HBO Michael Jackson doc 'Leaving Neverland'

Its theorized that Mike (like other child predators) would only target children (and families) where there was a power imbalance.

McCauley was a child movie star and a rich kid. He wasnt a little boy from a family of thirsty fans who wanted to live the good life and so it would be too conspicuous to take advantage. He couldn't lavish that whole family with gifts and expensive trips. Same with Corey Feldman
Even in the documentary he treats the kids differently based on family dynamics.

With one family he knew the mother was smart so he had rooms floors apart, with the dumb Australian chick he had her next door.
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This guy says he can’t look at the jewelry or talk about it but he kept it all.
Why keep it?

Extra weird. Also noticed the brillo pad comment, as I mentioned before in this thread, there are some inconsistencies with a typical victim of abuse and their stories. Abused victims rarely remember every detail like they seem to remember, there is almost always a fog, just how the brain works with traumatic experiences.
I’m down to the last 30min of the Series................…I’m on the part where Rob takes his Mother into therapy and confesses what Mike did all those years, oh my this is so sad.

Listening to how his wife Amanda shut her out from seeing their kid Koa, how Wades brother was so upset with her prior and looked at her in absolute disgust after he found out, how Wades sister feels towards her for “allowing” this to happen under her tutelage, I’m absolutely going through it right now.
If he's your Jesus or close to being your Jesus, you need better people around you.
To not acknowledge the truth in eracisms post isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a inability to understand what he means, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

For some reason it just doesn’t register for you like that. It doesn’t mean eracisim holds MJ in that high of a regard, he’s just acknowledging that some ppl did.

There are hours and hours and hundreds of thousands of instances of people absolutely fainting, just at the sight of MJ up close.

To acknowledge people held him in that high of a place for whatever reason, doesn’t make him complicit or mean he holds MJ in the same regard.

You just don’t understand at all and again, that is okay too.
Mike was with 100’s of kids and only 1 or 2 of them have “claims” and even those 2 have recanted statements. And no staff or any adult saw anything from Mike to easily extort him right? **** don’t add up, clearly. Ain’t no kid getting his bum touched regularly by Michael Jackson and ALWAYS wanting to be around him.
Hav6e you been through something like abuse where you can say this?
Understanding what you do now That isn't how life is.
At 7 years old, you have the understanding or right and wrong that a 7 year old has, not the understanding that you do now....

You can't tell a 7 year old he should have reacted to "alleged" just can't, you can't do that anymore than you can take a 7 year old today and make him understand the responsibilities of you as a Grown man. Things don't compute for a 7 year old the same way they do for us as grown ups.

edit: I see now others have asked you the same, my bad.......not trying to come hard at you, I just haven't caught the replies of everyone to your statement, I just quoted right after reading it, I should probably read on before bad
what does it say

Wade answers quick, it comes off effortless and natural. He’s consistent with each question. He doesn’t even have to think about it because it’s the truth. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t have been coached but at that age, he’s gotta remember what he was told to say.

Anyone else find it weird that MJ was around thousands of kids and he’s calling kids that he supposedly touched to come testify for him? Why not call the kids he didn’t touch unless he touched all of them which I doubt.
Just funny when you take everything into account in these situations people jump on this "OH YOU DEFENDING...." :lol:

I've watched documentaries before about Mike's weird behavior (another reason why I have no interest in watching this one). The sleepovers, how he would have kids sitting on his lap at award shows. Dude was on some other ****. Nobody should ignore his behavior and I'm also not gonna that these accusers are shady and proven liars. The first accuser from the 90's wrote a letter when he got older saying his parents forced him to lie for money and they had a recording of his father admitting he was lying.

Then this Wade dude has flip flopped on his story. He was dating MJ's neice for years, he was tryna sell MJ's merchandise, he was a doing MJ tribute after he died, BUT NOW he saying Mike did something to him? :lol:

They hyped this documentary like it was a smoking gun. That's why I'm waiting to hear if there's some new evidence or if this is just good acting.
If he did some terrible s*** then that's just how that is.
He was a sick individual and there's nothing more to that.
But I can't not enjoy alot of the things he made.
Thriller, Billie jean, man in the mirror etc.

I just can't.

Those are just sounds and lyrics and visuals and emotions that I enjoy , but I can separate those from the man.

If he is innocent or guilty the music will still sound just as good.
He could very well be a piece of s***
But he made some very good songs lol

What am I supposed to do if he's guilty?
NOT like how Billie Jean sounds??
Why do people keep posting this like it's true?

I don't know if he made any official statements like that, but its widely known he never spoke to his parents after and his dad offed himself a few months after MJ died. Thats the same guy who was recorded talking about ruining MJ forever and administered a memory implanting sedative to his son illegally during a dental procedure after which the allegations started. Until then the kid was adamant he wasnt touched.

I feel like I've become somewhat of a MJ apologist but its infuriating how little research people do. Being a weirdo doesnt make you a criminal. Do you know how many "I knew he was guilty in that 2005 trial" comments I've seen? That was one the weakest criminal cases I have ever heard or read about. The single biggest piece of "evidence "they had was an amazon best seller art book with some naked boys :lol:
Didnt see the docu but heres my opinion on MJ

He def did molest and abuse children. Whether it was these guys in the docu? Idk but he def did abuse children in my mind.

