HBO: "Westworld"...Cancelled After 4 Seasons

Eliminating Dolores Prime after all this time would be super final. Although was surprised show eliminated other Dolores. Not sure how Serac dies since never face to face in dangerous adversarial situations.
Just don’t drag the series out more than next season. Especially after lag between 2 to 3. Maeve storyline is super boring. Caged except for one real world battle. Which she lost.
Two episodes left. Needs to end well.
Even reading Ed Harris bored:

Jesse/Caleb needs to step up.

The whole Serac never gets face to face is getting old. Cant do many more of those fakeouts and think they'll land.

Unless they're about to reveal the real Serac is dying and hooked up to machines.

Killing prime Dolores would be final but she's not the end all be all of the show especially as long as there are hosts running around thinking they got free will.

To me, just with William ending his lil in the crazy house arc with him knowing what he has to do now, claiming he's discovered his purpose, and calling himself the good guy has enough potential to carry the show as he proceeds to kill all the hosts and the tech for it.
This episode felt like Psycho Pass
I was right. This is basically the plot of the Psycho Pass anime/manga. Society is ran by a huge AI that projects who's good and bad. Anomalies either have their brain put into the AI's algorithm or they work as cops hunting other anomalies.
Yeah it wasn’t good. Caleb is not a strong character. The twist wasn’t a wow and his acting just didn’t make me feel anyway.

Seeing all the bodies reminded me of the matrix or blade 3. Nothing new at all.
The best thing about this episode was the don’t lecture me you ****in can opener line. I can’t wait for google maps to tell me I’m going the wrong way cus I know exactly what my rebuttal gonna be.
After seeing my boy Elias/Colantoni in this ep, it would be pretty dope if they connected this story to Travelers.

On another note, this episode did exactly what i said might happen. Took out Dolores to leave it for someone else to be the antagonist that's going to destroy humanity/set humanity free.
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Is this season worth watching or is it a wash?

cause I’ve been letting them build up and then can go back to back on em
I would say just binge this season.

If you let those who were in love with s1 tell it, this season is pure trash and they no longer gonna watch. It seems mainly cuz of the setting being in the real world and Aaron Paul/Caleb.

To me s3 is cool and I'm interested in the different direction they go for s4. If it keeps going as is I got s3 edging out s2.
Geez that was boring as hell, I was falling asleep. Caleb is so underwhelming. And spending 30 min with his character felt like an eternity. If this dude gets more screen time next season :sick::smh:

Maeve’s and Bernard’s character development this season has been pretty much nonexistent except when it serves to advancing/foiling Delores’.
right when they said "We use you to hunt down the others that are like you."

Immediately thought of Blade Runner

Was nice to see Clementine though
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