Happy 11th, NikeTalk.

Im gonna need a size 7 fitted..Happy 11th NT Love you guys and gals
Is there white contrast stitching on the fitted? That would be
Who do you think you're dealing with?  Jordan brand?  Of course it's black stitching. 

It's just colored that way on the design sheet so you can see the detail.  (The New Era logo won't be floating out in space on the final cap, either.)

No more yuku?
Technically, we will be continuing to use the Yuku platform, but we'll be rebuilding it.  Fools' errands like the new profile pages were ordered by the old parent company.  This time around, everyone from the top down is passionate about innovation and I expect that the difference should become apparent in the coming months.  That's why we're still here.

Right now, everyone's still in transition mode.  So, a lot of the effort will be made behind the scenes, getting everything ready for the hosting change.  Once that's been accomplished, the team's attention can turn toward improving the performance and functionality of the Yuku platform itself. 

It's unrealistic to expect everything to change overnight.  We had the option to leave for another platform.  It would've been a very messy transition, but we'd get a lot of modern features and improvements right away.  The impact of this decision won't be as immediate, but I consider it an investment.  It's a chance for us, as a community, to be more than just another client.  We'll have a major say in how this platform evolves and when you factor in the technology that Inform brings to the table, the potential exists to create something truly exciting. 

Everyone feels that the Yuku platform has stagnated.  The best way to rectify that is to make sure that all of the effort that goes into the product doesn't just take place behind the scenes.  That's where the commitment to constant, visible progress comes in.  I want to make sure that, every month, you guys can see that things are getting better.  The team should always be in the progress of fixing something that frustrates you or adding something to enhance your experience. 

Shoulda done a snapback tho.


Will we have to order the caps from CC or will we have a signup thing going on here?

i think it would be fair to have a sign up sheet so all members who want one can get one
We've done the preorder thing before and it just hasn't gone well.  You have to order too far in advance, because production time is substantial and production delays are all too common, and fewer people will order if the product isn't available for immediate shipping. 

This time, I expect that it'll be an old fashioned, first come first serve online release.  Those used to be a big deal on here back in the day, before Nike oversaturated the market.  Just think of it as a throwback to the days of the 2000 Olympic BB4s and FP2s or something. 

I don't want people gouging in the resale market, though.  If they sell out instantly and a lot of people are left wanting one, there's certainly a possibility that we'll do another run down the road, perhaps in another color.

If you really want one, the best advice I can give is to stay tuned, find out exactly when they drop, and be quick on the draw.  We'll see what happens and work from there.
Is the money from the fitteds going to a charity or is it to whoever is producing the hats?
Honestly, at this point I still don't know what the unit cost is.  Obviously New Era isn't producing these for free and, with only 144 caps being produced, odds are we're probably looking at a razor thin margin if we want to keep the sale price reasonable. 

You guys know that we're committed to social business and that we're not in this for personal gain.  So, the short answer is that, yes, we do intend to give the proceeds to charity - but I don't expect it to be a very high-yield proposition. 

The way the t-shirts broke down, for example, basically all we really accomplished was to distribute the cost of creating all the different screens we used in the printing process between each order.  We had high hopes with the first batch of NT-Shirts that we'd be able to use apparel products as a significant charitable fund-raiser.  Sadly, it hasn't worked out that way.  What winds up happening, instead, is that it really just becomes a labor of love to create a product to celebrate the community with our most loyal members. 

We'll see how this goes. 

I will say this on the charity front:  we haven't issued a donation since we matched the proceeds of the custom sneaker charity auction for Doctors Without Borders because we've been working on improving the site and we needed to build up a considerable amount of money to cover any potential relocation expenses. 

The way this deal has come together, we should be able to relocate to the new cloud hosting without spending one penny out of pocket. 

I am expecting (demanding, if we're honest) our final account balance from Yuku's former parent company at the end of the week.  Once I have a better idea of the amount we're dealing with, we can determine the best possible expenditure of that money.  I'm hoping we can get one more donation in before the end of the year - and the next one should be major (as in five figures.)

We'll also be resuming the Kiva.org user votes in the next month or so as well, as ALL of the businesses we've supported thus far have been making great progress with their loan repayment.  We'll have over $6,000 to distribute to a new group of entrepreneurs in the near future, which, I think, is very exciting.  I really want to see more user participation in the Kiva votes this time around, though, so I might have to wait until one of the new features is ready first.  Pinned topics don't really have great visibility, so another approach is probably needed.  

We'll talk about this more as the site's relaunch draws near.
Is there white contrast stitching on the fitted? That would be
Who do you think you're dealing with?  Jordan brand?  Of course it's black stitching. 

It's just colored that way on the design sheet so you can see the detail.  (The New Era logo won't be floating out in space on the final cap, either.)

No more yuku?
Technically, we will be continuing to use the Yuku platform, but we'll be rebuilding it.  Fools' errands like the new profile pages were ordered by the old parent company.  This time around, everyone from the top down is passionate about innovation and I expect that the difference should become apparent in the coming months.  That's why we're still here.