What superstar in his 20’s-50’s would constantly be hanging around boys and having sleepovers? If that wasnt Michael Jackson, the defenders wouldnt be defending him. Plain and simple thats just some weird ****. Grown *** people dont be around kids that arent their own.

And where is the accountability of these parents? Who the hell would let their child sleepover in MJ’s house unattended? To me they let their kids get abused just to sue and get a check. Sickening.
MJ comes to me and says he wants my child to sleepover his house, I’m taking a swing at him and hope to land a few before his bodyguards probably beat me up.

And as far as all of MJ’s weirdness and issues go, you can blame that piece of **** Joe Jackson for. Still though thats not an excuse to be messing around with children. To me thats probably the worst thing you could do.
Teenager on my block showed me XXX mags called "Cheri" when I was 6-7. Didn't think anything of it then, but looking back on it now I'm lucky that's all that happened.

When I was 11 my homie had a sleepover birthday.
Stepdad puts on an XXX compilation video of chicks getting skeeted on.
Again at the time laughed it off and didn't think much of it. Knew what I was doing was wrong, but didn't think the stepdad was doing anything wrong on his end.
Found out years later he was abusing my friend.

This is a great example of how things like this can go on around you or happen to you, and you just don't say anything .....................

Wade is showing way more emotion and crying about his parents splitting and his mom chasing stardom than MJ supposedly touching him and blowing him.
It's because (and he even says this) he didn't see what Michael was doing as abuse. It never registered as abuse, he enjoyed it. He was taught by Michael(his friend) that this was okay.
Extra weird. Also noticed the brillo pad comment, as I mentioned before in this thread, there are some inconsistencies with a typical victim of abuse and their stories. Abused victims rarely remember every detail like they seem to remember, there is almost always a fog, just how the brain works with traumatic experiences.

That only happens when you know you're being abused. Most of the time, children victims don't understand that what is happening to them is wrong until later in life, so the brain has no reason to suppress the attacks or fog them up.
This kid Wade had an album with another kid in 94 and it was released on MJ’s label. The other kid ended up marrying Regan Gomez fine ***. The lead single was produced by Redman and the second single was Teddy Riley. That **** is ****in crazy.
Feldman is speaking the obvious truth along with PAGES of court documents. Mike was with thousands of kids, only 2 kids made “claims” and not only did they go back and forth on them, their parents didn’t want Mike in jail but wanted money and a record deal instead. How did Mike touch kids and kept all of them on code? Why y’all think a roller coaster and a petting zoo is keeping a kid from saying Michael Jackson touched their bum?? The world didn’t deserve Mike man. Y’all go listen to Prince or something.
The jarring back and forth of this post made me lol

I just said that to point out that being a pervert and being extremely talented at creating content that is very enjoyable aren't mutually exclusive.

People just have trouble separating the artist from the art. Like when my girlfriend and I were first dating, the topic of favorite movies came up and she got irritated when I said Midnight in Paris. Woody Allen is a creep, but he's a creep that made damn good movie.

Never really listened to R. Kelly, but if I did and I enjoyed his music, I'd feel the same way about him.
I seriously had to hit pause at least 3 times during part 2.

This documentary so sad & depressing
Going by the documentary Mike was not going for kids who already had it going on in Hollywood

There's no vulnerability there to take advantage of
Going by the documentary Mike was not going for kids who already had it going on in Hollywood

There's no vulnerability there to take advantage of
Just because he didn't abuse EVERY kid he came in contact with doesn't mean he's innocent.
If Feldman and Culkin escaped without abuse then good, some of those boys weren't that lucky.
All of the girls were safe, though. You never ever see him with little Girls.
Don’t @ me cause I’m not going back and forth cause I don’t give a **** and I regret watching this ****. Before I watched this **** I was 50/50 and after watching this I’m still 50/50 about him touching kids.

What stood out to me the most, both of the mothers were in love with that lifestyle and chased it. The two men were trying to make it in the industry, Wade was successful but his career died down over the years and James never made it as a musician or director. That screams money and attention to me.

I personally don’t believe them, I could be wrong but that’s my opinion from what they’re saying to how they say it and James got like a ****in smirk the whole time. They look like bad actors at times. Their stories don’t make sense at times. They’re stuttering and pausing like they’re trying to think of something to say.

MJ was weird as **** and had serious issues, we all know that. He could have had some mental trauma from his childhood that messed him up and made him feel like a kid so he really was naive and innocent and thought he was a kid. He could also have some mental or physical **** from his past that turned him into a child molester. We’ll never know, neither one would surprise me.

The fan at the end cursing out Wade had me dying, hahahahaha. Had to watch it more than once.
This kid Wade had an album with another kid in 94 and it was released on MJ’s label. The other kid ended up marrying Regan Gomez fine ***. The lead single was produced by Redman and the second single was Teddy Riley. That **** is ****in crazy.

Holy ****. Wade Robson was part of Quo. That’s amazing. I literally had no idea that was him. I just remember how much of a joke I thought they were when they came out and how alI I could think was that MJ wanted his own version of Kris Kross. Incredible.
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