HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

Originally Posted by Tdogg2k

Who would the 3 be? Tyrion
Lord Baelish (little finger)
and....... Varys?

Spoiler [+]
Really, you don't want to know unless you finished book 5

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I had almost written off Varys after his largely diminished role in the 4th and majority of the 5th book.  When he kills Ser Kevan and spills the beans about being an agent for Aegon Targaryen...
    Instantly put him back up there with Tyrion and Petyr as one of my favorite characters.
So yeah...this thread has kinda fallen apart quick. A part of me thinks it's because the 2nd episode leaked like 6 days early, and things'll get back to normal Sunday. Things were fine after the first episode.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

I'm not an active participant in this thread, but IMO there is too much focus put on the book in this thread. No one's dropping any major spoilers but saying things like "this is an important character in the book" is sort of hinting. I'd just as soon not come in here than tell you guys how to run this thread, but as someone who hasn't read the books, all of the comparisons limits the actual show discussion. Just my 2 cents. Carry on.

I thought it had been established a long time ago that an independent thread for the books was necessary.

This is it.

I don't know what the OP was thinking, but he went to the season 1 thread and said hey I made a season 2 spoiler-free thread, you guys can't talk about the books in this thread...except he never told the season 1 OP, that thread got abandoned and dude hasn't said much of anything about spoilers.[

The biggest problem is that there's like 6 levels of people watching this show. (1) The passing HBO quality TV people, (2) the committed TV-only GoT fans, (3) the fans who loved season 1 and only wanna read the book after the season's over, (4) the people trying to read the books in step with the show, (5) the ones who read the first 2 books, (6) the ones who read all the books and think they need to drop hints everywhere.

So's complicated. I think people should try and resurrect the other thread and stop posting spoiler only posts. The only things in limits should be season 1 and the newest episode. Maybe even state which of those 6 kinda people you are before you make predictions or any of that. No talking about characters that haven't shown up yet or even really characters we don't know much about yet.

Just be easy and talk about the acting, directing, writing, editing, plot so far and maybe reference the book in parts the show brushed over or didn't live up to or invented for the show to try and give people an idea of what the writer's are adding to the story, like Ros. The rest just makes the thread suck for most of the people who like the show, and even the people who wanna talk without spoilers are divided between the people who don't care and wanna know, the ones who only read the first 2 books and the people who read more than that/read rumors on how things'll turn out past the 5 books.

So it'd be easier if people just stopped talking about anything past the episodes that came out and respect that someone who's only watched the show and in passing said, I hope X doesn't die, isn't really looking for a don't worry, X is really important to book 5 or something. Or having a spoiler about book 4, when someone's only expecting a spoiler for up to book 2.

Spidermachine916 wrote:

yeah stannis and melisandrea wasn't implied neither, i'll try to read in between the lines in the 2nd book

yea it was

from Book 2:
“Maester’s potions do not touch them. Only the Lady Melisandre can soothe [Stannis] to sleep.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Tdogg2k

Hopefully we can see what Brienne looks like next week. im on book 4 but the way they describe her should be cool to put a face to what im thinking.
I almost slipped and read that 2nd spoiler about the 3 smart people lol....I'll hopefully forget the glimpse i saw as i finish book 4.

Damn I had actually given Brienne a tad more credit than that, pictured longer hair. she'll be in next EP 3 (So not a spoiler )
don't click unless youve read the 3rd book
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just finished reading the "red wedding" chapter in storm of swords....i felt sick to my stomach as i was reading it.
"And who are you, the proud lord said, that i must bow so low?"

"In a coat of gold or coat of red, a lion still has claws"

Spoiler [+]
What makes it so GOOD the 3rd book still gets better!
Surprised not any discussion about tonight's episode yet.
It was pretty good.  I wish they had more scenes with the Night's Watch.  That's the most interesting storyline right now.

Disappointed Dani wasn't in this episode.
thats one big $%#@

Renly GIFSoup
 thats all i have to say

how come this bum Theon always looks like he has never taken a bath   and they always stay ranking on him
@"B!@tc# Ship"
for those who read the books, do we get more info on Grand Maester Pycelle?

i really wonder what his back story is
Brienne is tall as hell.  She was described as big but she towers over everyone else.  In the books she has really big, buck teeth.  It might've made her too ridiculous looking for the show.  I think she looks less manly than Yara does.
Margaery is loyal to the cause.  She's down for whatever, she just wants the King's seed in her 
i actually liked how they changed the whole Theon/Baelon relationship
he ACTUALLY said the things i was saying in my head reading the books

i always wanted to hear what his response was... but i guess he didn't have one
thats one big $%#@




Probably my favorite character in the show/books.

