Have you ever been hit on by a gay person? Vol. Keep it mature.

Nah, but I wish.
I was at the park playing basketball one day when a member of the homosexual community asked me if he could suck my penis (cept he didn't say penis)
This dude looked me dead in the eye one time and said in the most feminine voice possible, "Oh my god you have such beautiful eyes!!"
I had it happen at college, andi I can't front it's mad uncomfortable but at the end of the day, I just tell dude I'm not interested, and I keep itmoving. I know I have tried to spit to some lesbian's in my life so I guess I can't by a hyprocrite.
DearWinter219 wrote:
OP caught me off guard
... I wonder if we all pictured the same devilish grin I know he threw at you.

You ave no idea dude. Once dude said, he started giggling. My face was looking like a cross between a
and a
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

I have been hit on by gay dudes, it's cool makes me all the more confident.

But one time I was at a tourist section in Guatemala and these gay european dudes was staring me down mad hard, they were the non flamboyant type, the really built ones, incredibly awkward experience.
so waiiiit....you gain confidence by gay dudes hittin on you?????
I did... on the late night too(after bootcamp).... just got off to transfer to another train and when I got on this DUDE asked me what the next stop was... hewas latino btw... I told him and he gave me the extra long look , I didnt thnk nothing of it cuz I was just coming from getting some good ol guts(.... So Igets off at the last stop which 3 stops away.. Im walking up the stairs going to the left and oh boy goes to the right... So as I get to the top of the stairsol boy was standing there, he got my attention by psssing at me so he ask me " which way to the 46 bus"?? Im like" down the block make aright".. so I turn around and here another pssss... I proceed to turn around and he then ask me...................... yo for real you look mad good youwanna come to my house? I like "excuse me" he was like " I wanna suck yo $*#&" I proceeded to curse him out and told him to get the^&^* off my block b4 I catch a case.. He then " you missing out daddy" I actually got a lil frightened and walked away copped a dutch and smokedon my roof .. that was THE most disturbing thing encountering homosexuals....
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by outbackbob24

I have been hit on by gay dudes, it's cool makes me all the more confident.

But one time I was at a tourist section in Guatemala and these gay european dudes was staring me down mad hard, they were the non flamboyant type, the really built ones, incredibly awkward experience.
so waiiiit....you gain confidence by gay dudes hittin on you?????
You know how us dudes have ridiculously high standards. Gay dudes are probably have the same. Except they like penis. If a gay dude thinks youlook good enough to try to approach then you must be
to females. At least that is the logic.
i was on a packed train with my girlfriend and my mom, and three of "them" got on, and i saw them looking at me and talking amongst themselves, but ipaid no attention to it. as we were getting off the train they said "hey, girl in pink" (my girl was wearing a pink shirt/dress or whatever), but shedidn't hear them. after my mom told me they were talking about me.

i assume they were looking to say something to her about me, as these guys were obviously not straight, im talking fishnet shirt and makeup type dudes.

(funny that i was the one going to see a broadway show that night, o the irony)
yup. digusting. not that his age mattered (cuz i only like women), but dude was like 50+ trying to holla. digusting.
I was at the Mickey D's on 34th and 10th about to hit the West Side Highway to head back to the X. It must've been about 5 in the morning, so all theclubs along 10th/11th ave was in this spot. So there is about 4 lines formed and I'm on the line all the way to the right while my homey and his homegirlis on the line right next me. So about 5 gay dudes walk up to the line on the left chill there for about two minutes, being that the spot is crowded, theringleader proceeds to say "This line is taking forever, I'm going on that line, at least I can stare at his *$# while I'll wait". So now allthree of us are in tears cause I'm like that was wild bold but it was still funny as @%!$ to me. So there is me and about two other dudes in my line, so itnever really occurred to me that they might've been talkin about me until dude said as he got in my line, "I don't care what they say, Light Skinis always in for me". I swear it felt like it took about 30 minutes to get out of that place.
I lived in Atlanta for 3.5yrs and my wife loved going to Lennox mall on the week-ends. More times than I can remember.
man, i remember this gay guy was stalking me in high school. dude would have a chick call my house then get on the phone and try to talk to me. even after imoved out of state, he starts harassing me on myspace.
2 occasions

1. In the train station at West 4th.....dude asks me for the time then tells me he thinks im "adorable"

2. recently started working at kiehl's in the city and gay co-worker asks my homegirl for my #

Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

The reason why I have a record. LENOX MALL ATLANTA FTL!
***Goes to ATL trip list, writes "NO LENOX MALL" ****

I think I got hit on by this ol head at Walmart a while back. He just started strikin convo w/ me cause we was both lookin at the same pajama pants (I'mlookin at the Steelers pants in disgust, while he prolly was feelin em
) Anyway, he just keeps tryna stare me in my eyes, I'm thinkin to myself "I'm glad it's a good 10+ft between us" So then heproceeds to invite me to some random place I pretended to remember. Then I just started driftin away and left. For 5mins I'm thinkin "Did THAT justhappen???????"
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