HBO: "Westworld"...Cancelled After 4 Seasons

Good show, not quite convinced hopkins did an award winning job though. TBH i fell asleep through a lot of the dialogue.

I know I shouldn't think too much about it, but the life/death cycles seems like the biggest plotholes in the show. That and the one operating dude being totally submissive to Maeve.
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More worlds, more fun. But why was Delos interested in Westworld in particular? I guess they had hosts who were closest to reaching consciousness?

Westworld was probably the original park. We have no idea how old Samurai World is. Samurai world may not have a maze. They could have started SW after updating the hosts to the new modern versions who don't have any traces of Arnold in them.

Think of it like Disneyworld. Yeah, the Animal Kingdom and Epcot are fun, but you go to Disneyworld for the Magic Kingdom. Thats the money maker.

If WW is the oldest park going back 35years, they probably had money going into it from early on, before expanding to the other parks.
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I don't even think Samurai world is open yet. I feel like they just testing the hosts and doing final touches in behavior like they did when WW was started. I think that head of security guy was in SW when those ninjas/samurais were coming at him and he was like "freeze all motor functions" I think those were maybe Hosts that gained Consciousness also
The only thing that really makes me think Ford is dead is Anthony Hopkins. Like did he really sign on for season 2? Will he really come back for another TV show in 2 years? I personally doubt it so i think it will be easier to kill him off.

Great theory on the purse though Franc. I noticed she left it too and was like why would she not just grab the purse...but didn't think twice about it.

So many options for season 2 but def looking like a skynet fiasco :lol:

Clear some things up for me...

William...owns Delos?

Williams owns WW, but so does Delos, so the company Logan was talking about is Delos then yes?


So all of the other worlds...Ford created those too? Or just WW? But they created the tech right? Him and Arnold? So every other world is based on their original creations right?

Kind of hard to see the show go really far with all new worlds w/o him there considering he started this gangsta ****. It'd be like when the Godfather had 2 more flicks after Brando died.
That's why I dont think the other worlds are open yet to the public, If they were Ford would've overseen all the other worlds as well atleast visibly on the show. I think the reason the board stepped in was to expand beyond WW and perhaps Ford was against that as well as the other things. I think Delos wants to know how the tech works so they can expand things faster, but it's going at a snails pace because Ford is literally the only person that knows EVERYTHING about how the tech works. Everytime there's been a huge problem with the hosts or a further explanation is needed Ford is always brought in because no one knows. I mean during the firing of Bernard, Ford wasn't even trippin off the idea they tried to slip in a "host" undetected throughout that presentation.

I think the park just being WW= Ford always has control and he knew that whole resignation thing was coming and he couldn't hold off expansion any longer hence why he made a new narrative where all the hosts in any of the worlds gain consciousness.

Ford isn't dead and it's not like it's a huge commitment for Hopkins, dude maybe got 5 minutes of screen time per episode, excluding the finale. He made the most of it though so it feels like he was a featured player in all episodes, but every character except maybe the MIB had more screen time than Ford. Besides it's not like they would reveal his fate in at least the first 5 episodes of the new season, that's def a draw to watch.
One of the dopest scenes to me was when Ford was having tea with bernard's ol girl, and she was telling him how things had to be and he suddenly freezes everything with his mind (He's actually done this a couple times throughout the season). And then makes a huge machine come down over the hill ripping up the ground. I figured he made that happen with his mind too.

I was completely confused as to where we were at that time period, location wise. I was thinking, with the ability to do that, it had to be like a computer program, and everybody was plugged in like the matrix.

Having telepathy over machine is a game changer. the matrix.
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In the original movie, there were several worlds and you hop off the train and visit whichever your vacation destination was. One of them was a roman world.

At the beginning of the show Bernard or whoever said something to the effect of "we haven't had an issue in 30 yrs". I took that as the ending of the movie, but I could be really wrong.
In the original movie, there were several worlds and you hop off the train and visit whichever your vacation destination was. One of them was a roman world.

At the beginning of the show Bernard or whoever said something to the effect of "we haven't had an issue in 30 yrs". I took that as the ending of the movie, but I could be really wrong.

totally possible and plausible.

The 'issue' in the movie was....NUTS.

Gunslinger ftw :smokin
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In the original movie, there were several worlds and you hop off the train and visit whichever your vacation destination was. One of them was a roman world.

At the beginning of the show Bernard or whoever said something to the effect of "we haven't had an issue in 30 yrs". I took that as the ending of the movie, but I could be really wrong.

I wanted to believe this so bad. Show runners have repeatedly said the show isn't connected to the movie though. The event 30 years ago was just Arnold being killed by a host, delaying the opening of the park to the public.

The movie ending is more on par with what could happen next season(s). In the movie, the park gets locked, the droids get a virus and go haywire, and start murking all the guests in the park. Kinda sounds like the direction next season will head, but again the show runners keep saying the two aren't connected except in concept. They ruined a great opportunity to just make it a full on sequel in my opinion.
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Right?! I feel like they should have just been like, " yo, 30 years ago this gunslinger dude and other robots killed a bunch of humans. Now things are different. Maybe." But they got all fancy with reveries and bicameral minds and cognitive dissonance. I get it, it was meant to be more than just Jurassic park in the Wild West, but they squandered a good movie tie-in
Speaking of good movie tie-ins, when do the dinosaurs from the adjacent theme park show up? Followed by the virus-carrying space meteor that threatens to wipe out civilization? Only to be replaced by a new society of highly evolved gorillas?

But seriously, a Crichton-world movie series or show integrating a bunch of his stories could be pretty cool. Or an abject failure.
Speaking of good movie tie-ins, when do the dinosaurs from the adjacent theme park show up? Followed by the virus-carrying space meteor that threatens to wipe out civilization? Only to be replaced by a new society of highly evolved gorillas?

But seriously, a Crichton-world movie series or show integrating a bunch of his stories could be pretty cool. Or an abject failure.

:lol: you just made me want to reread sphere, andromeda strain, congo, timeline, and my personal favorite the great train robbery

besides the jurassic movies and disclosure, I feel like all his other works need to be TV shows because most of the movies that have been made on his work can't really fit all the science into the movies. You'd def need top tier creatives in order to make another quality crichton based show. Even with all the turmoil it took to get this season on air, the care and standard taken is definitely there from top to bottom
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Just finished the whole season.

boy oh boy this show had me going from weebay.gif to jaguarfan.gif to weebay.gif all the damn time
The real question is will Jonathan Nolan allow James Marsden to go against his typecast of always taking massive L's in stories like this. The minute I saw him pop up in episode 1 I thought "well he's gonna be the most miserable character on the show"
Ok, finally finished the S1.  Purposely avoided this thread for fear of spoilers... but made the mistake of reading an episode-analysis during mid-season and ended up seeing the William/MiB and different-timeline theories.  Welp.

All in all, I enjoyed this season... but now listening a podcast, it's raising more and more questions with regards to plot holes and continuity.  

Might rewatch this season to look for the details and clues to see if it all adds up.  
well, something they haven't explored really but it would have been a favorite of Michael Crichton's:

Given they have made them sufficiently complex, pooping and other biological functions shouldn't be hard to implement. But, just like any being, their complexity makes them susceptible to disease and health issues. Meaning, along with a common cold or other ailments, do they get diarrhea?

Or are we to assume that, because they can reset the hosts frequently (or because medicine is so advanced that everything is treatable, except for apparently Bernard's daughter), that they don't have to worry about these problems?
As the season went along I built up the finale so much in my head so I was kinda disappointed after the finale.
Great show but not as deep as I wanted it to be.
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