has collecting jays ever stopped you from buying something more important?

Dec 30, 2007
for instance, im 17 now and i really need to buy a car. ever since i got a job in may of 07, all i buy with my money is jordans when i really need to be savinfor a car... has this happened to n e one else or am i alone on thsi one...?
yea too me..i needed some books for school and instead of books i bought the oly 7's with it..but hey i still got those books..found them in the cafeteria
starting to wish i had bought a Wii instead of allstar 23's, but now i cant cus i reserved them with a gift card
Nah, I pretty much save up in advance for the Jordans I want. I hope it never happens and I hope I my priorities are always straight.
I used to do that when i stayed with my father, however when i left to be on my own 2 feet i realized how much more important bills are.
Shoes can definitely be purchased at a later date as it is not extremely important imo compared to other things in life. I still like collecting and i probablywill never stop, i have to purchase the flight 95s and 96s before anything else though!
no way, maybe i had less money to spend on lunch or extra money for alcohol and going out, but nothing interferes with groceries, my phone or car!
my girlfriend broke up with me cuz i bought the ray allen pe viii's instead of her birthday gift..jordans apreciate in value, a romantic dinner followed bya stuffed animal dressed like me and a slim chance at preforming the reproductive act does not
Prevents me on buying new clothes. Two years with the same clothes and some new ones here and there. I rathr have a fresh pair of js on my feet.
finishline turned me out n2 a jordan head n b4 them i know for a fact every jordanhead has 2 sacrifice sumthin o another n order 2 get that fresh pair i evenhad 2 deodorant underwear a new game clothes a lot but its worth it n the end
Lol this is funny cuz just this week since I bought the IX/XIV pack knowing good and well I couldnt pay for my speeding ticket. But luckily I jus got my taxreturn back and now I can pay it off :]
thats a for sure thing.................i havent gotten the rims for my trucks.....................but hey i prefer the j's any time...................
Sometimes I wont feed my kids or pay bills. Had the water shut off once. But hell, I still had on a fresh pair of shoes...
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