HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

I'm spoiling this show for myself. I can't help but to read the wikis.
This whole story is really nice. I wish I had more time to actually read the books
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I'm spoiling this show for myself. I can't help but to read the wikis.
This whole story is really nice. I wish I had more time to actually read the books
I like reading the wiki about what happened in the past before the events of the first book.  So much crazy stuff happened and there's a lot of clues that makes some stuff more clear.  I wish there were some prequel type books in the future.  Martin wrote "Tales of Dunk and Egg", it's set 89 years earlier in Westeros but is focused only on 2 characters.
I kind of wish I would've put off reading book 2 until this season started.  I could've watched the episodes and then just caught up to that part in the book.  It would've kept a lot of surprises in the show for me.  But like you said, the story was too good to stop reading.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I'm spoiling this show for myself. I can't help but to read the wikis.
This whole story is really nice. I wish I had more time to actually read the books

this.. i dont care about spoilers.. from me it's all about the execution.. i just want something that is quality

for example, the movie fight club.. i think the movie is better once you realize what is really going on and you can pay attention to how well done the movie was

i borrowed all of the books from my uncle, but i just dont have the time to read
Originally Posted by Nako XL


shogun wrote:I like reading the wiki about what happened in the past before the events of the first book.  So much crazy stuff happened and there's a lot of clues that makes some stuff more clear.  I wish there were some prequel type books in the future.  Martin wrote "Tales of Dunk and Egg", it's set 89 years earlier in Westeros but is focused only on 2 characters.
I kind of wish I would've put off reading book 2 until this season started.  I could've watched the episodes and then just caught up to that part in the book.  It would've kept a lot of surprises in the show for me.  But like you said, the story was too good to stop reading.

Does that book talk about targaryerns? or is it just like setting up Roberts rebellion? or what? sounds interesting.
Originally Posted by Tdogg2k

shogun wrote:I like reading the wiki about what happened in the past before the events of the first book.  So much crazy stuff happened and there's a lot of clues that makes some stuff more clear.  I wish there were some prequel type books in the future.  Martin wrote "Tales of Dunk and Egg", it's set 89 years earlier in Westeros but is focused only on 2 characters.
I kind of wish I would've put off reading book 2 until this season started.  I could've watched the episodes and then just caught up to that part in the book.  It would've kept a lot of surprises in the show for me.  But like you said, the story was too good to stop reading.
Does that book talk about targaryerns? or is it just like setting up Roberts rebellion? or what? sounds interesting.

Egg is Aegon Targaryen, Maester Aeomon's brother. The books are mostly about their adventures but I'm sure they talk about the Targaryens a little bit. Not sure if any of the books matchup with Robert's Rebellion timeline-wise
From IGN's "no book spoilers" section.
[h1]Game of Thrones Mailbag[/h1][h2]You asked for clarification on a few kings, lords and ladies from Game of Thrones' Season 2. Gods be praised, we've got answers.

Back at the beginning of the week, we sent a raven out to all those fans of HBO's Game of Thrones who hadn't read the books and who might have gotten a bit lost this season. We wanted your questions. Because now that more characters (Brienne, Margaery, Stannis, Davos, Yara) and more places (Dragonstone, Harrenhal, Pyke) have been added to the mix, we didn't want anyone to get left behind. Because those of us who've read the books know that the saga only gets even more crowded from here.

The point of this Q&A is not to spoil the story. We simply want to clarify the things that have already been presented on the show.



Or asks: "Who are all the names on Arya's night time kill list?"

It Is Known: So far? Joffrey, Cersei, Ilyn Payne, The Hound, Polliver and The Mountain.

She started saying them at night after Yoren told her that he used to say the name of guy he wanted to kill every night before he went to sleep. Joffrey and Cersei are self explanatory. Ilyn Payne is the bald, mute knight who beheaded Ned. He was also seen ripping the tongue out of the singer in the Season 1 finale. The Hound is, you know, Sandor Clegane; Joffrey's burned-faced guard. Arya still hates him for killing her friend Mycah back in Season 1, episode 2. Polliver is the Lannister a-hole who stole Needle from Arya and killed Lommy back in "What is Dead May Never Die." The Mountain is The Hound's massive brother, Gregor Clegane (now played by a new actor than in Season 1), and he and his men were torturing people at Harrenhal.

Just a few FYIs on names: The guy torturing everyone is known as "The Tickler" and the Lannister soldier who led the group that captured Arya (the one wearing the helmet) was Amory Lorch.

Ryan asks: "Why is Stannis living on the Isle of Dragonstone?" and "Why was Ser Jorah banished and which family does he belong to?"

