Have you ever bought a girl a designer bag?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LOL So let me get this right. I must either be 12 or never had a woman before because I am cheap? LOL Ok. If you must resort to illogical points to make yourself feel better then go on right ahead
Ok. That was wrong of me bro. But you've never had a woman spend money on you? Do you tell her you don't want her to buy you anything?
When we say spend money, define what you are referring to.

WOmen I encounter understand that I am a low maintenance individual and really don't want/need them doing things for me that a mother would do for their kids. (IE... buying my game systems, clothes, etc....) Outside of special occasions, I don't want or need them. I tell women this up front.

I operate on my own rules man. I know it sounds crazy but I really don't need those things.

I'm talking about special occasions like your birthday.

At least you can admit that it does sound crazy.
Oh I know it sounds crazy and it is very unconventional. I never denied that. But it is just the way I operate. If it is my birthday, than she can do whatevershe thinks will make me happy. But knowing how I am now, it would never be anything complicated or expensive. I don't want anyone buying me expensivethings. I want something that will make me happy. Sounds story-bookish but that is all I want from a gift. Price tag doesn't matter, hell I would prefer ifthey bought whatever they bought for me while it was on sale.

Example; out of all of my XMAS gifts, a connect 4 board game was the best gift that I got. Why? Because when I was a child that used to be MY GAME. And to bereunited with it is just
Theres a difference between a LV bag and a "macys" bag...Trust

LV's Quality is unmatched for the most part and their bags weather really well...

Although I will admit that you ARE paying for the "name" and the privilege to carry such a bag....But that takes nothing away from the craftsmanshipof their products
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Its crazy how many of yall dont like spending money

If you got it, blow that @+*#... You cant take that @+*# with you when you die.
I was gonna come in here and use the same argument for the other side. Why spend exorbitant amounts of money on all these material possessions?You can't take them to the grave with you. $2,000 for a bag? Disgusting. I'm all for spending money, but it's preposterous to me that there wouldeven be a purse that costs that much that people will still buy. There are literally millions of ways that you can make the world a better place by spending$2,000 to help others. It doesn't matter how much money you make, no *!#!%#+ fashion accessory is "worth" spending that amount of money on.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ I can respect that answer
that's what it's all about

and after reading your later replies, I dig what you are saying. Honestly, expensive gifts are cop outs anyway....anybody can go out and buy a Coach bag basedon principle "what chick AIN'T gon' want a Coach?" It takes more thought for you to pick up a random clutch you remember her saying lookedlike something her grandma (who passed away) wore when you guys were strolling by a thrift shop.......

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ I can respect that answer
that's what it's all about

and after reading your later replies, I dig what you are saying. Honestly, expensive gifts are cop outs anyway....anybody can go out and buy a Coach bag basedon principle "what chick AIN'T gon' want a Coach?" It takes more thought for you to pick up a random clutch you remember her saying lookedlike something her grandma (who passed away) wore when you guys were strolling by a thrift shop.......

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

For the guy who said "I hope she pampers you aswell"...My girl is is currently in Law School with no Job, BUT I know for a fact that IF I asked, she would bend over backwards for me...As long as I have it, She has it aswell...point blank

So in reality if you went broke, she'd be even broker and couldn't bend a pencil for you. Think about the bigger picture.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

For the guy who said "I hope she pampers you aswell"...My girl is is currently in Law School with no Job, BUT I know for a fact that IF I asked, she would bend over backwards for me...As long as I have it, She has it aswell...point blank

So in reality if you went broke, she'd be even broker and couldn't bend a pencil for you. Think about the bigger picture.
seriously....if you guys spent more time reading instead of hating, you'd actually get somewhere in life.

If she in Law School, she probably had the credentials and intelligence (if push came to shove) to get a pretty ok job.
my exes bought a louis purse, chanel wallet, ferregamo shoes, gucci flats if im not mistaken, and another one got me fendi earrings. theyre nice and i likethem a lot. different stroke for diff folks but can we deport OP from NT?
Why do y'all keep saying this? 1) Who cares about what some other man is doing WITH HIS MONEY? 2) It sounds like it wouldn't REALLY matter to you how serious the relationship is because you keep mentioning sex like the disgust stems from buying one object for another object. Some men actually place value on their women and don't see them as sex objects. You're talking like these women are just some old throwaway.

