Have you ever bought a girl a designer bag?

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.


....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....
If we're talking 2005 leather, sure, but Bal fell off in 07/08. Quality certainly didn't dictate the price. That said, I love the BalGiant City but too $$ for my tastes
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.

....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....
I been meaning to ask you,

"Is it tricking if you got it?"
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

a bag is a waste of money. & i don't need gifts. if i want something i'll buy it myself. i don't believe in giving a gift just for the sake of giving a gift. i like when people put thought into things.
you wanna spend money on me, spend it on like an experience that will last.... a memory. i cherish thoughts and things more than material objects. anyone can throw down the mastercard... but you really can't put a price on a genuine heartfelt gesture.

instead of like a bag.. like pay for sky diving or hot air ballooning or a different restaurant.. a museum .. a gallery .. something exciting. hell i'd prefer a good book over a bag. let's me know you actually took time and put thought into the person i actually am.

putting thought in and spending minimal pesos ftw.

Then again you gotta know what the girl is like before you do that. If i know she'll apreciate it, then i'll make the effort...

I aint making a bday card out of tissue paper and glitter if i know the %$@%* gon be like 'the #!!% is this??
'......them ones can get an unlimited text

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.

....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....
I been meaning to ask you,

"Is it tricking if you got it?"

Anytime you splurge money on a female that youre not hittin' or in a relationship with...its tricking....Broke or rich

Im not talkin about dinners, Im talkin about like Bags, Trips....ishh like that
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

I bought my girl a Coach bag last year... $400 joint... thought I was doin it... The lady at Coach even sent me a thank you card in the mail...

I was 3 months into my new job, so it didn't feel too bad, but I thought that this would be an "upgrade" for her since she wasn't into desgnier stuff like that...

Now... she don't even be wearin the bag no more... she tote her $30-$50 way more than I ever seen her wear the joint I got her...

Just made me realize that she ain't even on that material !$# like that...

Edit: Will Coach accept refunds after almost a year???...

$400 man? Come on now man. 3 Months into your new job? Economically that is a bad decision (unless you HAD it like that). But I am sure you wouldn't do it again.......
That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
Wow man, just wow.

Naw, don't think like I went broke over that $400 i dropped... It ain't like my bills/rent/etc wasnt paid...And not to brag or anything, but that $400 wasn't hurtin' me at all back then...

She was holdin' me down back when it would take me damn near 6 weeks just to stack $400 for anything... I did think that buying that bag would be a tokenof appreciate because of the monetary value, but like I mentioned, she's more into those sentimental type gifts and the high-end life ain't really herstyle...

But if she was to ask me for it again, knowin' what she has done for me in the past... I would do it again, no doubt...

I feel what you sayin' tho, cuz I know some people who don't even got it like that and go far out theyway to shower their significant other wit gifts...
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.

....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....
I been meaning to ask you,

"Is it tricking if you got it?"
Word to Fab "It aint trickin if you got her"

If its wifey why not buy her stuff she wants. Im not saying buy her everything she wants but damn ya dudes swear you only eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds,and shop at Dollar Dreams. If the girl is down for you and has been down for some time why not show her some love. You really wanna be lookin the flyest youcan and she lookin tore up cuz she may not be "DOING IT" like you are.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.

....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....
I been meaning to ask you,

"Is it tricking if you got it?"
Word to Fab "It aint trickin if you got her"

If its wifey why not buy her stuff she wants. Im not saying buy her everything she wants but damn ya dudes swear you only eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds, and shop at Dollar Dreams. If the girl is down for you and has been down for some time why not show her some love. You really wanna be lookin the flyest you can and she lookin tore up cuz she may not be "DOING IT" like you are.
It never occurred to me that I'd be with a girl who didn't know how to take care of herself or look good with what she had out in public.I already gave my viewpoint on this topic and it won't change. I asked that question cuz for a couple posts now I thought that was dude's mentalitywhich then would've made perfect anti-sense to me.

But I get it some of yall dudes is the type that are well off or rich and money isn't top priority like that. Simply an end to a means. So splurging onyour girl is something that's a given to yall. That's obviously not me tho. Do what yall do tho. It is your money.
Oh so you are saying your girl couldn't dress and it used to be an embarrassment to be seen with her in public? So you wanted to give her a makeover? LOL Iget it.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by HOVKid

That freaking Bellanciaga bag was like $2k, no joke....
that is foolish.

....I believe Son is a Corporate Lawyer....Meaning 2k is a drop in the water for him....
I been meaning to ask you,

"Is it tricking if you got it?"
Word to Fab "It aint trickin if you got her"

If its wifey why not buy her stuff she wants. Im not saying buy her everything she wants but damn ya dudes swear you only eat off the dollar menu at McDonalds, and shop at Dollar Dreams. If the girl is down for you and has been down for some time why not show her some love. You really wanna be lookin the flyest you can and she lookin tore up cuz she may not be "DOING IT" like you are.

