Have you ever been hit on by a gay person? Vol. Keep it mature.

Originally Posted by Mrmeeh2

I was just hit on by a gay dude a couple days ago. I made a very stupid mistake of giving him my number, so he texted me and told me he wanted to touch me....
That wasn't no mistake bruh, you knew what time it was
Originally Posted by Mrmeeh2

I was just hit on by a gay dude a couple days ago. I made a very stupid mistake of giving him my number, so he texted me and told me he wanted to touch me....

you gave him your number
As a matter of fact, 3 years ago i rememeber clearly
It was a mall in Long Island, probably Green Acres Mall(
) and as usual you have your 'goons' posted up in front of Victoria Secret trynna bag some panty buying females. So it was about 5 dudesposted up outside of the store, baggily clothed and just chilling and w.e. So all of a sudden a whole group of flamboyantly dressed brothas (these dudes werewearing tight bright jeans before Kanye made em "hot") walked up to the gangstas and one of them said something like "Heyy howjudoin? You knowwe like the roughnecks round here" and the gay dudes started applauding and givin each other high fives and snapping their fingers in the air and all that*+*%. The dudes infront of Victoria Secret looked
as hell..So they grilled em like 'What the %%%* you said' and then thegay guys were like "Hey yall the ones standing infront a panty shop, yall misleadin us mmhmmm(That little gay hum that some of them be doin)" So theystep it up a notch and the dudes start getting more agressive and look like they ready to fight..So ofcourse you have your pre-fight trash talk, and this onegay guy was ready to put in the work. He was there pulling his earings off while his boys try and hold him back. So of course the mall security comes andbreaks it up and while its being broken up, dudes still talking more trash, and the gay dudes over there teasing them and *+*%, bending over and smacking their#$$$% and blowing kisses at the thugs.
back when I was 13 I stayed over my friends house for a week cause my mom was away from 2 weeks. I've known this guy for YEARS. One night he opens my doorand stands at the doorway and I cant even see his face cause my glassese were off and it was 12am he goes can I sleep with you........I ask wat?......He saysit again Can I sleep together with you
? I say hell no and we never spoke of that night again
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by FlyNY

One time, I cant blame him though, i find myself pretty attractive..
But its not like he came up to me and tried to bag, Id be mad if he tried that
He just looked at me for about 30 seconds
Then i grilled him

freshman year of college.
me and some friends was sittin on a wall and ol boy comes over with some girls, we cool with the girls tho. the girls say hey to eerrrybody.

my legs is swingin off the side of the wall. errybody @ school calls me jeezy cuz they say i look like the rapper.

anyway, ol boy comes over by my legs and says in "that voice"...

"heeeey young jeeeezy"
and he aint speak to nobody else.

everybody looks like at me like
in an eerie silence.

im like, damn, i dont wanna disrespect dude, cuz im tryin to leave all they hood %@#@ behind, but word to big bird and grover i was feelin mad uncomfortable.

when i get uncomfortable, i think of things that make me happy, and i thought about money. i aint have a bank account, cuz i aint know anything about one, andi thought about all the money i had stashed in my dorm room....

i told everybody that i was gonna bounce to go get some money, and they all laughed and teased me about it all week...........

later that week.....

i was chillin with some of the girls that he knew. all of them was in our dorm building.....all of them came into my room to visit, the girls ran off,and lefthim in there.

i was pissed, but i aint wanna leave cuz i aint want it to seem like i was anti- $!@

so i stay. eventually he left.


i went to the clinic on campus to get a checkup and i had to fill out a form and ol boy was sittin there at the desk waiting to take my form after i had filledit out.
I used to work with someone who was openly gay. Dude used to hit on me all the time. After he quit, I didn't see him for awhile. When I did, dude told mehe started to do porn.

If any of you want to know who it is, look for the name "Aaron King"
This one fat dude keep look at me on the bus. That's not even the weird thing. The weird thing is that I don't even know who he is or what's hisname, but
for some strange reason he knows my name. Dude says he's a physic.

