HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

This show is in no way better directed than mad men

Nooooot even close

They don't do a great job at showing the importance of anything happening on tis show. Having read the books, it doesn't matter that much to me.

It's a good show but season 1 definitely did it better. But it's understandable because this book is more complicated and ten eps is just impossible
I just realized Brienne killed someone this episode

i Also thought loras DID blame brienne

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but in book 4 it said she had never killed anyone before
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no she did kill someone out of self defense in that scene
it was also in the books too, maybe she meant she never killed someone in actual battle
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

This is 


Just choked on my water

Very interesting episode.
hodor and climate change 


[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/font]i don't even. 

snow = that dude 



doreah > dany. it is %!$@#@# known.

mother of god 
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

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no she did kill someone out of self defense in that scene
it was also in the books too, maybe she meant she never killed someone in actual battle
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But remember It was talking about how she use to cry at Killing the pigs in her castle. and her trainer always doubted she could kill a man in cold blood
Nah, Irri and Doreah are played by the same actresses.  They just switched out Jhiqui and made Doreah one of her main handmaids.  I think the writers did it because she's charming and has brothel trained skills to help Dany out as seen in the last episode.
Has this been answered.
Who exactly is that guy Arya has been talking too? The one who killed the Tickler.
Originally Posted by Tdogg2k

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

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no she did kill someone out of self defense in that scene
it was also in the books too, maybe she meant she never killed someone in actual battle
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But remember It was talking about how she use to cry at Killing the pigs in her castle. and her trainer always doubted she could kill a man in cold blood
Spoiler [+]
This is what is so difficult about this thread.
 Any discussion of this TV series is going to inevitably involve discussion of the books. It's like going to see a Harry Potter movie not knowing what is going to happen. I digress.
I interpreted these statements in Book 4 to mean that she has never killed in battle/cold blood/without revenge in mind. I'm actually disappointed with how they cast Brienne, she's uglier than I imagined. Her fight scenes in season 4 could be epic, but for some reason I don't see that happening.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Has this been answered.
Who exactly is that guy Arya has been talking too? The one who killed the Tickler.
That's Jaqen H'ghar.  He was in the black dungeons in King's Landing and one of the three guys chained up in the cart that Yoren was bringing back to the Wall to join the Watch.  He now works for the Lannisters.  More of his backstory will be revealed before the season ends.  
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Has this been answered.
Who exactly is that guy Arya has been talking too? The one who killed the Tickler.
That's Jaqen H'ghar.  He was in the black dungeons in King's Landing and one of the three guys chained up in the cart that Yoren was bringing back to the Wall to join the Watch.  He now works for the Lannisters.  More of his backstory will be revealed before the season ends.  
This is the best explanation you'll get without being spoiled too much. Very interesting character though. In contrast to my distaste for the Brienne casting, they did a very good job with this one.
Yeah I knew all that, just didn't know of his importance. Thanks for not spoiling it though.
The brienne casting is fine. I wasn't a fan at first

Her and Tyron are 10 times uglier in the books. But there is ugly, and then there is TV ugly.
Yeah, if they made them as ugly in the books then it would just look too comical on the screen and be distracting.  Ser Jorah is also supposed to look like a bear to match his sigil.  Not sure why they cast that actress for Yara/Asha.  She is 
Originally Posted by shogun

Yeah, if they made them as ugly in the books then it would just look too comical on the screen and be distracting.  Ser Jorah is also supposed to look like a bear to match his sigil.  Not sure why they cast that actress for Yara/Asha.  She is 

Yeah she always looks dirty and her face is puffy.

Asha actually doesn't look too bad,

Brienne I read her as that ugly but then seeing it on the show im like.. Damn she is that ugly....they did well.. The tyrion thing, there were no other actors as good as the one they got to play him lol ...

And melisandre still oddly turned on on the birthing scene
The asha character is sexy and play ful in the book. They went just dirty and mean. In the show
from reddit to nonreaders
So, we've finally hit the midway point in season 2...

My perspective as a reader is that we've finally hit the point in the books where the story finally begins. I've been waiting for the mid-point of season 2 for such a long time. All I can say to non-readers is... get ready! If the TV show behaves anything like the books, every episode from here until the end of season 4 will be better than the last. No, that's not hyperbole.

As some background for non-readers who are unaware: A Storm of Swords is really the 'meat and potatoes' of the book series. The books were originally intended to be written as two acts of a saga, with the first act ending at the end of ASOS. GRRM actually never intended to even write A Feast for Crows or A Dance with Dragons, but instead he had planned to skip 5 years ahead in time and explain the 5 years of events in the past tense. He scrapped that idea and wrote the books instead to fill the gap (which is partially why the books took so long to be released and why some consider these books disappointing as the core events in the series were not planned for these books).

IMO 'A Game of Thrones' was primarily an exposition book setting the scene for the events about to unfold. After having watched season 1 about a dozen times it's amazing catching so many subtle things that become important later without you knowing it. Additionally, the first half of 'A Clash of Kings' was largely the same thing: set-up. I actually found the first half of 'A Clash of Kings' to be the most boring part of the entire series (sans a certain character in ADWD). To think that we have gotten through that first 50% of the TV series with not a hint of pullback or receded anticipation is HUGE. I've always measured a show by it's weakest point because that's where you will lose viewers... if you can get them through that, you earn a permanent fan.

I now see a lot of permanent fans because there is no way anyone watching will be able to miss another episode for at least 2.5 years. It really does get THAT good. It took 1.5 seasons to get there, but the heart of this epic has just begun. Strap on your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen, the Game has just begun!
Good point that reddit made about how we are just getting to the heart/middle of the entire story.  Lots of exciting/crazy stuff is going to happen.  Sucks that we will get to see a little bit of it at the end of this season and then have to wait another year for next season.  Interesting how he originally planned to write the books.
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