Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

Ya man got that ill ig double tap.

he musta had a spider on his face that was the most ***** *** slap ive ever seen. if i was weinstein i would have spit in his face and then stood there waiting for him to get buck if that was how he slaps.
they asked floyd mayweahter about the "me too" movement...

-We’re asking a lot of men, in light of the #MeToo movement, how men can grow in 2018.

Mayweather: The who?

-The #MeToo movement. Women speaking out about sexual assault.

Mayweather: When you say “me too” … When somebody is like, “I got a Rolls Royce, I be like ‘me too.'” When somebody say they got a private jet, I say, “Me too. I got two. Me too.”

-This is a very different —

Mayweather: Well, I didn’t know! My Me Too movement from the beginning was whenever somebody said what they have I’m like, “me too.” Somebody say they got a billion dollars, I say, “I made a billion dollars, me too.”

The reporter’s prompting finally got Mayweather to say, somewhat uncomfortably, that “sexual harassment, I don’t think it’s cool at all.” It took a lot of stumbling over his answer to even get those words out.



they asked floyd mayweahter about the "me too" movement...

-We’re asking a lot of men, in light of the #MeToo movement, how men can grow in 2018.

Mayweather: The who?

-The #MeToo movement. Women speaking out about sexual assault.

Mayweather: When you say “me too” … When somebody is like, “I got a Rolls Royce, I be like ‘me too.'” When somebody say they got a private jet, I say, “Me too. I got two. Me too.”

-This is a very different —

Mayweather: Well, I didn’t know! My Me Too movement from the beginning was whenever somebody said what they have I’m like, “me too.” Somebody say they got a billion dollars, I say, “I made a billion dollars, me too.”

The reporter’s prompting finally got Mayweather to say, somewhat uncomfortably, that “sexual harassment, I don’t think it’s cool at all.” It took a lot of stumbling over his answer to even get those words out.



Floyd forever gets my respect for being able to continuously troll these folks and they cant do a damn thing about it.
Franco's accuser said she gave him oral sex in the car "because she didn't want him to hate her" and continued a consensual sexual relationship with him afterwards :nerd: **** is getting crazy...
Mad scary stuff posted above. This whole #MeToo 'ish jumped the shark a while back. Based on what Franco's accuser is saying, the only thing he's guilty of is some serious 'mind control'.

Can you imagine if your high school ex-girlfriend came out of the woodwork after twenty or thirty years and made claims like that?

I don't understand.
Her fault. She could of said no.
That's what I'm thinking. If she gave him oral because SHE felt she didn't want him to hate her and he didn't pressure her to do anything, then he wouldn't be in the wrong right?

She agreed to the continue the relationship, so...
This is the problem with being extreme and jumping the shark, you dilute the cause and lose people who genuinely care. If you consensually wopped a ***** to advance your career you need to have a seat.
The problem is ppl who dont or didnt even acknowledge the legitimacy of this movement in the first place will use these Franco stories and similar ones to discredit it as a whole. Then that snowballs into lies and non facts. We all know how that goes. See: BLM and ANTIFA. Ppl start spreading lies about the whole thing and start using it as arguments to make their own point.
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