Happy 10th, NikeTalk.

Happy 10th NT! I spent my last 5 years on this site, and I've learned a lot about different things..

We should make #NT a trending topic again on Twitter..

#NT or #Happy10YrNT

I am one of the guys that peaked over here from Nikepark.

I recall finally "joining" the site when I had to say/post something about the final sketches of theblack/red XVIs that got leaked here in the Jordan forum.

(Unfortunately, some may say) I haven't shut up since.

Happy 10th NT and those responsible for it.
I came here in '03, and nearly 7 years later, I'm still here. I mean it when I say that NT is like a second family.

Aside from the obvious good times and laughs, NT has:
  • given me a crazy amount of sneaker knowledge
  • taught me to be open-minded and see things from different perspectives (i.e. discussions in General)
  • shown me a lot of great music that I'd never heard before
For these things that NT's done for me, I'm extremely grateful.

Happy 10th Birthday NT & many thanks to the staff for keeping this place dope! To another X!

P.S. I promise I'm going to read all of MethodMan's post later.
NikeTalk is bigger than any one of us.

That right there is the main reason this board is so great still, no matter how much trolling and childish behavior takes place from me and the tens ofthousands of other people here..

I've been on plenty of other boards in the last 10+ years - I still frequent some of them, but I stumbled on this place about 9 years ago and I keep comingback because there is a real sense of community here not found in other places on the internet. I don't personally know too many people here, but I feellike we're all one big dysfunctional family moreso than anywhere else on the nearly infinite amount of space on the web.

It's thanks to Meth and the other guys who run things here that such a feeling of community exists and thrives - other places are quick to institutepolicies that act more as a dictatorship and/or monopoly, where it's their way or the highway and you always feel like an out of place guest who isn'twelcomed for anything but revenue streams for the owners.

Here at NT you have people making decisions for the good of the community, based on what's best for the whole of the community. While these thingsaren't always understood or appreciated by everyone all the time, they are a real testament to the types of people we have running Niketalk and itshouldn't be taken for granted - today is as good a day to show appreciation for that fact than ever.

So with that all in mind - I just want to thank everyone here at NT and say here's to another decade.
DJmrsulu gets a mention in Method Man's post

anyways, I've always wanted to be a mod but eh whatever....

Happy 10th to NT
happy 10th niketalk i didnt know that all of the advertisement revenue went to charity i would like to applaud the entire niketalk staff on not being selfishand giving back to the world
Big thanks to all the OGs who helped create this site & to everyone who has contributed over the last ten years & to those who continue to do so.

Meth, all I can say is ....you are one hell of a janitor. Happy 10th!
You really cannot point to one aspect of Niketalk and say, "THAT is what makes this site function and run smoothly" because while it may soundcliche, everyone has contributed something to Niketalk and has uniquely shaped the message board into its current formtoday. Whether it was a contribution that was minor, or a contribution that was extremely significant, each and every single person has offered a helping handwhether they know it or not, and none of it has been dispensable.

The administrators and moderators have positively effected this community in so many different ways, and I am sure we would all be astonished to hear some ofthe things that they have had to do behind-the-scenes to build up a community that we can all reflect on and be proud of today.

*I also think it is necessary to recognize the user BIG FAME ONE and any other former Niketalk members that are notwith us today. They should not be without mention at such an important anniversary. Although I had never met him personally, I knew BIG FAME ONE (aka Jake) through frequent private message conversations among other things, and even though his passingwasn't long ago, I'm sure he'd be happy to see that Niketalk is still endlessly reaching new heights with every, single day that passes.

Happy 10th Anniversary Niketalk
This is my favorite part of the OP:

If there's one moment I am proudest of in NikeTalk's history, it's not breaking the XV1 sketch to the public - our first major exclusive, way back when I was actually posting news and sample pictures. It's not Ekin702's "wallet breakers," though those were great times. It isn't NikeTalk's mention in Kicks 2, Details, the Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, or even the Philippine Daily Inquirer. It isn't the day we learned that a Jordan brand designer was posting on the site back in 2000, the day one of our own joined the industry as a designer or product line manager, or when I knew, for certain, that Michael Jordan had heard of us. No, the proudest moment for me came when our staff members were presented with a choice:

Keep the revenue we generate from ads as a personal stipend (they'd clearly earned it)
Pool that money together, all of the money we might otherwise receive as compensation, and donate it to charity.

Not one person - not ONE - spoke up in favor of keeping the money. Every single active member of the staff at that time was on board with the plan to begin donating our ad revenue to charity.
Sneaker fans have given an inordinate amount of attention in recent years to "defining moments." That act, to me, was our staff's defining moment.
I consider it an honor to find myself in their company.

Since that decision, we've donated over $100,000 to various charities - and that's only the beginning.
Can't remember when I first joined, but I know this place has given me so many laughs and knowledge over the years.

I don't know a TON about shoes, but what I do know is straight off of the knowledge dropped on here from people I respect as 'knowledgeableshoeheads'.

I've tried to get away from shoes a few times, but it's apparently just not going to happen. And if I'm going to embrace the passion (read:addiction
), I'm glad to be a part of a community where sharing knowledge is the mission, not making money.

And you guys know where I frequent the most: Sports and Training. Our S&T forum is awesome, man.
You can chill with folks from different places,fans of different teams, and as long as no one's disrespecting anyone, it's good times.
I love being able to shoot the breeze with hundreds ofLakers fans even though I live in WV, I love being able to hate on the Yankees, Vols, and Boston... and have fans of those teams know it's all just jokesand nothing personal at all.

But then if I'm curious about the new Kobes or what's retroing soon or the next crappy monstrosity wih a Jumpman on it, I can head over to those forumsand get the LATEST info available... and crack jokes or try to network with people I know and recognize from all the time over in S&T.

Originally, I was put onto NT through SLAM magazine... and then through NT, I learned about fakes and canceled my subscription to SLAM because they frequentlyran ads for a website notorious for selling fakes.

I arrived because of the quality Sports discussion and extensive shoe knowledge contained on the same message board. Years later, that's still why I'mhere.
Cannot fathom a response that would measure up to Method's, nor will I try.

All I can do is say is "....sneaker community" is exactly that, a or the community. A community in which most of us found because of anoriginal passion and or hobby. A unique culture brought together in a place where some have grown to shed but still keep a root by posting. I no longer buyshoes like I used to, but I'll always have fond memories of my first J's, or my all time favorite J's or the pair that got away, etc.

I still have a pair of baby J's I got on ebay for my future unborn son and/or daughter, to share something that I grew up with and will undoubtedly stillresonate in some capacity with me.

I can honestly say I've gotten to know a few people off line from here, where I even wound up realizing I shared a class at Chico with a member. Almost gotto golf with Bas, have gotten some good advice from Dirty and even helped Retro kid get to a Warrior Playoff game. I got to know Jon (ithruix) while I was incollege. We had a failed attempt to raise money through auction for Katrina, but the idea was there. Execution not so much.

I've learned from those who have different life experiences and who live in different parts of the country various viewpoints.

I look forward to my daily routine while drinking my coffee in the morning because it includes the dudes from the Warriors thread.

I can honestly say it impresses me that we've raised so much money, but more importantly, have spread it to various charitable functions. Not just thesame, all basically different and to serve different purposes.

I post like I would talk to someone, I don't "hide" behind the anonymous internet persona that runs rampant on many of the net. If you meet me,I'm the same dude I am when I post here. I hope I've been able to share some things with people who read my posts just as I have from many of our greatmembers.

To another 10, maybe Dirty will be married by then.
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