HBO: "Westworld"...Cancelled After 4 Seasons

Finally watched the last 3 episodes.

Cool to see Lili Simmons bae from Banshee in this show.

Snake tattoo did work. Straight up savage.

Feudal Japan and samurai would've been cool.

Their security sucks.

felix the lab tech is an absolute moron. billy is an idiot and weirdo. Hope he gets decapitated by a tomahwak.

Would've been better if they actually cast 2 actors who look alike to play billy.

Besides people noticing two different company logos, what else in the early episodes had people saying oh the show has 2 storylines in different time periods? I'd really like to know what clues made them think of that. Was that something in the movies too?
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If that's all he wanted, he could have just used his swoosh discount and hit up her saloon.


still 40k a day even with a 50% swoosh discount is a steep price for the robotic P.

My man just thought he got game but got played like a fool.
It may have been a kinda cheesy, but I liked it when Maeve gave Felix that little compliment at the end
She told him that he wasn't like other humans or something like that

Because another human would've used common sense and shut her **** down early :lol:

But all them Westworld Repair Dept. dudes seem to be weirdos, anyway.
What that cleanup/maintenance night shift crew were doing makes me wonder more what those dudes do to corpses in the morgue now :lol: :x

They probably be mad hype when they hear the person died of natural causes and there will be no investigation/autopsy.
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Besides people noticing two different company logos, what else in the early episodes had people saying oh the show has 2 storylines in different time periods? I'd really like to know what clues made them think of that. Was that something in the movies too?
The thing that sealed it for me was when MIB killed Lawrence (hung him upside down on the tree and slit his throat) and then it cut to the very next scene with William/Logan meeting Lawrence in Pariah. I forget what ep that was. Probably around 5 or so.
My bad I wasn't talking about William I was talking about the Asian guy
Da asian community needed a new savior after Glenn was killed off in TWD and this is what Westworld came up with. :lol: SMH

It would've been better for my people if the company activated those badass samurai to fight sexy snake tattoo bae and xerxes.

Her twisting something in her arm with her knife so it would fire the gun on the security guy was savage and awesome though. :smokin
Next season isn't until 2018 [emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji][emoji]128553[/emoji]

Did anybody ever figure out who Wyatt was or is??
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Bruh, Wyatt is Delores. Same reasoning William is MIB and for multiple timelines.

Arnold uploaded the Wyatt program in to Delores so she could kill him, murder her own kind, break the loop before it started and keep her consciousness before Ford came in and buried it with new programming.

So when Ford said he made this villain for his new story all he did was unleash Delores/Wyatt so she regains her sanity and let Teddy remember what happened way back when with Delores.

:pimp:. What a beast!

Reminds me of the good ol call of duty days where I would just let the light machine guns hammer down non stop, taking out the entire opposing team in one magazine. :lol:
Maybe by then they will be able to adapt the episodes to vr headsets and we could watch that way. Would be lit.
Anyhow else hate this Asian dude in Westworld? Like wth did he think was gonna happen? He's over here single handedly creating skynet. :x

He just has that dumbass face that goes with the dumbass decisions he keeps making over and over :smh:
I liked the show overall but man, the staff and security were jokes. You had robots roaming around a secure facility and slashing people's necks, yet NOT ONE CAMERA captured any of it :lol:
i just finished this show and caught up on this thread

the theories and early denials in here 

i think the reason the security/qa missed so many things is because of ford's influence

i also dont think he's dead, i think he uploaded his consciousness upon death so now he really is a "god" of westworld
I was unable to suspend my disbelief at the end with the decision making and the fact that with such advanced technology, they were able to stop robots from killing people. They have the technology to build armies or impersonate government officials, yet we are supposed to be interested in a show about having sex and killing robots in the desert?

A man actually truly falls IN LOVE with a robot? Like puts the cape on and tries to SAVE her? Show had me with the visuals and the outstanding acting but I can't rock with the story. I didn't learn anything and they had to fabricate their problems in the show with outlandish character motives. Will not be watching another season.
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