HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Anyone who's read book 2, do you think HBO will...

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Do you think HBO will freak out the audience and end an episode with "Bran" and "Rickon's" heads on spikes as Martin did in the book?

I think it would be a huge "OH s---" moment for to see Theon take Winterfell and leave the episode thinking he killed Bran and Rickon
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would be the smart thing to do. They should leave the reveal til the end of the last episode of the season

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no way hbo shows kids' heads on spikes
The show needs to be longer
An hour with no commercials feels like it goes by so fast when I watch this show.

Ending always has me juiced for next it really feels like things are about to go down.
It's crazy how they can just go episodes w/o showing certain characters at all (no Jon Snow, no Bran and no Theon this ep)

just way too many storylines to show in depth
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Anyone who's read book 2, do you think HBO will...

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Do you think HBO will freak out the audience and end an episode with "Bran" and "Rickon's" heads on spikes as Martin did in the book?

I think it would be a huge "OH s---" moment for to see Theon take Winterfell and leave the episode thinking he killed Bran and Rickon
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would be the smart thing to do. They should leave the reveal til the end of the last episode of the season

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no way hbo shows kids' heads on spikes

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they literally just did this episode. (that kid who stared them in the face)

I mean, they had a dude stab a baby to end an episode and had a had a shadow creature crawl out of a chick's (|) this one.

I wouldn't put it past them...

that shadow was WAY better than i imagined it when i first read that scene

i loved that little history about that castle

i think arya was put in tywins care, i mean he really got her to be his cupbearer
(in the books)
again.. another littlefinger scene that we didn't need... he really didn't do anything
(he's suppose to be doing something else right now)
robs victory

i think the producers/writers are try a little bit too hard to make us hate joffrey... i mean we already hate him... he killed off a main character. c'mon!
we got to start feeling that same hatred towards cersei now

anyone else liking how the beginning theme keeps changing?
one thing that i didn't like was how harrenhal was just "there" it didn't do that -popping out of the ground effect- that it does to the other areas
The whole thing with Littlefinger and cat is to give the viewer some payoff about him being in love with her and further that along. He showed up because he thought he could get her to marry him 

Using Littlefinger to ask Cat to let go of Jaime makes sense even if it's not in the book. Someone needs to plant that seed and who better than Littlefinger?

And Ned's remains. That stuff happened off-screen in the book. Littlefinger disappears too, but here, instead of anonymous shipment of Ned's bones were sent to X, we get this moment, where Catelyn confronts Littlefinger and he tells her these lies that they still have Arya and that he tried to help Ned.


Arya under Tywin is a cool idea. Although not in the books, it makes the non-book reader feel like the story is more interwoven. Plus, if they don't put her under Tywin we would have to introduce ANOTHER character that really doesn't need to be on TV. It's a smart move IMO.
Arya running around til she got caught and put in Harrenhal anyway was kind of a pointless arc in the book.
I agree. If they used screen time and money to do this I as a TV viewer would be like "WHY!?!" because there's no payoff and it adds no depth to her story.

Shae isn't Sansa's maid

No one cares about her storyline at this point so she needs to just be kept around one of the "main" characters so the TV viewers know she's there. If they put Shae with someone else you have to introduce more characters that don't have any pay-off this season.

Those people that Robb attacked in the first scene...who were they? Everyone is claiming to be the king so exactly what "kingdom" did Robb just raid (sorry if question doesnt make sense)

That was a Lannister encampment. You can tell my their armor, the red sashes and the helm looks kinda samurai-iish  (Same with Harrenhal).

This episode's relation to book 3 that I REALLY enjoyed:

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The scene with Tyrion and Sansa. Him holding his hand out to help her up and protecting her. This is just a really small thing that people can look back on when re-watching season 2 and see how it affects their relationship when they're married.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

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would be the smart thing to do. They should leave the reveal til the end of the last episode of the season

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no way hbo shows kids' heads on spikes

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they literally just did this episode. (that kid who stared them in the face)

I mean, they had a dude stab a baby to end an episode and had a had a shadow creature crawl out of a chick's (|) this one.

I wouldn't put it past them...

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that dude was an older teen though. they kill older kids, but they're not gonna show two crippled elementary school kids having their heads impaled. they might imply/speak on it, but they won't show bran's head on a stake.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I need a few things cleared up for me.
First thing is, what is point of that camp Arya is at, and why are they there torturing the prisoners.
Second question is what happened to Stannis and Renely to bring them to the point where they hate each other.
And lastly, how did she get pregnant so fast, and what in the hell was that thing

The camp is a place to take prisoners.  I thought I heard one of the guards say they were running out of room, so they decided started killing people.  Torturing them was just a way to find out information before they were killed.

Im so intrigued by this smoke baby I want to read up on it just to know what the hell that thing is.  But I cant spoil myself so Ill just wait.  What a cliffhanger though
I dont know how to quote everything I want to quote so I"ll start with the most recent post (without spoiling)

They dont really explain the smoke baby in the book.....Davos is just creeped out by it. and there is never really any mention of it or how/why its created.

@Nako Theres no reason not to...
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The heads were covered in tar so they won't exactly be showing kids faces

@hybrid Exactly what I was thinking....

@servballer lol wait til you read the book and your waiting like 5 chapters or 100+ pages for your fav characters chap to finally come up lol

@Man E 1. It was smart for the show to go this direction 1. Because at this time of the book Tywin was the who was at Harrenhal and like we said the whole arc before sansa ended up there anyway was pointless.. The bar fight would have been cool.. but once again that still ties in to her eventually being at Harrenal. ...
2. ties in to 1's answer.. once again all that running around in the book for what????? just to go to harrenhall.. Would have been stupid to waste an episode on Arya doing that the only thing that comes about it is her and Gendry and hot pie moaning and groaning.
Plus tywin won't know Arya on sight especially with the hair cut. so really It doesn't matter. and shes still doing the same thing she did with Bolton. (which was sort of pointless having him at that particular time in the book also since he's not important til book 3.