Right now, everyone's still in transition mode.  So, a lot of the effort will be made behind the scenes, getting everything ready for the hosting change.  Once that's been accomplished, the team's attention can turn toward improving the performance and functionality of the Yuku platform itself. 

It's unrealistic to expect everything to change overnight.  We had the option to leave for another platform.  It would've been a very messy transition, but we'd get a lot of modern features and improvements right away.  The impact of this decision won't be as immediate, but I consider it an investment.  It's a chance for us, as a community, to be more than just another client.  We'll have a major say in how this platform evolves and when you factor in the technology that Inform brings to the table, the potential exists to create something truly exciting. 

Everyone feels that the Yuku platform has stagnated.  The best way to rectify that is to make sure that all of the effort that goes into the product doesn't just take place behind the scenes.  That's where the commitment to constant, visible progress comes in.  I want to make sure that, every month, you guys can see that things are getting better.  The team should always be in the progress of fixing something that frustrates you or adding something to enhance your experience. 

Shoulda done a snapback tho.


Will we have to order the caps from CC or will we have a signup thing going on here?

i think it would be fair to have a sign up sheet so all members who want one can get one
We've done the preorder thing before and it just hasn't gone well.  You have to order too far in advance, because production time is substantial and production delays are all too common, and fewer people will order if the product isn't available for immediate shipping. 

This time, I expect that it'll be an old fashioned, first come first serve online release.  Those used to be a big deal on here back in the day, before Nike oversaturated the market.  Just think of it as a throwback to the days of the 2000 Olympic BB4s and FP2s or something. 

I don't want people gouging in the resale market, though.  If they sell out instantly and a lot of people are left wanting one, there's certainly a possibility that we'll do another run down the road, perhaps in another color.

If you really want one, the best advice I can give is to stay tuned, find out exactly when they drop, and be quick on the draw.  We'll see what happens and work from there.
Is the money from the fitteds going to a charity or is it to whoever is producing the hats?
Honestly, at this point I still don't know what the unit cost is.  Obviously New Era isn't producing these for free and, with only 144 caps being produced, odds are we're probably looking at a razor thin margin if we want to keep the sale price reasonable. 

You guys know that we're committed to social business and that we're not in this for personal gain.  So, the short answer is that, yes, we do intend to give the proceeds to charity - but I don't expect it to be a very high-yield proposition. 

The way the t-shirts broke down, for example, basically all we really accomplished was to distribute the cost of creating all the different screens we used in the printing process between each order.  We had high hopes with the first batch of NT-Shirts that we'd be able to use apparel products as a significant charitable fund-raiser.  Sadly, it hasn't worked out that way.  What winds up happening, instead, is that it really just becomes a labor of love to create a product to celebrate the community with our most loyal members. 

We'll see how this goes. 

I will say this on the charity front:  we haven't issued a donation since we matched the proceeds of the custom sneaker charity auction for Doctors Without Borders because we've been working on improving the site and we needed to build up a considerable amount of money to cover any potential relocation expenses. 

The way this deal has come together, we should be able to relocate to the new cloud hosting without spending one penny out of pocket. 

I am expecting (demanding, if we're honest) our final account balance from Yuku's former parent company at the end of the week.  Once I have a better idea of the amount we're dealing with, we can determine the best possible expenditure of that money.  I'm hoping we can get one more donation in before the end of the year - and the next one should be major (as in five figures.)

We'll also be resuming the Kiva.org user votes in the next month or so as well, as ALL of the businesses we've supported thus far have been making great progress with their loan repayment.  We'll have over $6,000 to distribute to a new group of entrepreneurs in the near future, which, I think, is very exciting.  I really want to see more user participation in the Kiva votes this time around, though, so I might have to wait until one of the new features is ready first.  Pinned topics don't really have great visibility, so another approach is probably needed.  

We'll talk about this more as the site's relaunch draws near.
I is happy. NT fitted is def copped. Just need to know if they fit like Minor Leagues or reg 59/50s but I can't wait for more info. Just know I is happy
I is happy. NT fitted is def copped. Just need to know if they fit like Minor Leagues or reg 59/50s but I can't wait for more info. Just know I is happy
Happy B-Day NT!!

Glad to be a part of it..

oh yeah...I'm going to need a 3/4s in that fitted
Happy B-Day NT!!

Glad to be a part of it..

oh yeah...I'm going to need a 3/4s in that fitted
*(And, yes, we may have had a little something to do with it.)
I am intrigued. Are you able to elaborate, or no?

Happy 11th. I'm coming up on eight, myself. Weird.

A thousand thank yous to everyone, from top to bottom.
*(And, yes, we may have had a little something to do with it.)
I am intrigued. Are you able to elaborate, or no?

Happy 11th. I'm coming up on eight, myself. Weird.

A thousand thank yous to everyone, from top to bottom.
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