Have you ever bought a girl a designer bag?

"Yo, son. I make about 100k a year and Im only 20. Dont worry 'about what I do. I just own a few businesses and invested heavily. But currently Imstudying to be a lawyer. U mad?"

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I Swear to GOD! NTers are THEE coolest people to walk the streets.....


Says the guy who feels the need to brag about how much money he earns, and how much money he can afford to spend buying silly lil shoes for his girl--all the while advertising the kind of car he drives, overtly at that, and taking every opportunity he gets to take tagged pics of all the aforementioned extravagances.

Yeahhhh...you're pretty cool yourself bro'...


Got 'em

Damn I don't know about all that. If me and my girl in that type of relationship aint nothing wrong with her copping me random gifts and me doing the same.

I do pull the equality/independence cards frequently tho when chicks try to make it one sided, which they often do.

But mouse I think you know it's a rarity for some chicks to be buying dudes gifts, especially on a whim.

I must be really rare because I buy my boyfriend things randomly... If I can afford it and I know he'll like it, I get it. I also give him things justbecause
I also get them in return.
Originally Posted by Jillian808

Damn I don't know about all that. If me and my girl in that type of relationship aint nothing wrong with her copping me random gifts and me doing the same.

I do pull the equality/independence cards frequently tho when chicks try to make it one sided, which they often do.

But mouse I think you know it's a rarity for some chicks to be buying dudes gifts, especially on a whim.

I must be really rare because I buy my boyfriend things randomly... If I can afford it and I know he'll like it, I get it. I also give him things just because
I also get them in return.
And that is also key, having someone that you KNOW will return the favor. I see so many one sided relationships where dudes show the woman withgifts and he gets NOTHING in return but he STILLS showers her with gifts. Thats NOT what a relationship is about
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I Swear to GOD! NTers are THEE coolest people to walk the streets.....


Says the guy who feels the need to brag about how much money he earns, and how much money he can afford to spend buying silly lil shoes for his girl--all the while advertising the kind of car he drives, overtly at that, and taking every opportunity he gets to take tagged pics of all the aforementioned extravagances.

Yeahhhh...you're pretty cool yourself bro'...



First...No one on this site knows how much money I make

Second....This is a Thread about buying Things for Women...Right?...so that entitles me to post what I have bought my woman....Right?...Right

Third...Yes, I advertise my car...in CAR threads....

Fourth....Yes, I post tagged pics in the "post your Designer Clothes" "post your Designer Shoes" and "Post your Sunglasses"threads

Fifth....Low Key, you sound mad at me
Why? who knows
Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I Swear to GOD! NTers are THEE coolest people to walk the streets.....


Says the guy who feels the need to brag about how much money he earns, and how much money he can afford to spend buying silly lil shoes for his girl--all the while advertising the kind of car he drives, overtly at that, and taking every opportunity he gets to take tagged pics of all the aforementioned extravagances.

Yeahhhh...you're pretty cool yourself bro'...


Got 'em

What is that in OP avy a moist toilette, or a high fashion condom?

It's supposed to be a Chanel condom... it says "for use by trendy sluts"

And that is also key, having someone that you KNOW will return the favor. I see so many one sided relationships where dudes show the woman with gifts and he gets NOTHING in return but he STILLS showers her with gifts. Thats NOT what a relationship is about

That's messed up to me. A relationship can't be all of one person giving and one person receiving. I hate females like that. My boyfriend doesn'tlike designer things too much but he got me a pricey Chanel bag for a Christmas present. Did I get him a designer present back? No, he got a flat screen tv. Iwould never expect to get stuff from a boyfriend and never give anything back.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by FREQUENTFLYER

i bought a girl a phone once. if that's pricey enough. sad thing is she don't even pick up my calls.

See situations like this. Why are you buying her a PHONE? Did she not have money? Did she ask and you just decided to do it? Was this YOUR woman?

I am not a woman's father, I wouldn't buy a woman a PHONE. Things like that are off limits for relationships in my opinion.

nah you see the thing was, i liked this girl. i thought i was hard tryna trick and all. little did i know she was just using me while she was just juicing me.(yall know how powerless you get when girls start using their powers)
I just hope and pray that you all are blessed , thankful, and appreciative for what you all recieve from others and what you have....
a coach bag early in the relationship when we were younger and a gucci bag later on, the next bag she gettin herself though. she got a good job

lol Kay they goin in, nah i cant front one time you did say you made 67k workin for Amtrak though
Originally Posted by Al Audi

a coach bag early in the relationship when we were younger and a gucci bag later on, the next bag she gettin herself though. she got a good job

lol Kay they goin in, nah i cant front one time you did say you made 67k workin for Amtrak though

I made 60k+ in 2007...08 was good...09 is looking great

I dont work for Amtrak btw

Im not braggin'....Lurk' brought it out of me
Damn, it's just gifts. Either you get them for your other half or you don't. It ain't that big of deal
I don't ever expect anyone to buy me anything expensive or extravagant and although I don't need it ornecessarily want it, it would upset me if my significant other didn't at least think I was worthy of buying those things for.
"Kay posts tagged pics of his BMW in CAR threads and tagged pics of his designer purchases in the Post your DESIGNER_______ threads....GrRrRrR!!!"

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I Swear to GOD! NTers are THEE coolest people to walk the streets.....


Says the guy who feels the need to brag about how much money he earns, and how much money he can afford to spend buying silly lil shoes for his girl--all the while advertising the kind of car he drives, overtly at that, and taking every opportunity he gets to take tagged pics of all the aforementioned extravagances.

Yeahhhh...you're pretty cool yourself bro'...



First...No one on this site knows how much money I make

Second....This is a Thread about buying Things for Women...Right?...so that entitles me to post what I have bought my woman....Right?...Right

Third...Yes, I advertise my car...in CAR threads....

Fourth....Yes, I post tagged pics in the "post your Designer Clothes" "post your Designer Shoes" and "Post your Sunglasses" threads

Fifth....Low Key, you sound mad at me
Why? who knows

1. No, but you make it a point to convey that you make a lot of it--the evidence alone can be found in this thread...

2. Sure, post what you copped for you lil thang and keep it moving. It is that simple. You however, make it a point of emphasis to point out that "brokemales" can't do what you do. My interest is--why are you going out of your way to emphasize just what you can do, and the next man can't? I mean,do you need some sort of e-validation. Is that lil thang of yours not giving you the appreciation you had hoped for when you purchased those goods forher...

3. Over your head it went...yes indeed...once again, the evidence is in this thread...

4. No, I've on more than one occasion, noticed you randomly throwing up a tagged pics of "stuff"...I suppose it's really w/e though...

5. Trust me, I'm far from being mad. It's funny how people always assume that an individual is mad, and see fit to throw out the infamous "YOUMAD" NT meme, whenever they feel "blank" and have nothing better to say...
... But nah brah, I'm not mad...

And Wait....Did son just make a comment about the size of my Penis?....Must I post Tagged pics of that aswell?
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