Halloween thread..what's everyone wearing?

Originally Posted by 2o6

im just going to wear my hat funny and go as T.I.

Then I'm wearing this and going as Tiny

I'm going as one of the ghostbusters this year! I need start on my proton pack asap!
going as clark kent. i basically get to dress business casual, wear a pair of frames, and unbutton a middle button or 2 and wear a superman t shirt under it all
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Hola amigo anyone know where I could get a power rangers cosplay costume? Im trying to be the green ranger
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Keith Stone...Walk around with a Keystone Light 30 all night hahaha.

this is cheap, but clever-you're prolly just gonna end up being a drunk scrumbag holding a 30 all night

You have to stay sober for this to work
Going as Jules Winfield from Pulp Fiction....I already started growing my facial hair.. plus it's a great excuse to cop a new suit 

We can do better then that guys. So far the only ones I'm liking is Solid Snake or Trojan Man and passing out condoms, which 3 years in a row paid off!
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