HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

im a fan of the series... i more of a movie watcher then a reader, i hate reading... wifey loves to read, but she cant get down with GOT...
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

nope! Sansa hasn't even had her first period yet... Crazy right?
oh my bad... i was talking about robb and theon
They're suppose to be 15/16. Boys playing at war.

i think i read that if he rewrote the books, he would of made them older
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid


Jon Snow 
I'm curious to see if they'll keep the color of Renly's Kingsguards' cloaks the same or change them.
Not sure why the HBO writers want to write in all the extra gay scenes.  It's way more than anything described in the book.
To Damnitzdom
^The only reason he would consider that is to make it more friendly for TV/Movie adaptions. While it hasn't been shown in the TV episodes there are several instances in the book where the other lords are disgruntled about having to pledge fealty to these "children".

I hope they do keep the cloaks rainbow colored.  It's too bad we didn't see any in this episode as IIRC the Rainbow Guard were all in attendance to watch the bout between Loras and Brienne.  If they change them perhaps instead of a rainbow cloak they could do a solid cloak of a different color for each member's color.  They're already annointed with a specific one.

[*]Ser Loras Tyrell, Lord Commander [*]Brienne of Tarth, the Blue[*]Ser Bryce Caron, the Orange[*]Ser Emmon Cuy, the Yellow[*]Ser Guyard Morrigen, the Green[*]Ser Parmen Crane, the Purple[*]Ser Robar Royce, the Red
Originally Posted by shogun

I'm curious to see if they'll keep the color of Renly's Kingsguards' cloaks the same or change them.
Not sure why the HBO writers want to write in all the extra gay scenes.  It's way more than anything described in the book.

The reason why is because we never get POV's from Renly, Margaery, or Loras. So you never get descriptions of it in the novels. George RR is working hand in hand with the show runners so I'm assuming he signed off on all of this. HBO in general likes to go a bit over the top with sex/nudity in their shows, I guess they want to give the both gay and straight crowd some eye candy.


The show is officially about to pick up
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

shogun wrote:
The reason why is because we never get POV's from Renly, Margaery, or Loras. So you never get descriptions of it in the novels. George RR is working hand in hand with the show runners so I'm assuming he signed off on all of this. HBO in general likes to go a bit over the top with sex/nudity in their shows, I guess they want to give the both gay and straight crowd some eye candy.

Good point.  Renly and Loras are probably too frail to be gay eye candy.  

Sucks that the season is only 10 episodes.  It's going by quick.  Hopefully we get to see some epic fighting soon.
Question for everyone who's finished the 5th book...

Spoiler [+]
Do you think Jon and Stannis are really dead and if so, what exactly is Martin trying to say by killing off the characters that seem to have the most "honor" and "loyalty"?
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

^ but look at daenarys she's suppose to be like 13-14, right? or at least was when she was given to khal drogo

then robb, jon and theon are all supposed to be about 16


I did not know this, They must of changed it for the show or something..

and Arya's save last night 
Maybe it wouldnt go over too well on tv with showing really young girls/boys having sex. Also wouldn't be able to have the nude scenes. But would you really want to see a girl about the age of Arya getting raped and handled by someone like Drogo?
Originally Posted by KOD843

Question for everyone who's finished the 5th book...

Spoiler [+]
Do you think Jon and Stannis are really dead and if so, what exactly is Martin trying to say by killing off the characters that seem to have the most "honor" and "loyalty"?

Spoiler [+]
 It's confirmed that Stannis isn't dead.  As far as Jon goes I think he is still alive as well.  I believe Melisandre had him "killed" ala Mance Rayder so that Jon could leave the wall and do whatever she deems important.  If he was actually killed then we already know fire priests have the ability to resurrect the dead (Thoros) so that possibility remains as well.
Originally Posted by xblaze23

I just paused it so for anyone who wanted/needed the letter Theon burned:


I hope this reaches you in time. My father has rejected the offer and plans to attack the North, raiding the shores and taking Deepwood Motte. Mobilize your army and make for the North before it’s too late. I’ll write again when I can.

This dude Theon is craven. If you were a prisoner, you would've been chained in the dungeon all this time. That's that hardcore inferiority complex. Feeling inferior to the Starks, feeling inferior to his sister, feeling inferior to the ironborn and House Greyjoy.

That's what drives dude. That's why he gets off on stringing along ho's, being the hero even if it almost means he hurts someone (shooting the arrow to save Bran). And that's why he burns the letter. He's too much of a man to not be a conniving piece of #+#*.

He grew up with that family most of his damn life up until a few weeks ago.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by xblaze23

I just paused it so for anyone who wanted/needed the letter Theon burned:


I hope this reaches you in time. My father has rejected the offer and plans to attack the North, raiding the shores and taking Deepwood Motte. Mobilize your army and make for the North before it’s too late. I’ll write again when I can.

This dude Theon is craven. If you were a prisoner, you would've been chained in the dungeon all this time. That's that hardcore inferiority complex. Feeling inferior to the Starks, feeling inferior to his sister, feeling inferior to the ironborn and House Greyjoy.

That's what drives dude. That's why he gets off on stringing along ho's, being the hero even if it almost means he hurts someone (shooting the arrow to save Bran). And that's why he burns the letter. He's too much of a man to not be a conniving piece of #+#*.

