HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

oh.. i thought she was just pissed because he planned it.. i didnt think that it actually went through.. did she get sent to the place where we was in the sky jail?
Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

can someone help me out with what the imp was trying to do to those 3 dudes? i got lost, i have never been good with names

He was trying to weed out potential traitors/spies. He knows his sister hates him and pretty much wants him dead, so he created a test to see who would betray his trust by giving each dude (Varys, Littlefinger, Pycelle) a different plan for his niece's wedding. The queen found out the plan that Tyrion told Pycelle, so Tyrion knew that Pycelle was the queen's spy and locked him up ASAP.

this. it was all just a trick to figure out who was saying what.. tell 3 different stories and depending on which version you got back, well then you know who spilled the beans

but at the same time, all the stories are believable because of this:
Originally Posted by Tdogg2k

^ she is gone, because of the reason tyrion announced, about her being safer. Which made sense and is the reason Cersei was so mad.

it's inevitable.. just part of the game.. marriage was used as a tactic to solidify new alliances.. see the whole renly and margaery thing
Thought it was a great episode.

With Renly, Loras, and Margery coming in for the first time in forever I know non book readers might be confused with %@$ is going on.

Interesting turn making Sansa and Shae be in each others company. I thought that scene was a bit long and really didn't add anything. A lot of people wanted to see the barn scene pop off like it did in the book but i'd rather they spend the money on

Spoiler [+]
The house of the undying and the battle of Blackwater Bay

Other than that no complaints from me.
I see you Hybrid and I guess I agree. I'm just greedy is all.

And I can't undersell how happy I am they put Shae with Sansa.
She was so one-note and underused in A Clash of Kings.
I see good things coming out of that change.
I just paused it so for anyone who wanted/needed the letter Theon burned:


I hope this reaches you in time. My father has rejected the offer and plans to attack the North, raiding the shores and taking Deepwood Motte. Mobilize your army and make for the North before it’s too late. I’ll write again when I can.
Originally Posted by xblaze23

I just paused it so for anyone who wanted/needed the letter Theon burned:


I hope this reaches you in time. My father has rejected the offer and plans to attack the North, raiding the shores and taking Deepwood Motte. Mobilize your army and make for the North before it’s too late. I’ll write again when I can.
... i never read the books so.... i thought that dude was gonna ride with robb?.. i guess he didnt wanna be other dude, he is not a stark and never will be king... dude wanted the fame and be his own man i guess... but i still dont understand how you gonna ride for a pops that talked @$#* to you and gave you away...
I have absolutely no respect for traitors but It's not really about fame and riches. It's more about seeking acceptance. The conflict between choosing the family that birthed you and the "family" that raised you. Theon was sent to House Stark as a result of his father's failed rebellion. He didn't make that choice.

If you're Theon, are you collateral/a hostage or do you consider yourself a true member of House Stark? Tyrion took shots at him regarding this in season one when Robert Baratheon and co came to Winterfell.

Ultimately, I disagree with the decision that he made. I hope he gets punished for it.
yeah... his pops said that starks had him longer then he did... so that had to be for more then half his life.... but from the way he talks, dressed when he went to see his father seemed like he wanted or thought he was the big man around there.... he likes to be in a higher position.. so dude decided to ride with his pops....
I dont remember exactly but I think Eddard took Theon at like 5 or 6, and now he is supposedly 14/15. I could be wrong but yes more than half his life..
He does think of the starks as his family, but in the book, they showed his thought process a little more as to why he didnt fight his father on the issue as (like in season 1 book 1) robb got mad at him for shooting the arrow at the wildling that "Could have" hit bran... and the other things of like not fully feeling appreciated.

Once again that barn port, though made sense to wrap it up like that..
and Shae being with sansa, will prob not be as impotant of a story change as of now. They may of done that just to give shae more screen time.
^ that's also something that doesn't quite come across in the show.. the characters are alot younger than they appear to be.. so their youth and thus naivety doesnt fully come across in the show
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

^ that's also something that doesn't quite come across in the show.. the characters are alot younger than they appear to be.. so their youth and thus naivety doesnt fully come across in the show

no bull. Its hard imagining Robb in the show is 15 when he looks damn near 20
yea like the whole point in the book is showing how much these things wear on children, even though there suppose to be man grown. Or a woman flowered.

Especially the wolfs of winterfell...

Joffery, Sansa, Arya are perfect....

Robb, Jon, Theon.... a little older but they couldn't get much younger than they are which I understand,,
but the book got them making big boy decisions. thats why... they are kind of how i pictured still...
^ but look at daenarys she's suppose to be like 13-14, right? or at least was when she was given to khal drogo

then robb, jon and theon are all supposed to be about 16
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

damn really... i thought they were all supposed to be 18/19

nope! Sansa hasn't even had her first period yet... Crazy right?
oh my bad... i was talking about robb and theon
i never realized they were supposed to be that young..
leading an army & making those type of decisions at that age.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

damn really... i thought they were all supposed to be 18/19

nope! Sansa hasn't even had her first period yet... Crazy right?
oh my bad... i was talking about robb and theon
They're suppose to be 15/16. Boys playing at war.
The knights of summer... They still just playing around

Best episode of the season
Loras is only suppose to be 17 and margery is suppose be like 14 or 15...

Dany in the show can still pass for a 14/15 year old imo....
Yeah, everyone on the show looks older than their ages in the books.  It just translates better on screen.  Robb and Jon already have full beards 
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