Then again one should only go out of there way that for a certain kind of woman. The kind of woman that will be there if it were to all fade to black.
Basically, I am co-signing what simply said. Actually, I barely own anything brand name. Never was into high end brand name items. But, I think when it comesto materialistic items and brand names, I find men get judged for it more than women. A girl can get away more with non-brand name items, or even knock-offs.But, with men, if they wear a cheap brand, or a knock-off of high end brand names, it seems to be that they will get more judged for that, by other women andmen.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Basically, I am co-signing what simply said. Actually, I barely own anything brand name. Never was into high end brand name items. But, I think when it comes to materialistic items and brand names, I find men get judged for it more than women. A girl can get away more with non-brand name items, or even knock-offs. But, with men, if they wear a cheap brand, or a knock-off of high end brand names, it seems to be that they will get more judged for that, by other women and men.

Yea, well that's mainly because most men arent concerned about what you have on, initially... They're moreinto you're face/body/personality (seldom)...
Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

Yea, well that's mainly because most men arent concerned about what you have on, initially... They're more into you're face/body/personality (seldom)...
Blame society...
Yes, that is exactly it. I admit, I am kind of guilty of it myself. But really, that is so shallow. For example, at times, I will see some guyswearing Exco and I cringe. Do they have Exco clothing in the U.S.? I think it is a Canadian company that tries to knock off other higher end brand nameclothing.

I found an entry for it on Urban Dictionary. Damn, look at the entries on it.
So judgmental, but most will think this way when it comes to certain cheaperend brand name clothing if men wear it.

As for girls, how many times do I hear, I bought this fake Versace and Dolce and Gabbana purse or sunglasses at the mall stand?? She would not be looked downfor it or get that much slack either. So, it is exactly what you said. Also, I find that men spend maybe a lot more money on clothes wear because they areforced to go for brand name and good quality. Meanwhile, a girl can buy clothes from Forever XXI and a 5$ shirt, and it is not as bad if a guy were to do it.That needs to change!
Bought my wife a Juicy Bag think im gonna take it to the next level andget her a Loui im a little to selfish to spend 500+ on a bag but she deserves it
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Oh so you are saying your girl couldn't dress and it used to be an embarrassment to be seen with her in public? So you wanted to give her a makeover? LOL I get it.

You funny fam. Thats not what I said at all. My girl do fine by herself shes an RN she gets paid, thats not the point. But When we got together she wasntflashy so she didnt buy extravagent @%!@ like that. For example Jewelry. I like jewelry so I have it. I guess its bad now for me to want her to have somethingcomparable to what I have. She wouldnt splurg on it herself because she doesnt see the point so I got her something.

She been down for me for 6 years, so its simping for me to want my girl to have the same stuff I have even tho she doesnt ask for it. Ok
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Oh so you are saying your girl couldn't dress and it used to be an embarrassment to be seen with her in public? So you wanted to give her a makeover? LOL I get it.

You funny fam. Thats not what I said at all. My girl do fine by herself shes an RN she gets paid, thats not the point. But When we got together she wasnt flashy so she didnt buy extravagent @%!@ like that. For example Jewelry. I like jewelry so I have it. I guess its bad now for me to want her to have something comparable to what I have. She wouldnt splurg on it herself because she doesnt see the point so I got her something.

She been down for me for 6 years, so its simping for me to want my girl to have the same stuff I have even tho she doesnt ask for it. Ok

No but I think it is somewhat childish for you to try and FORCE that lavish lifestyle upon her when she clearly wants no part of it. Why would you even wasteyour money buying someone something that they already said they don't want and like? Let her be low-key if that is the persona she wants to display
If I'm going to be wearing designer suits, then I would like my love in designer threads as well, but that's just my preference.

and as the saying goes, "it ain't trickin if you got it".
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

and as the saying goes, "it ain't trickin if you got it".

I should've known. To clarify, when its deserved and she's(mylongtime girl..newly fiancee) doing all that I ask of her and more, then I feel as though she deserves SOME things here and there.
That isn't tricking though.

There is nothing positive that come from 'tricking'. There is nothing positive associated w/ tricking. If it's your girl and y'all are down w/eachother like that, then you aren't tricking on her...

I don't even see how people view tricking as acceptable...

And plus, tricking is tricking regardless of the amount of bread in your pocket. That just means that you have more to spend or it won't hurt your pocketsas much, but it's tricking regardless...
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Let her slide guys shes new here, our threads in JJB were pretty ridiculous also

And no i havent bought a chick a designer bag. She dont need it plus chicks tend to have dozens of bags anyway

You guys are bunch of cheap skates no offense. Remember quality over quantity and yes I've bought a nice designer bag for my gf before. Spent about $700 onLV bag and a nice Coach bag for $500. Women deserve nice things here and there but don't get me wrong I'm not dropping that type of money on a regular.I'm 27 and working so I can do that but for the youngin, no way in hell am I dropping that kinda of paper unless you know you're going to marry her.
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