Have you ever been hit on by a gay person? Vol. Keep it mature.


Apr 23, 2008
There are a few of them at my school, but there's this one kid in particular who ha my English class. So ever since my run in with the RA this weekend,there's been some buzz around my name. Let me veer off course for like two seconds here: I've been a Senator at the school for the past semester. Ihave passed a few bills and resolutions that will help the people here, but it takes my being busted for my involvement in my room mate's party for peopleto start paying me a lot of attention...

Anyway, back to the kid. He sees me today and says something to the effect of:

"Are you in trouble? I've been hearing your name a lot today."
"Yeah, my room mates and I got caught with alcohol in our place."
"Oh, the Residence Director (the chief RA I guess) was just talking about you. Good luck."
"I appreciate it"
"I love your face"

The guy walks away and I'm just standing there like... what the hell just happened? Then my friend starts laughing at me. I always say I don't haveanything against gays, as long as they don't try to do that type of stuff directly towards me, as I'm not gay.
One time, I cant blame him though, i find myself pretty attractive..
But its not like he came up to me and tried to bag, Id be mad if he tried that
He just looked at me for about 30 seconds
Then i grilled him
Originally Posted by iBlink

"Are you in trouble? I've been hearing your name a lot today."
"Yeah, my room mates and I got caught with alcohol in our place."
"Oh, the Residence Director (the chief RA I guess) was just talking about you. Good luck."
"I appreciate it"
"I love your face"

I got hit a few times by dudes, but I just keep on walking.
Nice line

Same as getting hit on by a female, except gay dudes standards be higher.
Yea. I was in Urban Outfitters in lennox one day getting this shirt in the corner. So like three of these Flaming Gay Blades all circled me like "Boy youare to cute, let me see what shirt you gettin'"

I was like "Man you don't the hell up out my face"

Then he goes "Ooohh child, no reason to be so hostile, your are a cutie pie though"

This one bag boy @ Publix saw me at my job one day (retail store) and stayed coming in my area asking for help. I would ask
my co-workers to help him cuz he came off a lil suspect to me. Then, when I would go to Publix he would try to bag in whatever
line I was in so that he could talk to me. I would ignore him and pretend he wasn't there. I was planning to address him
on why he was doing this and then he quit Publix or something and I didn't see him anymore. That was the worst
experience that I ever had with that tho.
Originally Posted by Face82

Yea. I was in Urban Outfitters in lennox one day getting this shirt in the corner. So like three of these Flaming Gay Blades all circled me like "Boy you are to cute, let me see what shirt you gettin'"

I was like "Man you don't the hell up out my face"

Then he goes "Ooohh child, no reason to be so hostile, your are a cutie pie though"


you were at Lenox though. That's like their bee hive.

But real talk though, I didn't think about hitting the dude, that would have been od FlyNY.

It just threw me for a loop. Especially when I had one of his friends (a girl damnit
) at my place almost every night during the first two months of schoollast semester.
yeah...i didn't even know till my parents told me...i thought she just wanted to hang out...

another time i think i may have bagged a girl...or a really young boy with a high voice...good thing i neve called...
Late night at the gym, dude thought it was okay to try to give me his number.

Had me questioning myself for days.
this thread is mad funny already! But every Friday at the bar I workat there's "Happy" Happy Hour and when I first started working there this past summer I worked it for the first time and the gay dudes were likewho's the cute new door guy and I would just hit em all with the
and tell em to keep it pushing! On the rare occasions I work onFridays it's still mad uncomfortable to be there even though I have no problem with the next man's sexuality!
There is no way I can type what happened without it being ayo to the millionth power. So all I'll say is it has happened. On multiple occasions.
Originally Posted by FlyNY

One time, I cant blame him though, i find myself pretty attractive..
But its not like he came up to me and tried to bag, Id be mad if he tried that
He just looked at me for about 30 seconds
Then i grilled him
Originally Posted by geminifly

This one bag boy @ Publix saw me at my job one day (retail store) and stayed coming in my area asking for help. I would ask
my co-workers to help him cuz he came off a lil suspect to me. Then, when I would go to Publix he would try to bag in whatever
line I was in so that he could talk to me. I would ignore him and pretend he wasn't there. I was planning to address him
on why he was doing this and then he quit Publix or something and I didn't see him anymore. That was the worst
experience that I ever had with that tho.
Real talk though you gotta check these dudes right off the bat like Face did.

All that ignoring him and pretending he isn't there +$##, that boy probably thinks you are being bashful and playing hard to get

at us 4 dudes in the A all having to go through this
No, but I did get this creepy look in the bathroom from the janitor at my gym, on multiple occasions (dude had a fruity walk and everything).....

Felt like a piece of meat.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Face82 wrote:

Yea. I was in Urban Outfitters in lennox one day getting this shirt in the corner. So like three of these Flaming Gay Blades all circled me like "Boy you are to cute, let me see what shirt you gettin'"

I was like "Man you don't the hell up out my face"

Then he goes "Ooohh child, no reason to be so hostile, your are a cutie pie though"


you were at Lenox though. That's like their bee hive.

But real talk though, I didn't think about hitting the dude, that would have been od FlyNY.

It just threw me for a loop. Especially when I had one of his friends (a girl damnit
) at my place almost every night during the first two months of school last semester.

Man Hells yea. It's like the headquarters on a Saturday. Man I done had a ROMO try to pay for my food at California Pizza one day. I ain't been back toLennox on a Saturday since. They go hard
They got them Gay bashing Laws in GA. You get 365 straight to the door. No comin home early or nuttin. Beat a gay guy up just cuz you thought he said somethingwild and see where you end up.
I got hit on by a gay dude the other night.... Seriously dude was like "oh my god you're so hot, but so white..." I was like uhhh thanks Iguess.. then he goes "you are so beautiful you're like a nerdy little white boy... do you have a brother or like to be manlysometimes?" I walked away... lol
Yes...and she lived in my apt at the time. I always kept my door closed and out of her sight till the day she moved out.
I was just hit on by a gay dude a couple days ago. I made a very stupid mistake of giving him my number, so he texted me and told me he wanted to touchme....
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