Happy 19th birthday NikeTalk!

Nelson C

Staff member
Dec 7, 1999
On this, NikeTalk's 19th anniversary, I'd like to throw it back to a (slight edited down) post I made on NT's 5th bday, back in 2004. Even back then, some were saying how we'd changed and NT wasn't the same. Sound familiar? The feeling of community is still here, and that's because of our members.

Happy birthday guys, happy birthday NikeTalk!


There's no doubt in my mind that without the day-to-day effort of all the moderators and administrators who help to maintain this site, Niketalk would not be around 1825 days after I started her up. I thank each and every one of you for donating hundreds of hours of your free time to Niketalk, thank you for always considering the community first in every action you take and thank you for making Niketalk what it is.

Thank you to every person who's registered, stuck around, contributed, or just laid low, Niketalk is nothing without each of it's members. And for those that say NT's changed, it's grown to big, it ain't the same, I was hearing that after 2 months, the more things change the more they stay the same.

Of course I can't thank anyone without thanking Method Man. No one has held it down like him. No one has put in as much time into maintaining Niketalk as he has, no one on this site has put the community's interest first and foremost as much as him, he hasn't just held it down, he's held it together. I'm truly the Pippen to his Jordan.

Thank you for everything Meth.

Happy 5th Niketalk!, my how you've grown.
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