Have you ever been Booed?

Aug 8, 2001
Anyone here been booed in public before? School, work, a public sporting event, concert, bar etc....

  Once I was walking near ATT park in San Francisco wearing a Padres jersey and I started to hear it. I expected to get heat from people but it was really weird once it started happening.  The booing seemed to be contagious once I got near the statues in front.  It was  a pretty funny but intimidating experience, knowing a whole group of strangers were focused on me and against me,  serious or not. 

We go in the park and everytime I stood up (we were in the left field bleachers) a crowd of people would boo. What was lame though was when people would throw stuff.  It added to the experience for me.

(insert the obvious NT attempt of booing me for this post)
I got booed when I played against rivals in college volleyball. I used to mock visiting crowds after a kill/block. 
Never and I never go out of my weigh to boo people. I don't care who you're favorite team is nor should I or anyone be booing you for being a fan of an opposing team.
i was on a cruise a few years back and one night they had an open mic night so you can tell jokes

so i go up there and i say the "why did Lamar pay Kobe?" joke and i get slightly booed

to which i took life's lemons and said "ill give ya something to boo about: i paid half-price to be here!" which got me more boos

i got a kick out of it
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Never and I never go out of my weigh to boo people. I don't care who you're favorite team is nor should I or anyone be booing you for being a fan of an opposing team.



In the dorms, I think ppl thought I had sneaked in to this chick's room to smash and when I came out much earlier than anticipated I was welcomed by a hallway full of ppl booing for either not smashing or finishing quick
Happened a few times with other ppl, most times the reverse with a round of applause. It's always funny cuz when you go in a room there's only like 2 ppl out there in the hall or way down at the end and then when you come out the room it is packed with ppl

All other times were by one person or friends in a humorous context.
In H.S. I was going to take this girl to prom but another chick (who was more popular than my current date) liked me and wanted me to ask her. When I didnt and word got out that I was going with the not so popular chick the girls friends booed me when I walked into school the next morning. It was weird. lol
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i was on a cruise a few years back and one night they had an open mic night so you can tell jokes

so i go up there and i say the "why did Lamar pay Kobe?" joke and i get slightly booed

to which i took life's lemons and said "ill give ya something to boo about: i paid half-price to be here!" which got me more boos

i got a kick out of it
took life's lemons
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I got booed when I played against rivals in college volleyball. I used to mock visiting crowds after a kill/block. 
I could definitely picture you doing that.
Hitting the game icing free throws in the bor champinships. Team was heated because I got put in just to close that game. lol
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