3. Littlefinger going to the camp makes perfect sense though.. He was eventually sent out anyway... and with how the story will come about this makes this little passing more sensible. and Like the other person said this could be the precursor to Cat's feelings. makes sense.
4. shae and sansa is irrelevant. it happens soon anyway...kind of. why not let it happen now.

I just finished book 4... honestly boring to me. but my feelings changed about a lot of people. I bring it up because I hope they sort of bring it tie it in to season 4 (which will be the 2nd part of part book3) since a lot of things that can be done with an episode or two can be explained
Hard to tip to around this thread.  Really dont' want to read something by accident lol


Episode was


Weird pregnancy scene
shadow baby?
My girl Khalesi (sp?)
like a boss

Joeffrey is a doosh.  Forcing beat each other was messed up.  I can't wait til he dies
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Hard to tip to around this thread.  Really dont' want to read something by accident lol


Episode was


Weird pregnancy scene
shadow baby?
My girl Khalesi (sp?)
like a boss

Joeffrey is a doosh.  Forcing beat each other was messed up.  I can't wait til he dies
Smh he's doing it all wrong
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

anyone else liking how the beginning theme keeps changing?
one thing that i didn't like was how harrenhal was just "there" it didn't do that -popping out of the ground effect- that it does to the other areas
I wasn't paying attention to the intro.  That's a nice touch though 

It's difficult to tell if Melisandre is evil or not.  I'm skeptical of Stannis being the chosen one.  That shadow child definitely makes people think dark magic.  She's what they call a Shadowbinder.  Other followers of R'hllor are introduced later on and they have magical abilities too.  I like how religion and magic start to play a big part.

For a second I thought it was Yara Greyjoy and not Lancel that was at Tyrion's door.  I was like wth?  The actress playing her has a manly looking face.
O_O @ Shadow Baby... When I read that chapter I was like... ok. Seeing it tho
. Joffery is a bastard. Doing all that just cause his Uncle schooled him in public? smh those ladies didn't deserve that. And whats up with Roz showing up everywhere? I swear she's gotten more airtime then some of the main cast! (jokes)
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

anyone else liking how the beginning theme keeps changing?
one thing that i didn't like was how harrenhal was just "there" it didn't do that -popping out of the ground effect- that it does to the other areas
I wasn't paying attention to the intro.  That's a nice touch though 

It's difficult to tell if Melisandre is evil or not.  I'm skeptical of Stannis being the chosen one.  That shadow child definitely makes people think dark magic.  She's what they call a Shadowbinder.  Other followers of R'hllor are introduced later on and they have magical abilities too.  I like how religion and magic start to play a big part.

For a second I thought it was Yara Greyjoy and not Lancel that was at Tyrion's door.  I was like wth?  The actress playing her has a manly looking face.

the beginning credit changes depending on where the episode goes. literally.
plus george martin is pretty much helping oversee the entire show with hbo so i dont mind all the changes
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@ me clicking a spoiler. Almost done with book two so it's cool. Figured that would happen anyways.
Great episode

I've come to accept the changes. It makes it interesting to see as someone who already read most of he books. Plus the POV style of the books allows some of the liberties taken by the show

However having 10 episodes is terrible. I mean just see this thread. There is so much confusion.
I agree.  The changes are very necessary since they can only fit so much into an episode and into a season.  A lot of secondary characters will be excluded like that fat lady that Shae originally was supposed to be a servant to.  My brother is really confused and always asking me questions since the background of characters isn't mentioned or only talked about briefly.  Renly talked about it a little bit about how Stannis is ahead of him in succession but that Stannis isn't popular or loved.  He's very stern and by the book.  Renly is more charismatic and remind people of Robert when he was young.  Renly's forces are 100k plus and I think Stannis is around 20k.

Dani has barely been i this season.  I found it weird that the title of the episode was "Garden of Bones" in reference to the area surrounding Qarth but there were only a few scenes of it.

We only saw the new actor playing The Mountain for a few seconds.  I thought the previous actor was perfect for the role, I hope the new guy is intimidating as well.
Originally Posted by shogun

I agree.  The changes are very necessary since they can only fit so much into an episode and into a season.  A lot of secondary characters will be excluded like that fat lady that Shae originally was supposed to be a servant to.  My brother is really confused and always asking me questions since the background of characters isn't mentioned or only talked about briefly.  Renly talked about it a little bit about how Stannis is ahead of him in succession but that Stannis isn't popular or loved.  He's very stern and by the book.  Renly is more charismatic and remind people of Robert when he was young.  Renly's forces are 100k plus and I think Stannis is around 20k.

Dani has barely been i this season.  I found it weird that the title of the episode was "Garden of Bones" in reference to the area surrounding Qarth but there were only a few scenes of it.

We only saw the new actor playing The Mountain for a few seconds.  I thought the previous actor was perfect for the role, I hope the new guy is intimidating as well.

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 I thought it was for the daughter who got gang banged.
Yeah, same person.  She was fat 
.  You probably thought I was referring to her mother but I don't think she was fat too.
One thing that bothers me is how Petyr is being portrayed.  I understand that it makes sense for him to go see Catelyn, nor do I have a problem with some of the plot changes.  But, what made me love Littlefinger's character was how conniving, and exact all of his decisions were.  Everything he did was to serve a greater purpose of his in the long run.  I feel season 2 has him being almost wreckless and too bold for who his character is.  Yes GRR Martin is helping to write the episodes so whatever happens has his approval.  I just prefer him in the books as the quiet man moving the pieces in the background while everyone else fights their war.
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