He grew up with that family most of his damn life up until a few weeks ago.
The dude has been powerless his entire life so the only power he can get in the bedroom and even then he has to pay for it most of the time

Theon is one of the better written characters throughout the series IMO. What drives him is more clear and humanistic than someone like Dany. Really excited to see his story on screen. 
Originally Posted by Vendetta

Originally Posted by KOD843

Question for everyone who's finished the 5th book...

Spoiler [+]
Do you think Jon and Stannis are really dead and if so, what exactly is Martin trying to say by killing off the characters that seem to have the most "honor" and "loyalty"?

Spoiler [+]
 It's confirmed that Stannis isn't dead.  As far as Jon goes I think he is still alive as well.  I believe Melisandre had him "killed" ala Mance Rayder so that Jon could leave the wall and do whatever she deems important.  If he was actually killed then we already know fire priests have the ability to resurrect the dead (Thoros) so that possibility remains as well.

Spoiler [+]
I read that Theon chapter too but I didn't know if it was taking place before or after the events that supposedly lead to Stannis's death. I'm hoping John isn't dead either. He should have never left Ghost locked up like that smh
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

The dude has been powerless his entire life so the only power he can get in the bedroom and even then he has to pay for it most of the time

Theon is one of the better written characters throughout the series IMO. What drives him is more clear and humanistic than someone like Dany. Really excited to see his story on screen. 

I just finished reading A Clash of Kings last night and even though ________________ had me ........ about Theon
...I agree.
Question/statment about book 4 for whoever has finished that book

Spoiler [+]
I started to become a fan of Briennes, but why would Catelyn stark have her hung... thats so not like Catelyn... I know its a born again Catelyn but geez.
It was sort of worthless to even have her in the story or her own little sections just to kill her off at the end.. She should of agreed to kill Jaime that would make the story more interesting...maybe have died sacrificing herself for jaimes love or something... I really feel like I wasted time reading her stuff now and Kind of irratated. To die like that such a freaking waste.

Don't put any book 5 stuff spoilers.. IF she actually didnt die.
Originally Posted by Tdogg2k

Question/statment about book 4 for whoever has finished that book

Spoiler [+]
I started to become a fan of Briennes, but why would Catelyn stark have her hung... thats so not like Catelyn... I know its a born again Catelyn but geez.
It was sort of worthless to even have her in the story or her own little sections just to kill her off at the end.. She should of agreed to kill Jaime that would make the story more interesting...maybe have died sacrificing herself for jaimes love or something... I really feel like I wasted time reading her stuff now and Kind of irratated. To die like that such a freaking waste.

Don't put any book 5 stuff spoilers.. IF she actually didnt die.

Spoiler [+]
i thought the same thing too but if you think about it she is REALLY pissed off, any hint of betrayal to her means death to the person, and in this case what "proves" her to be a traitor was that she was carrying the dagger that was a gift for Jaime (ICE btw
DAMN YOU Tywin Lannister!
what i wanna know is what did she say as her final word
any hints on that?

KOD843 wrote:
Vendetta wrote:
Originally Posted by KOD843

Question for everyone who's finished the 5th book...

Spoiler [+]
Do you think Jon and Stannis are really dead and if so, what exactly is Martin trying to say by killing off the characters that seem to have the most "honor" and "loyalty"?

Spoiler [+]
 It's confirmed that Stannis isn't dead.  As far as Jon goes I think he is still alive as well.  I believe Melisandre had him "killed" ala Mance Rayder so that Jon could leave the wall and do whatever she deems important.  If he was actually killed then we already know fire priests have the ability to resurrect the dead (Thoros) so that possibility remains as well.

Spoiler [+]
I read that Theon chapter too but I didn't know if it was taking place before or after the events that supposedly lead to Stannis's death. I'm hoping John isn't dead either. He should have never left Ghost locked up like that smh

Spoiler [+]
he's dead... they pulled a Julius Ceaser on him... he got stabbed like 3-5 times in the back

and it's kinda weird what the "Lord of Light" grants his priests
Melissandrea : The Shadow Mother
Thoros: The Kiss of Life
then that other priest the one with one of the Greyjoys that's on his way to "claim" Dany... remember that he almost lost his arm but the priest made it more powerful

also Stannis never was claimed to be dead, Ramsey said to jon to come here (winterfell) to get him back
I hope this old man doesnt kick the bucket... I want book 6 and 7 I dont want have to wait til 2018 to watch the show on HBO and Sansa and ARya look 6 years older. or recast to keep youngness.
Originally Posted by DubA169

The knights of summer... They still just playing around

Best episode of the season

just watched it again without friends asking what the $+#$'s going on

...yea best of the 3, better this time around.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by toine2983

Didn't even notice him at first.

John Snow is actually my favorite character
They do my guy Jon wrong man...

It's not his fault Ned smashed another woman.
Bastards get the *$*+ end of the stick man
Just finished A Clash of Kings. On to A Storm of Swords
I noticed that my favorite episodes were directed by the same guy lol.. 6,7 and 8..

7 started off brilliantly with Tywin schooling Jamie while skinning the stag. Love the symbolism. I heard that scene isn't in the book?
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