Has a stranger ever paid for your food?

Originally Posted by kilojules64

A nice couple bought me a long island (with cranberry instead of coke because coke makes me gag) the other night at a bar. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever that they were a cute happy in love couple and wanted to spread the joy.
Then during last call they uhh... propositioned me


Shame on you for not seeing that coming.

No pun.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by kilojules64

A nice couple bought me a long island (with cranberry instead of coke because coke makes me gag) the other night at a bar. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever that they were a cute happy in love couple and wanted to spread the joy.
Then during last call they uhh... propositioned me


Shame on you for not seeing that coming.

No pun.

she didn't say she rejected their offer though.

she did see it coming.
I was on a layover in Denver. And i decided to go to the smoke lounge n have me a smoke!...This lady next to me paid for my drink, never figured out why.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

i would also like to know if you said 'thank you' to her.
I did, twice. I was in such a state of shock though that it didn't sound cheery enough. I wish I could've hugged her in hindsight. I'm totally paying for someone's #@$# in the next few days cuz this whole thing feels too good, like a high.
Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

At the Denver airport on a long delay waiting for a flight back home to Detroit. I am at some little restaurant ordering a burrito and a margarita drinking it out of a straw. Guy in a suit looks and says ' What would James Dean say, what would Sammy Davis Jr say about a man drinking out of a straw'. Showed me the art of always asking for a plastic cup no matter what mixed drink it is. I had over 25 dollars already in front of my face and dude said give him 2 more drinks and another meal. Pulled out his black card and said have a great day young man. Still don't drink out of a straw till this day.
Real effing talk. I never drink out of a straw. I even give bartenders the side eye when they do that %@!%.
i work retail, and sometimes a customer will have me ring something up separate, then start walking away. ill be like HEY DON'T FORGET THIS BAG! and theyll be like, "that's for you, keep the receipt and tell the manager i paid"

Even if its something little like a soda, or water. It is greatly appreciated. everybody who works retail knows, the rude, crazy, bum people make the job suck.

Ive found that its usually other cashiers, or other retail workers that know what its like to be in that environment.

Sometimes, when Im feeling giving, and i see a bum actually trying to buy food with the money they were begging for outside the store, ill just buy it for them, and tell them to save the money for the next day. As dumb as it sounds, i respect people that really do buy food with the money their given. Like, ive been working retail 4 years, ive seen customers lose jobs, and go homeless. so its like, i know exactly what happened to them, you feel me? i know theyre not lazy, thats just life, they lost their job, couldnt afford the rent, maxed out their credit cards, and no they have nowhere to go... its sad...
i am actually the one who is always doing this...never had it happen to me though, oh well makes me feel good for doing it regardless.
Never had it happen to me, but would do it if I saw someone struggling to find something to pay with and I was right there.
On my moms birthday in August we walked into Chipotle and the lights went out..we ordered our food and they didn't charge us.

Not the same thing but it was cool
No, but some one payed for my haircut when i was about to sit in the chair so he can go first.
Originally Posted by caleekicks

Originally Posted by YoungCFromThaD

At the Denver airport on a long delay waiting for a flight back home to Detroit. I am at some little restaurant ordering a burrito and a margarita drinking it out of a straw. Guy in a suit looks and says ' What would James Dean say, what would Sammy Davis Jr say about a man drinking out of a straw'. Showed me the art of always asking for a plastic cup no matter what mixed drink it is. I had over 25 dollars already in front of my face and dude said give him 2 more drinks and another meal. Pulled out his black card and said have a great day young man. Still don't drink out of a straw till this day.
Real effing talk. I never drink out of a straw. I even give bartenders the side eye when they do that %@!%.
cool story bro (srs)
Nobody has ever bought me food. A stranger did however give me 3 pairs of brand new socks at bonnaroo this year

My dumb self went down there with like a pair and a half of socks thinking I could get through with flip flops all weekend. After the first day my feet were killing me. Our group was trying like CRAZY to get to the nearby Wal-mart and I bet we spent a good 3 hours walking around that place trying to find out if we could get there

FInally we ran into a dude with a Wal-Mart bag, he was a volunteer and they had a shuttle to wal-mart for volunteers. He asked what we needed, when I told him I just need to get some socks he had a new package he just bought, opened them up and gave me 3 pairs. People at bonnaroo were so damn nice.
you know, I just saw the pay it forward movie over the weekend.

it was pretty good, although the ending sucked

Imagine if we all did something for 3 people?
I would actually be really uncomfortable if a complete stranger were to do that for me. 

I can see myself doing that for others though...like a really cute girl.  I'll try it someday. 
Originally Posted by CoolGrayMemo

She probably wanted to be nice to someone. You were the lucky one behind her.

My dad sometimes pays the bridge toll for the people behind him

"pay da toll witta hunid....... i got the next 99 mutha#$%^&*! who comin"
no good deed goes unpunished...hopefully she doesnt have cancer now because of your burrito bowl. shame sir! shame! lol
I always try to pay good things forward by just being polite but it grinds my gears when they don't say thank you if you go out of your way to hold a door or let them in the lane or whatever. I have to.just tell myself I still did yhe rigjt thing, but their aura sucks.
I'm in military so when I go out in my uniform, I get offers from older people.
Or the waiter will just say.. there's no bill for you today sir, and laugh and walk away.

Feels good mane
Sounds dope. You should pay it forward. Would probably make you feel good to know how great someone else is feelin
ill pay for someone with no problem. ive done it for homeless people a lot. and usually when im with good friends ill pick it up. but they always show love back.

the best story was (not a stranger though) when i graduated college back in 07. it was also mothers day weekend. so i took all the women in my life to brunch (mother, both grandmothers, great aunt, godmother, and my dads girlfriend). I had been saving up for the brunch but i didnt know that they would have a set menu at a fixed price (it was at B smiths in dc union station) the price was like 50 bucks a head. as a newly graduated college student i definitely didnt have that much money and wasnt expecting that. I dont know how he knew but my dad had checked the scene out i guess and paid for the whole bill minus a few bucks to teach me a lesson. hes always preaching to me about do your research about things so his lesson was that i probably should have called ahead, got reservations and i would have found out about the fixed price. so when i got the bill it was less than 50 bucks left and it was just for gratuity. so i asked the lady where was the rest of the bill? and she says the gentlemen came and paid for it already and asked to give you this message if you asked about it. lol the message was "do your research kiddo, should've learned that these past four years" thats when i knew it was him. its crazy cuz whole time he was supposed to be out sight seeing with my godfather.
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