Have you ever been hit on by a gay person? Vol. Keep it mature.

Originally Posted by reeeem0

Yeah I said it.

Me and my cousin were at the Body Tap at the bar. NeYo comes in with a small entourage, and the DJ shouts him out. They get a table right in front of us, andalso RIGHT in front of the stage (which will come in to play later), while we are posted at the bar and I'm gettin a dance from my favorite stripper chick(Brazilian chick with short hair... gotta love her). So the end of the dance happens, I drop my 10 for ol girl, and NeYo is lookin at me square in my mouth. Idon't think nothin of it at first, like I think its a simple case of dude was starin at ol girl and when she walked away, he was mesmerized by her backsideand just snapped out of a trance and happened to be lookin at me. I care not. So anyway, two BAD chicks get up on stage and are like ridin each other and doinALL TYPES of things that are definitely rated triple X. Neyo takes out a couple ones, throws them on stage and looks back at me and my cuz. I think its achallenge, but I'm prolly the brokest fool in the Tap that night, so I just turn and talk to the bartender (nice lookin chick, but very normal consideringall the fake **** and %+* walking around). I turn around like a few minutes later, and he's looking AGAIN, and its a MUCH different look this time, like helookin like a fat hungry lady in the hostess factory. So now I'm like "ONE of us is committing a dude faux pas. One mistaken glance at another dude isexcuseable, two is a coincidence, but if it happens again, something is amiss..." So I tell my cuz like "Ayo... I'm bout to turn back this way...I might be crazy, but I thinkthis fool NeYo is eyeballin me, cuzzo". My cuz was like "hell naw, aight I'mma peep him." He thinks it may bebeef... but he's that type of dude. He turns around, and not two minutes later he's turnin back to me laughin his black %+* off. I'm like"What? Am I trippin?" Is he starin at a girl and I'm bein REAL homophobic about a rumored dude? He was like "Naw... this dude just bit hisbottom lip and stared at you". I'm like HELL naw, because it ain't but maybe four other people at the bar at this time, and three of them werebeefy beastly chicks. So maybe NeYo likes beastly beefy chicks. I have no idea, and I didn't wanna find out. I'm just sayin... it's FINE womenshakin it ALL right in front of you, puttin on a show for you and you sittin RIGHT there, and you turn around for either a) some fat ugly chicks, or B) somedudes. Either way, you SUSPECT.

So I guess in all actuality he coulda been lookin at the chicks, but I dunno, man... I dunno...
ok so in my ghetto effort to cop broads like miami vice off the space i was open for internet oppurtunities at love. so i get a aim from the aim GURLWORKS.appraently the aim was on my page which was public (FTL)at the moment and in my ignorance I see the word gurl and assume that it should be a female at least.ok so me and this person whoever it is sends me the pic of someone who knows who it is. so eventually the person give me a number to call and we chop it up alil bit but the voice was eerily a little deep. i ignored this cause my ex had the same thing goin on. at any rate the next night we on the phone and weproceed to have phone sex sort of i keep calling this person %@+!% (witch with a b)and i was daddy for those seemingly pleasure filled moments. so the nextnight i was almost tricked into the phone sex again but i was like nah cause ol person flaked on me and !%$% u know im not the ultimate simp. anyways they saidi have a secrt and dont be mad. i was like just say it man. and then HE said he is a man. i gave a quick hunh proceeded by a swift hanging up of the phone. iwas
and went to bed digusted and slept off my adventure closing that case on a bad note.. moral of the story : be careful when you talkphone sex with strangers

1/8/2009 8:33 PM Myra wrote:

This gay grifter was notorious for his cons against famous black celebrities. He intentionally befriended a famous female who has mental illness. Hepersuaded her to open up about her various problems, she did, he then tricked her into revealing family secrets and saying shameful and embarassing thingsabout a famous relative who is now deceased. Without her knowledge, he was taping the conversations and planned to blackmail the famous relative (who he hopedwould pay any amount to prevent the info from leaking) but she died unexpectedly, and his plan went awry.
He moved on to his next victim. A famous female who was part of an ensemble cast on a TV show that didn't appear on a major network. The cast had aundeniable chemistry. He snaked his way into her life. Oddly, the female actress put him on an allowance although he never slept with her due to hisorientation and she also let him drive her car. She even had him babysit her child. Only later did she realize he was stealing things from her residence andusing her old receipts to run an identity scam. She kicked him out.
He was now in need of some quick cash so he contacted a hip hop mogul who's had his ups and downs. For money, he promised to set the mogul up with a"keeping it real" actress for a sex romp in the studio. She arrived at the studio and had sex with the producer.
Next, he moved on to a downlow NBA star (who I didn't know was DL until 2 days ago). This DL baller fronts with a girlfriend. Our hustler was able toobtain his voice mail password. He got jealous when he heard messages from other swooning men: "Daddy, you laid it on me last night."
Our hustler confronted him and was kicked out.
Who is the actress with the mental illness?
Who is the TV actress who appeared on a TV show?
Who is the keeping it real actress & the hip hop mogul?
Who is the DL baller?
Reply to this

1/8/2009 10:45 PM The King of Skrill aka Taraji Ps Getaway Driver wrote:
WOW.....Im not sure on this one.....My guesses are Dustin Wilkins,Maia Campbell,Persia White,Golden Brooks and Irv Gotti, and im not sure about the NBAballer....could be Caron Butler or Carmelo Anthony
1st week new capus new school in college. Leaving my math class walking by myself. This dude went dreads come up. We bout to cross paths as soon as we do hesays "A" I turn around. He says "Dont I know you?" I say "IDK I don't know you" Take it im trying to be friendly I was toldnetworking is the best thing you can do in college. So he starts grilling me "You be on the yard" "Nah" You be at the clubs"Nah" Damn i swear i know you

Anyways he starts telling me how he lives off campus and throws parties with mad females and alcohol and I'm like %*#% let's get it poppin. So weexchange numbers. Then he says "yea you should come over friday" and I'm like "oh fa sho you throwing a party" he goes "nah justme and you. We can just chill" and im like "
nah i dontthink so" He's like "It's cool you can sleep over I'll drive you home" "
nah g but invite some females over and call me I'll see if i can comethrough"

Theres more ayo-ess to this story i wrote it down when it happen over 2 years ago. If i find it ill edit my post
I was at the grocery store last week with my girlfriend. I went up to a male cashier of whom I did not question his sexuality. What he suppose to rang up was$30 for caviar, $20 vodka and some change for some lime. Instead, he only rang up the vodka and charged me $2~ for the caviar, totaling $23~. I was stokedand
and thought this fellow was hooking it up big time. Afterward, he asked me if Iwanted plastic or paper. My girlfriend replied "BAG!" However, to my girlfriend's observation, he diligently stared into my eyes waiting forconfirmation if I wanted bag or not. After a brief second, I nodded yes for bag. So my girlfriend and I were walking out the store, she said that guy wasgay, did you notice? I thought about it and said, "NO WONDER he hooked me up!!"

Anyways.. I think that was one of my encounters with a homosexual in terms of getting "hit" on.

Bottomline, I don't have a problem with homosexuals.
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