The ruse he created to weed out Cersei's spy was brilliant.


Spoiler [+]
I had to reread the Red Wedding chapter several times because I had a hard time grasping what happened to Robb and Catelyn.
 Believe or not though the rest of book is even crazier. 
I've only read the first two books, but yea, that's just about as deep as they get with Pycelle.

I was disappointed by the whole gold cloaks taking Arya and Gendry stuff...that was supposed to be a pretty big battle with a really awesome setpiece (the burning barn), and then the woods...I get why they squeezed it down from like an hour of really good story and action down to about 3 or 4 minutes, but it was literally the chapter that finally had me excited to follow Arya's story.

But then I really like the Margaery stuff they added.

The Renly stuff.....I guess added important depth...
Shae and Sansa, really nice change to the book. The perfect people to put together, I see nice things coming from this.
Theon........yeah....if you know, you know...

And all the Tyrion stuff was same ol...meaning great.

I don't know what it was, but it just felt like the first season always had something unifying (more than 'hey! everyone look, a comet') about every episode. And they all ended strong and felt like complete chapters. This season just feels all over the place so far. A part of that is the book's fault, where they'll ignore someone for 1/4 of the book, then catch you up on everything they've been doing, but a part of me says that's a better way to go about it?

Even though we know Catelyn and Arya and Sansa and Theon, they're in such new and different, isolated situations, that you really need to spend more time with them at once. Maybe I'm just mad that this is the fastest hour in television.

Good ep, though.
The show, like the books are starting to have big gaps of when we see characters again.  It definitely interrupts the flow and causes people to forget stuff.  It is hard to avoid with so many characters and storylines all going on.  An hour seems so short and hard to get everyone screen time.
Anybody got a screen cap of the letter Theon was going to write to Robb?

Tyrion cleaning house like a new GM should, maybe my Warriors should hire him
even in the book they say Brienne towers over other dudes ..
the scatterness of book 2 is what got me more interested in the series since it made you want to know about everyones part a little more what will happen next..
Catelyns, Arya def!!
behind Tyrion
Arya def has the best story going forward. There is so much potential for her character
It woulda been nice to see the big barn battle, but what they did was pretty effective too. Yoren went out like a G
can someone help me out with what the imp was trying to do to those 3 dudes? i got lost, i have never been good with names
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

can someone help me out with what the imp was trying to do to those 3 dudes? i got lost, i have never been good with names

He was trying to weed out potential traitors/spies. He knows his sister hates him and pretty much wants him dead, so he created a test to see who would betray his trust by giving each dude (Varys, Littlefinger, Pycelle) a different plan for his niece's wedding. The queen found out the plan that Tyrion told Pycelle, so Tyrion knew that Pycelle was the queen's spy and locked him up ASAP.
Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

can someone help me out with what the imp was trying to do to those 3 dudes? i got lost, i have never been good with names

He was trying to weed out potential traitors/spies. He knows his sister hates him and pretty much wants him dead, so he created a test to see who would betray his trust by giving each dude (Varys, Littlefinger, Pycelle) a different plan for his niece's wedding. The queen found out the plan that Tyrion told Pycelle, so Tyrion knew that Pycelle was the queen's spy and locked him up ASAP.
i figured that out... but is the niece gone? 
^ she is gone, because of the reason tyrion announced, about her being safer. Which made sense and is the reason Cersei was so mad.

I do and don't like the little changes they put in this episode. (Loras and Renly., Sansa and the girl,  Theon and his pops) I can see them to kind of tie in the longer drawn out parts than what was in the book.

I do have to say great job casting Maragery, she is beautiful.
I didnt know Sansa was so tall either. shes a pretty girl also

also in the book i though Pycelle had a penis still so he had Axeman cut it off...? It was hillarious when he paid the girl! 2 coins though i was laughing out loud..

I do understand why they did the Yoren and Arya part that way, in the book it was basically a long adventure into the same thing that just happened
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