Have anyone here ever tried Old English 40oz?

20 years ago you would've gotten some cred asking this question.

But now people like this drink them:


for some reason...i want to smash...i don't even really know why
but her in the thread :evil: ...

what kind of gathering is that though?? :lol:

they going camping?
am i the only one that prefers the taste of OE instead of your usual beers? 
Because it's something you drink when you're 17 and 18 and can't get anything better, just like plastic bottle gin and vodka.
More like 95 75
That ish is so old.... its up there with muscatel... private stock, boons farm.... md 20/20...aftershock and golden grain... I remember a time when those things didn't even have ingredients and labels on the bottle. Dudes literally was playing Russian roulette with they livers drinking that ish.

I on very rare occasions will like others said do a 211... A 4 loko, Colt 45, Miller High life.... But as far as OE, Magnum, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull...Nah I leave that to the wineheads, dope fiends...and the middle schoolers.
That ish is so old.... its up there with muscatel... private stock, boons farm.... md 20/20...aftershock and golden grain... I remember a time when those things didn't even have ingredients and labels on the bottle. Dudes literally was playing Russian roulette with they livers drinking that ish.

I on very rare occasions will like others said do a 211... A 4 loko, Colt 45, Miller High life.... But as far as OE, Magnum, Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull...Nah I leave that to the wineheads, dope fiends...and the middle schoolers.
LMFAO at dope fiends and middle schoolers.......Lmaooooooo
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