What is it with y'all?! Every time I see a post like this on here, I'd swear half this board BARELY likes women, if at all. That's not to imply that you guys are gay (not that there'd be anything at all wrong with it) but like, it's like you'd hang yourselves before you'd do/or admit to doing something nice for a woman. Who cares if a guy is buying his women purses and %#%*. Who cares if a 'simp' is buying purses. Like people keep saying...I bet a lot of you guys spend your money on equally worthless stuff. But 9 x out of 10, these guys who are buying their women this material %#%* are getting a lot more from their purchases than you are (or...maybe not).

And honestly...let's be 100% real. How many of y'all can REALLY afford to drop $2,000 on a bag? Of course that sounds ridiculous to someone that doesn't have any money. I know my broke behind can't afford a $2,000 and honestly spending that much sounds silly to me too...but to someone that has the dough, what concern is it of mine? I got student loans, I don't have time for that %#%*. I'm cool with my Nine West/Target/Wet Seal/Macy's sacks.

You PREACH girl!
Are you feeling better?
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.


....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....

And your point is...

Let me tell you a lil something that I am sure YOU didn't know. Having money--does not inoculate one from stupidity and from making stupid decisions. This is not a shot at anyone in particular. Rather, this is an opinion of mine--that I am sure, would be proven to be quite factual, if scientifically tested.

All I know is, people seriousssllyy need to get some of their priorities straight. Clearly, I personally don't know HOVkid, so I cannot make gross assumptions about his priorities. What I do know, and can comment on, however, is the fact that dude started a thread not to long ago e-crying about just how RIDICULOUS it was that Obama was going to raise "his" taxes and effectively take his money.

Can see where I am going with this?

It's his money, so he can--i guess--spend it how he sees fit. But don't you think it's rather outlandish and borderline melodramatic that he's complaining about taxes and yet, he's dropping 10K (give or take a few G's) on bags-- and quite possibly, other ACCESSORIES-- for his wife. Bags, which if I may add, she will likely wear for "a fashion season" until the next Louis V/Gucci/Fendi (etc) comes out, for the next "fashion season"...

You cant make those comparisons. He has the right to spend his money on whatever he wants. The government does not have the right to continue toraise his taxes to pay for everyone else. Just because he can afford to purchase 10K in bags doesnt mean oh obviously he has too much money and the governmentis justified in taxing him more. Sorry doesnt work like that. He put in work to attain what he has and it is his to spend how he wishes but not for someoneelse to dictate how he spends it.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.


....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....

And your point is...

Let me tell you a lil something that I am sure YOU didn't know. Having money--does not inoculate one from stupidity and from making stupid decisions. This is not a shot at anyone in particular. Rather, this is an opinion of mine--that I am sure, would be proven to be quite factual, if scientifically tested.

All I know is, people seriousssllyy need to get some of their priorities straight. Clearly, I personally don't know HOVkid, so I cannot make gross assumptions about his priorities. What I do know, and can comment on, however, is the fact that dude started a thread not to long ago e-crying about just how RIDICULOUS it was that Obama was going to raise "his" taxes and effectively take his money.

Can see where I am going with this?

It's his money, so he can--i guess--spend it how he sees fit. But don't you think it's rather outlandish and borderline melodramatic that he's complaining about taxes and yet, he's dropping 10K (give or take a few G's) on bags-- and quite possibly, other ACCESSORIES-- for his wife. Bags, which if I may add, she will likely wear for "a fashion season" until the next Louis V/Gucci/Fendi (etc) comes out, for the next "fashion season"...

You cant make those comparisons. He has the right to spend his money on whatever he wants. The government does not have the right to continue to raise his taxes to pay for everyone else. Just because he can afford to purchase 10K in bags doesnt mean oh obviously he has too much money and the government is justified in taxing him more. Sorry doesnt work like that. He put in work to attain what he has and it is his to spend how he wishes but not for someone else to dictate how he spends it.

But we are talking about taxes to provide basic healthcare here. So for that he gets a big
Alot of reach in this thread. If I have it I'm buyin all the bags and shoes I want. That's my thing. I love bags and shoes.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

For the guy who said "I hope she pampers you aswell"...My girl is is currently in Law School with no Job, BUT I know for a fact that IF I asked, she would bend over backwards for me...As long as I have it, She has it aswell...point blank

So in reality if you went broke, she'd be even broker and couldn't bend a pencil for you. Think about the bigger picture.

Why are you speaking Hypothetically?
Originally Posted by Late80s

my exes bought a louis purse, chanel wallet, ferregamo shoes, gucci flats if im not mistaken, and another one got me fendi earrings. theyre nice and i like them a lot. different stroke for diff folks but can we deport OP from NT?
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