Have you stopped going to church?

I jujst got back into to church atster a 12 plus year hiatus. When i was young i didnt like church i was forced to go. once i got in the late teens i stopgoing. I didnt understand the sermons back then and i was always falling asleep. But now that im older and can unserstand and appreciate the word i love going.Every sunday I go I hear a part of the sermon that relates directly to what im going thru at the current moment in my life be it positive or negative. And whenI hear it i take it in and adjust to make a positve stay positive and turn the negative into a positive. I understand the bible now that i pay attention inchurch. It's good for the mind and soul. If you go and pay attention you will hear something that you need to hear.
used to go nearly every sunday

now i only go for special occasions like easter, mother's day, christmas, baptisms yadda yadda

then i get back into the car and play some slayer, much to the chagrin of my mom
yea i havent been in a minute.. when i started going to college i stopped going to church like that too
used to go EVERY sunday with grandma after she passed i tried goin by myself everyweek then work got in the way...then i started changing my schedule to go tochurch and for about 5-6 months i stopped goin to church all together
but i still believe in god
I remember back in the day when my mom would always forced me to go every damn Sunday..I stopped attending church prob when i reached about 14, and now my lilbro has that spot now.
once I started driving I never went back, and I had basketball games on sundays too so that played a role as well. I still go on my birthday and holidaysthough..
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:

being spiritual > religious.

I agree! But I attend church, though not faithfully like I should. Alot of what was said about the saints and pastors is true. That's why I goto get what I need from God and bounce. Hang around too long and you'll get sucked up in the church gossip and complaining. I'm good off all thatnonesense.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I don't go when I'm at school, but I go every week when I'm home in the summer and on breaks.
cosign. at school i get caught up a lot and find myself going only once in a while (when you're in college, the power of extra sleep on theweekends is just too overwhelming
). but when i'm at home, i try to go every week.

no matter what, i refuse to be one of those people that says "boohoo, churchgoers are hypocrites so i'll just stay at home and worship God in my ownway." i think we all know damn well that that's just an excuse for our laziness, or for us not wanting to be convicted about our spiritual walk. myparents raised me to stay true to myself and God, and i will always keep those values.

i've had many tough times where i've been positively blessed by something i heard in church, so i'm not gonna stop going.
i stopped a long time ago because i felt like i was going for the wrong reasons. i personally feel like i dunt belong there because of the person i am. i enjoytoo many wrongful things (according to the bible) in my life and i would feel like a hipocrete goin to church acting like i dunt do them, do them with repentor plan on not doing them anymore.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

only when I come home...but I've never step foot in a church when I'm at school

it makes makes my mom so mad too but I would go I just never wake up in time
Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo


Which bible? i don't understand your statement
King James/Christian bible. It's not hard to understand, alot of religions make their own traditions that has nothing to do with the bible.Simple.
My mom used to always make me go, but once college came around I gradually attended less and less. Now I never go...I went to the club instead of midnighteaster service...
at myself
Not as much as I used to I still believe in god, I just don't like the church politics,

I haven't been since last may
Originally Posted by eye see soles

I used to go all the time, but when I got to college, I just stopped going. Now that it's over, I just don't have the desire to go anymore.
im not really into church or religion in general for that matter
i went not too long ago w/my girl tho and i knew it was goin to be an experience when i realized the pastor had on some run down new balances
And as i expected it def was
Originally Posted by excel intell

I think using hypocrisy in a church as an excuse a reason not to go is ridiculous.
Even if the hypocrisy came from the clergy? Or your parents? I'm assuming that you feel that any "excuse" to not go to church isridiculous. If my assumption is incorrect, then tell me what you think is a legitimate reason for a healthy, average person not limited by geographicallocation to not attend church.

If your current or past church does not feel right to you then move to another church stay home.


If you disliked hypocrits so much then you would not go to work, school, the club...
Please elaborate on that one. People shouldn'tearn an income because they dislike hypocrites? There is a difference between going to work to make money and going to church so someone can talk you out ofit. There is also a difference when you attend a place for supposed moral guidelines that people aren't meeting. Particularly when those people are theones stating the guidelines.

One of the purposes of church is to come in and learn things that will make you more like Christ
Then practice Judaism and/or become a martyr for a cause you believe in.

So why are you so worried about what the person on the pew/seat next to you is doing?
Sometimes those people give you no choice but to worry about what they are doing when they have their hands raised speaking in tongues andshouting and crying and clapping on Sundays, only to live a regular or sometimes highly immoral life during the rest of the week. The shouting you hear intheir homes isn't quite like the shouting you hear them doing at church.

BTW it is really offensive to stereotype people.
Because the church would never do a thing like that, right? They're just trying to reach out andsave all of those lost, joyless souls who are doomed to hell because they are missing the holy fellowship in the houseof the Lord.
I think a lot of adults about 18-25 stop going, but then start going back to church after 25ish.

College, saturday night life, adjusting to new careers, etc. all play a part. Your parents force you to go to church. Howeverm once you move out or go tocollege, it's up to you. A lot of young adults stop going to church for a period of time, but many return after the early adulthood period once theirlifestyles slowed down. Just my observation.
And the church that I used to attend started at around 9 a.m and ended at 2:30 in the afternoon.

I hated that crap.
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