Have you ever walked out of a movie in the theaters?

Nah im too cheap for that.

If i payed for a movie, im watching a damn movie.

Now i will walk in another show afterwards if the movie was wack and i feel jipped to make up for the trash 1st one.
I walked out when I went to see Kung pow enter the fist.

I actually liked Kung Pow, even though it's my favorite "bad" movie. However, my mom walked out after the first 10 minutes of it, and she waited in the theater's lobby until it was over. I continued to watch it with my brother and my dad, and we all laughed our ***** off.

I nearly walked out of You Don't Mess with the Zohan due to its cheesiness, but my mind told me I must finish the movie, whether good or bad. So to answer the original question, no I would not.
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Don't think I've walked out of a movie at the theater but there's been a few rentals or Netflix viewings where I stopped watching
I've walked out of more than a few. The last one was that new Evil Dead, mostly because I was a fan of the original. The characters had no personality. I didn't care about them to want to know how it ended. But if you walk out before the half way mark you can usually get your money back.
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I don't see how some people didn't like Man of Steel. It was the best Superman movie to date and a lot closer to some of my favorite writing from the comics. Do you remember how bad the last one was? He didn't throw a single punch. Go back and watch it and tell me who he beat up.
Never walked out of a movie, almost feel forced to finish it since I took the effort to go. When I'm at home I turn off movies all the time, if you don't get my interest in the first 30 mins I'm done.
Walked out of django. Went to a last full show and i was too sleepy, my friend could hear me snoring. So we had to walk ouy
Never walked out on a movie... I damn near wanted to walk out of Bruno and the movie Grown Ups. Bruno was a bit too gay for my liking and not nearly as funny as Borat.. Grown Ups was just so dry to me... I had higher expectations.
Never walked out on a movie... I damn near wanted to walk out of Bruno and the movie Grown Ups. Bruno was a bit too gay for my liking and not nearly as funny as Borat.. Grown Ups was just so dry to me... I had higher expectations.

Bruno was mad gay. About half the theater walked out when I went to see it
I fall asleep on movies...

I walked out on 'Grown Ups'. I demanded a refund on that horrible movie.

Let me add 'Think Like A Man, too' to the list.
Grown iOS would be a movie to walk out of. Red boxed that joint and complained to the machine when I brought it back :lol:

They may be the worst movie of all time
Bruno was mad gay. About half the theater walked out when I went to see it

"A bit gay" was an understatement :lol:... I was waiting for the funny parts but nah... I sat in front of Sigourney Weaver in the theatre so I kind of felt like I was watching the movie with her
Bruno was horrible. I'm not homophobic at all and usually the "flamboyant" guy always cracks me up but that movie was nothing but dongs on the screen. LITERALLY
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I walked out of Year One, literally the worst thing ive ever seen.

Same here. The comedy was so corny and forced, I kept trying to stay longer thinking the funny was coming, but after 30 minutes I couldn't take it anymore.

I remember wanting to walk out of Bruno, but remembering how funny borat was that I waited for the lulz. They never came. I should've left.
Opening scene of Saw 4 brought the b!+ch out of me. Couldn't take anymore past the first 4 minutes. I wanted my mother.
I remember hating Year One when I watched it in the theatre... so wack. I watched it a few years later on Starz with some reefer :smokin... cant lie I was :rofl:
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