Have you ever been jacked for your sneakers?

ultraflights jacked from pe locker freshman year (i really liked them too)! a diamondback bike in 8th grade, some jordan shorts in 7th grade, handful ofpokemon cards when i was like 12, and probably more that i forgot.
Originally Posted by Hugo

no, but i dreamed a few days ago i stoled someone DS concords. i woked up blown realizing it was a dam dream

Originally Posted by RetroJTino

Almost. It wuz for tha release of tha all black Xs. It wuz me and 4 of my boys. One of them worked at FinishLine. Surprisingly enough, there were a lot of ppl. Some just window shoppers or just standing around waiting for their boys to cop the kix. So I wuz one of tha first to go in. I went, got my kix, all gud. My boy actually had to help so he was working. Two others were still waiting in line, and another friend was just chillin. So once I got my 2 pairs, I decided to roll out to my car and throw em in the trunk while we waited for my boy to finish working. As we were goin up the escalator, 3 dudes started following behind us talkin bout, "got one". My homie turned around and said "got wut?". They tried to front like they wasn't even talkin to us. Words were exchanged, and next thing u kno.....

My boy got smacked in the mouth with a closed fist. So I walked over, mind u, wit 2 pairs of shoes in a bag and swung at dude. They tried to throw him off tha 2nd floor.
(he's not my friend anymore thus why i laugh). Next thing u kno, two more guys come in and make it a 2 on 5. Anywho, He ended up gettin' stomped out by three dudes and I got snuck once in tha back of my head by some otha dude. A sixth one came and wuz like "what are yall doin?!?!?". And that's wen it stopped. Wut still trips me out to this day is that i'm like 50 lbs heavier and 4" taller than my boy wuz, AND i had tha kix (2boxes in a single bag), which means i wuz practically fighting wit one hand. And in the end, i wuz only faced up wit one dude and MY BOY wuz the one who got stomped out. Maybe their intentions weren't to steal my kix after all. In fact, they never even reached for tha bag. I told him to chill out to and not say anything to em. I had a blade in my pocket and wudda stabbed sumbodi. Not to mention, I guess he took the most cuz he decided to come at them. I left without a bruise. He had a big %*# knot on his head.

thats sucks really bad
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