If he was physic then he would have read my mine, "+#*% off you man".
i have and it and it did not end well, dude thought he was slick and bumped into me at club and i felt him touch my %$* and try to play it off like it was aaccident i was drunk and im a bit of a homophobe so i swung at the guy and dude fell from a lil punch and started to cry i got kicked out the club and ruinedmy night ...drunk gay dudes FTL!!!!
I get hit on my gay dudes all the time....I'm beginning to think I give signals or gay vibes. Free drinks FTW tho.
i was in the manhatthan during the gay parade. that was a mistake. i was getting looks from old guys and dudes would yell out things with a lisp. i even gotinvited in a cab.
no but i used to work as a busboy and this one time some dude was eyeing me the whole time i felt mad violated..
@ half this post being ATL heads.

I guess I got to add my story...

I was down at Piedmont Park (I know...
) for the Jazz Festival a coupleof years ago. Herbie Hancock was performing...

I'm standing off to the side of the stage where there weren't very many people. My girl was off standing in line for the bathroom. I'm minding myown business when this dude comes up next to me...

"He's amazing, isn't he?"
"...huh? Yeah..."
"You come down here often?
"Uh...not really."
"I don't usually do this...but you...you're beautiful."

I told dude thanks for the compliment, but I don't swing that way. He muttered something under his breath and sauntered away...

My girl had been watching this from the line ~50 yards away. She knew exactly what was happening...
You all should really be flattered. Gay men have higher standards than the average woman. I got hit on by gay guys a few times but that's cause I'mfine. I don't really take offense to it though I just tell them I'm not gay and keep it moving.
DLo13 wrote:
@ half this post being ATL heads.

I guess I got to add my story...

I was down at Piedmont Park (I know...
) for the Jazz Festival a couple of years ago. Herbie Hancock was performing...

I'm standing off to the side of the stage where there weren't very many people. My girl was off standing in line for the bathroom. I'm minding my own business when this dude comes up next to me...

"He's amazing, isn't he?"
"...huh? Yeah..."
"You come down here often?
"Uh...not really."
"I don't usually do this...but you...you're beautiful."

I told dude thanks for the compliment, but I don't swing that way. He muttered something under his breath and sauntered away...

My girl had been watching this from the line ~50 yards away. She knew exactly what was happening...

I only go to Piedmont with my lady.
I haven't but when I go to the gym there are these two gay guys that are there during the weekend and I always notice one of them is always looking at meand everytime I walk past by them they got all quiet. Also I remember back in high school this one time during break I remember this gay guy was following mewith his girlfriends.
Last week I went to get checked for std's and aids (like I do every year, unlike some people), and after I saw the practitioner before I left this baldwhite dude with a rainbow button gave me a bag of condoms and a big thing of Astro-glide. I didn't know it was a big thing of it until I got to my car.This was the closest thing I could think of besides a myspace message.
I have been hit on by gay dudes, it's cool makes me all the more confident.

But one time I was at a tourist section in Guatemala and these gay european dudes was staring me down mad hard, they were the non flamboyant type, the reallybuilt ones, incredibly awkward experience.
I think one of my former co-workers might have been gay too. Christmas last year, I went to a holiday party so I can get to know a few female co-workers alittle more and see my boss's get drunk. So before I went it, I blazed a little, then I walked in the auditorium smiling like hell and isolating mypropects similtaniously. So after a while of joking around with a few buddies, I walk over near the dancefloor and start chatting with a few of the womenI'm interested in while everyone is dancing and having fun when, out of the blue, this dude cuts in the convo. So I give him a "%%#" look thenkeep it moving and continue with the convo(I honestly thought he was +#@$-blocking). So anyways the girls go for a little smoke break and I continue talking todude about my intentions and out of nowhere he starts dancing (we were not even on the dance floor). I start laughing thinking he was maing fun of how theydanced or something (and I was blazed from the get-go anyway). So then he keeps going and I start to pay attention to a few other girls I'm interested inand the mf'er starts to rub arms against mine then I backed away shocked as hell (the paranoia sets in I guess). Then he continues to dance while smilingat me and I'm giving the
expression the whole time. So after a minute offiguring out what the %@!$ is going on I walk away and say peace to a few of my homies and bounce. HE MESSED UP MY WHOLE GAME PLAN. After that I ignored him atwork and keep that !*## to myself (out of respect) until he quit about 5 months later.
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