Has a stranger ever paid for your food?

Jul 3, 2010
This lady in front of me at Chipotle paid for my food tonight for no reason. I didn't talk to her or make eye contact beforehand; she just said "And I'm paying for him too" at the register and I thought she was talking about someone else. Then I noticed my burrito bowl was already bagged and placed next to her order and she was like, "that's yours, have a great night!" I was shocked. Even people in the dining area were looking at me crazy when I walked out. I've spent all night trying to figure out... why me?

Now I think I gotta reciprocate because it felt pretty amazing to walk out with a free meal courtesy of a nice stranger. That's a lot of karma for just $6.50. She was like late 30's, round, short haircut, always in the way type lady.
She probably did something very bad like cheat on her husband or neglect her child, she bought your food to make herself feel better.
pay it forward man. some people hold doors open, some pay your toll on the parkway... apparently you got gifted a burrito bowl
Should of offered to eat her out.
i was in like at panda express on my lunch break from macys one day.

older black woman was in front of me, i was joking around like "she's paying for this one too."

she looked at me and was like "yeah, both of them."

told me to just pay it forward and give her a hug.
YES i was on a break for lunch at the mall pizza place and the lady in front of me just said "his too" i was like
She probably wanted to be nice to someone. You were the lucky one behind her.

My dad sometimes pays the bridge toll for the people behind him
not my food. but i work at costco and some lady was trying to buy some stuff (like $45 worth) and her card wasnt working and she had no way to pay for the items. the customer behind her payed for her stuff.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

pay it forward man. some people hold doors open, some pay your toll on the parkway... apparently you got gifted a burrito bowl

what's that one commercial when the dude does a kind act, and then it follows with a chain reaction through other people? they used to play it on TV a lot, i think it was for an insurance commercial (not sure
I was checking out a college for school and I didnt know this place didnt take card, and I didnt have cash.. The dude behind me spotted me! I hope that guys having the time of his life right now he deserves it...
##!#+@ at Pizza Hut loves me. I always get something free; pizza, bread sticks, wings, 2 liter.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

pay it forward man. some people hold doors open, some pay your toll on the parkway... apparently you got gifted a burrito bowl

You have to becareful tho. Some people get offended by it and think you're looking at them as a charity case. Really stupid, but some people are weird.
Originally Posted by big mike 13

not my food. but i work at costco and some lady was trying to buy some stuff (like $45 worth) and her card wasnt working and she had no way to pay for the items. the customer behind her payed for her stuff.
Thats good !$!% 

Used to work at a grocery store and would see this time to time

Me & my boys were watching Packers/Falcons at Tullys last year and we all got tully tenders dinner. We were about to pay and the dude said naa, somebody already did already. We were like %%@ 

We didn't know anyone in their either. He also said they paid for us to get dessert also, was 

We asked who it was and he said the people sitting behind us. I remember looking at them walking in & it was a 2 older white men and 2 older white women. Weird.

I'm honestly guessing they seen 3 well mannered black kids just enjoying a football game, having a good time. 
Originally Posted by tecca nena

I was checking out a college for school and I didnt know this place didnt take card, and I didnt have cash.. The dude behind me spotted me! I hope that guys having the time of his life right now he deserves it...
Yeah, I've done that before.
dude in front of me was out of meal points, i spotted him. he had the 
At the Denver airport on a long delay waiting for a flight back home to Detroit. I am at some little restaurant ordering a burrito and a margarita drinking it out of a straw. Guy in a suit looks and says ' What would James Dean say, what would Sammy Davis Jr say about a man drinking out of a straw'. Showed me the art of always asking for a plastic cup no matter what mixed drink it is. I had over 25 dollars already in front of my face and dude said give him 2 more drinks and another meal. Pulled out his black card and said have a great day young man. Still don't drink out of a straw till this day.
A nice couple bought me a long island (with cranberry instead of coke because coke makes me gag) the other night at a bar. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever that they were a cute happy in love couple and wanted to spread the joy.
Then during last call they uhh... propositioned me

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