It Is Known: Stannis, being the brother that Robert liked the least, was given the former Targaryen island hold of Dragonstone to rule after the rebellion. The Baratheon castle of Storm's End was given to Renly. Of course, Renly spent most of his time at King's Landing as part of Robert's small council. It's one of the many things Stannis has grown bitter about over the years.

Jorah Mormont, of House Mormont, comes from a Northern territory known as Bear Island (which you can see on maps of Westeros). You've also met his Father, Night's Watch Commander Mormont, who's currently off beyond the wall with Jon Snow. Jorah married a beautiful woman who, basically, bankrupted him. Or at least he bankrupted himself trying to please her. He caught poachers on his land and, hard up for cash, decided to sell them as slaves. Slavery, and slaving, is forbidden in Westeros, so Ned Stark, being the dutiful man he was, set on beheading Jorah. But Jorah chose to flee and has been living in exile ever since.

Marc writes: "I'm confused about the names of the 5 potential kings and why they feel they are entitled to the throne."

It Is Known: Check out IGN's Know Your Kings to learn all about Balon Greyjoy, Robb Stark, King Joffrey, Stannis and Renly Baratheon and their "War of the Five Kings."

Patrick asks: "Which Baratheon brother is actually the next after King Robert's death?"

It Is Known: Its amazing to us that a lot of people still argue over this, but Stannis is Robert's younger brother. He is the oldest younger brother. Many think he's older than Robert because, well, he acts older. He's harsh and stern whereas Robert was more passionate about life. It's why they never got along. But, yes, in the books it states that "Stannis was born the second son to Steffon Baratheon and Cassana Estermont."

That being that, and seeing as how Robert had no legitimate heirs, Stannis is the rightful successor. This is why, after Robert died, Ned ordered a letter to be sent to Stannis informing him of his brother's death and, um, the incest situation. Renly is basically making a big play for power here, knowing that everyone likes him a hell of a lot more than Stannis. And likes him enough to ignore Stannis' rightful claim.


Angel asks: "Is Danaerys Targaryen's storyline too small for Season 2?"

It Is Known: Some of you might be wondering why Dany and Jon Snow have had such little screen time this year. Part of it is because there are so many new characters to introduce and follow, and part of it is that sometimes characters in the books go through more of a cerebral journey. I won't give anything away, but in the book Clash of Kings we spend a lot of time in Dany's headspace. And that kind of stuff simply doesn't translate easily to the screen. But rest assured, dangerous drama is headed her way and when I spoke to Game of Thrones executive producer David Benioff at the beginning of the season, he hinted that they might have had to add a few things to the show that weren't present in the books.

Benioff, from the Q&A: "With Daenerys, specifically, we were trying to come up with a storyline that more or less tracks what happens in the books but then also coming up with ways to dramatize it further."
I forgot IGN does other stuff besides videogames.

Anyone confused about stuff could also go to the show's wiki page.  It doesn't contain any spoilers and gives background on the new characters.
Dany and Palin are both milfs 
I was bored yesterday so I decided to read about the first Targaryen to conquer and rule the Seven Kingdoms up until King Aerys II.  Aegon the Conqueror  was a boss 
.  Their family history is really interesting.  There were a few civil wars within the family and an awesome dragon battle.  This dude Prince Rhaegar and his father the Mad King were the damn downfall of their whole family.  They ruled for centuries and those two messed it up.  The Mad King couldn't help it since he went crazy but Rhaegar did it for a woman 
.  I also forgot that Robert Baratheon has Targaryen blood as well.  His grandmother was a Targaryen.
Regarding Renly, was that how it happened in the book because it wasn't ideal television.. It just.. happened.
Good episode.  I like how everyone can see that Ser Jorah wants Dany except Dany.  It's creepy since he's almost twice her age.  Looks like her handmaids might not be getting along, will probably lead to something later on.
One of my favorite characters finally gets introduced next week 
Jaqen doing work.  He's a good friend to have.
That Hodor comparison.

Got my picturing Bush going around saying Hodor all the time in my head.

Good episode tonight.

I was wondering how they would portray Renly's death on the show. Nicely done.
Originally Posted by xblaze23

Regarding Renly, was that how it happened in the book because it wasn't ideal television.. It just.. happened.

no it was slowly creeping up on him and Cat was the first to notice it
he died while laughing and his throat was slit while his armor was being put ON not taken OFF

also Jaqen
can't wait til the last name will be called
cool episode. lots to keep up with but i dig it.

Spoiler [+]
i have no problem with how got murked. last episode ended with the Shadow baby... why whouldnt this episode pick back up right there?

arya and 'the man' is a dope little side story.
There was something about tonight's episode that I loved.
Finals are done Wednesday, def going to try and read these books. I'm tired of waiting weeks to see what happens next.
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