picture on fb of me and my another one of my boys shooting dice (shooting $1s). This lying $%% _ commented on the picture...

Liar: I banked y'all _s that night
Me: Yo broke $%% wasn't even shooting...
Liar: _ I had 800 dollars on me, and 500 came from y'all off sidebetting.

Like you really gon come up 500 dollars shooting singles, and we were shooting for less than 30 mins...I just stopped responding...I'm not bout to have nothing to do with _s selling wolf tickets around here.

That _ also be taking pictures of random cars on the street and claiming that they're his...smh I could go on for days about this mans antics
Originally Posted by SplashySplash

That _ also be taking pictures of random cars on the street and claiming that they're his...smh I could go on for days about this mans antics
i got a country +!+ friend who swears he speaks fluent in spanish, mandarin, french and 3 other languages.
Lmao at this thread..
One of my friends claimed to have gotten domed up by a "dime South African chick"... This dude is the most groofiest kid at school.. He then tells us she sent him a picture of herself nude.. We ask to see and he shows us a picture he took off the internet. I'm a senior in HS if that matters
I went to high school with a cat like this. Dude used to lie horrible.

1. He lied about the cars his parents drove.
2. He drove about his college athletic offers
3. He lied about TV's
4. He lied about houses
5. One girl put him on blast one day and #deaded him.
i knew a girl when i was a freshman in college who used to lie about EVERYTHING.. u could ask her what time it was and she would lie to u.. she lied for no reason like she was allergic to the truth or something..
Originally Posted by hellaones

Got a homeboy named James, who is notorious for this. It gotten to the point where if someone is lying we'll just say they are "Jamesing."

We're the same way
This one dude I know swears up and down that hes suuppose to go to NY for acting classes for the last 5 years, and that hes been in photo shoots for these big brands but cant show us any photos because the company dont give him copies....

But this one time me, him, and my bro went to buy UofA basketball tickets and since he says hes already enrolled there for the semester that he can get a student discount. So me and my bro buy our tickets and we standing there waiting for him to get his about to die because we know hes full of &(*% and the lady is sitting there trying to find him in the computer saying theres nobody by his name and hes swearing and trying to make up stories on the spot about him knowing the players and that hes a walk on that year. and after about 30 mins of them going back and forth about his enrollment he finally is like "thats weird ill just buy them without the discount"....
knew a couple folks like this in HS..dudes claiming to get backstage access at a rap concert, freestyle'd for Diddy or someone & got offered a contract on the spot..See 'em a year later still riding the bus w/holes in their du-rag -__-..
Originally Posted by spincv

Originally Posted by SplashySplash

That _ also be taking pictures of random cars on the street and claiming that they're his...smh I could go on for days about this mans antics


I never understood people who take pictures of themselves in cars at the autoshow or where ever and then posted up as their default. Like why? Thats not your car foo
my bro keeps telling everybody and anybody that he got felonies on him and +$!+...ima just leave it at that
I have a homeboy who lies like crazy, and it be about stuff we know is super false, like for instance he used to transport ki's of cocaine on a ten speed when he was 5!! And he said he saw a RR Phantom in like the poorest neighborhoods around.. SMH
Yes I have several friends who lie like it's their job. They lie about %%## no one needs to lie about.
The best part about this thread is after reading a few funny stories, somebody will post about how they lie all the time
like it's cool or something. Some of you seem proud too, shame on you.
Unfortunately, my brother is one of these
He's only 16 and since I have a crap load of sneakers (like most of NT) he tells all his boys that all of my kicks are his...I'm a size 11 and he's a 10 and sometimes he'll take kicks from behind my back and wear them to school to stunt and act like he got it like that and his dumb H.S friends believe him..I caught him rockin my shoes and told him to cut it out bc his smaller feet are creasing the %+!# out of them...Then I see his facebook and all his boys are hyping up his "sneaker collection" saying he must be rich because he has like 50 pairs of shoes..When in actuality he only owns 3 but I'm not gonna blow up his spot because he's still my younger brother...But I
every time I see somebody give props to "his" shoe collection
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