Tom isnt the new wayne .. thats just something theyre doing to keep the recovering GR group around and not feel helpless, sad, and alone.
Not sure why they didnt think the GR houses wouldnt communicate when their members are leaving 1 by 1. Theres always 1 who leads that talks so theres communication. Example: Patti talked to Meg when she joined, Patti tried to get Lorie to talk, Meg talks to Tom.
Now that whole scene with her riding him was just pointless? What was that suppose to represent? Cuz Tom aint gonna say nothing about that happening .. she should have burned Tom like she threatend. GR aint ish
When the scene EP started I figured Lorie must be doing something with that car because she washed it so carefully, not like it was sparkling new whip either.
In that book she should have told why she joined the GR and how she ditched her fam like the editor peeps wanted.
So dude wasnt strong enough to pull the steering wheel back the other way? Or better yet just turn it left even more and take the car off the road completely
the lady looked unstable anyway
I need to go back and watch the end of Season 1, didnt Kevin run in to Wayne in the bathroom somewhere?