Have you stopped going to church?

Jan 4, 2008
I used to go all the time, but when I got to college, I just stopped going. Now that it's over, I just don't have the desire to go anymore.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I stopped going around 6 years ago (I used to only go once every few monthsthough).. Gave up on organized religion.[/color]
i haven't been to church in about 7-10 years, don't know when i'll go back either
My grandmother used to make me go to church with her when i was real young. But i don't go now. If my son has a church play; i go to them,... but thats it.
Nope. I never went to church when i was young. Maybe couple times when i absolutely had to go.
I don't believe in god or anything so why should i go to church.
i stopped around college also, I used to go and fight to stay awake..got tired of hearing the same things over and over again, along with the hypocrites andmoney hungry pastors
I haven't been going as much lately. Need to start going again =/.
Looking for a new church though.
Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

.got tired of hearing the same things over and over again, along with the hypocrites and money hungry pastors

my wife wants me to go at this moment. but i dont wanna go cuz ^ and i JUST got off of work. %@%! that. i need sleep.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I stopped going around 6 11 years ago ..[/color]
wont even go on father's day.

I'm just confused as to what imma do when/if my girl wants to get married
My mom never really took me, but now I just watch the live broadcast or listen to the podcast from my dad's church in Greensboro, NC.
I like the pastor he's not very dramatic and it feels like bible college more than a "show".
I still go to church but honestly not as much as i should, especially during the semester
yea I must do better... as soon as I went to college church kinda just went to the left...
I don't go when I'm at school, but I go every week when I'm home in the summer and on breaks. Today is the first week I've skipped all summerto watch Wimbledon.
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