HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

Theon Greyjoy...what a balance. Such a @@+@+/!##+**%/+%#$ character, but well done. No remorse. More on that in a sec...

Ygritte is so far and away better than in the book. "Did you pull a knife on me in the night?"

I love it. She might be on the leash, but she's pulling him and his story, in one turn breathing so much life and purpose into his character.

The fake rape story... "and I thought we were done and he said TURN BACK AROUND!" I lost it

But forget all of that...How amazing is Harrenhal?

I thought the Vale of Arryn was well done, but Tywin > tittysucker

And Arya and Tywin...more...all the time. Use half the episode if you want to.

This is why you change the book, you have to see what works and how to keep your people employed and what people responded to and make the best TV show you can. In the book, Tywin's got maybe a small handful of scenes out of thousands? But right now Tywin Lannister is slowly taking over this show. This bond between him and Arya is the best one-two punch the show has right now. He's what Stannis was supposed to be IMO.

Speaking of him, I can't tell you how much I don't miss Stannis scenes. They're like watching the Hawks play basketball.

And the Hound...lowkey really impresses me how they're portraying him. He's my dude, but whenever !*%# isn't hitting the fan, he seems like an obedient oaf and it works. Knowing what's coming, it really does work.

All of King's Landing works...without Joffrey. They've made a point to let the psycho stew somewhere and show these people all plotting against and healing themselves and hiding from and commiserating over this monster, Joffrey. His name's practically a curse word. Sansa's period
Not as epic as the book let it drag out, but still...that transition from a nightmare was a nice touch. Same with Shae showing her teeth. (Tell me she didn't look like chick with knives from Hunger Games

And Cersei's scenes with Sansa and Tyrion. She saw the Imp get his Emmy, now she wants a nomination. Both scenes are pitch perfect, getting the best out of Sansa and limiting Tyrion to the least I can remember him being in an episode, but still doing work. Reminding you why this is the best show on TV right now. I'm looking at you Mad Men. That is some dark, heavy !*%# getting spoken right there.

Speaking of dark, heavy !*%#. +%#$ you Xaro. Why'd it have to be the black guy that was fugazi? And why'd he have to work with this blue mouthed Moby lookin Multiple Man +%#@$++*@!$*?
And Dany was really turning into a @@+@+ in this one. Jorah, Irri, Doreah, her dragons...they all kept her centered, and now everyone's dead, gone or in doubt. Still...calm the hell down. She's getting one-note and that note is annoying.

I can't say I didn't like the Dany from last year a whole lot better, or that I don't miss Drogo and the khalasar over Gimp chick and the city of freaks. Plus they got my girl Dany out there screaming, b---hing, sounding like Michael from Lost looking for Walt.
But damn was that raw what happened to The 13. And now the House of the Undying...if they make this work...

They did make Jaime work. Man, that actor is great. They always give him a ton to say, but he always sells it. He's such a !!$*@#. And when he killed that Gendry looking kid, it was so brutal. The dude is a psycho behind a mask; no wonder Tywin's thirsty for new kids. And he always brings out the best in Catelyn. That was the best Cat and Brienne have been this season. "There's not much fish left in you."

AND THAT ENDING. The swell, the composition...that was just...yeah. Even knowing......that was a gutpunch.

Do I wish there was more of Theon looking for the boys and them running? Maybe they could've push Jaime getting caught to next week? Sure. It could've helped set the tone for what was coming next.

...but man was that a great episode beginning to end.

And does only 2 episodes left mean, there's gonna be a 2-hour finale?
He has too much honor, just like Ned.  It's admirable but can prove to be foolish.  Davos is my dude though, one of the most honorable and loyal people in the books.

I consider myself honorable too but I would've removed her fur coat and pants with the quickness.
 @ the ending,I'm hoping that those weren't really Bran and Rikkons charred corpses. Even if they aren't,the sheer fact that Theon did that to 2 innocent boys is sickening. I'm just praying that later on in the show Robb will have his head but not before torturing him.

GREAT episode throughout. I absolutely love the scenes with Tywin and Arya each week. Good scenes with Cersai also with Sansa and Tyrion. The scene where each of the 13 were killed has me confused. +%+ happened exactly?? All I got was that Xaros is not playing around and that creepy House of the Undead dude is omnipresent. Jon's a more honorable man than me,I wouldn't have gotten past the first night. Intrigued to see what happens after his capture. Will we finally get to see the appearance of "The King beyond the wall"? Jaime gave Theon a pretty good run for biggest sob this episode. brutally killing his cousin right after bonding with him and the cold daggers aimed at Cat at the end. Did he get executed? It cut off when Brienne drew her sword. 

Can't wait for next week with Stannis' fleet almost at Kings Landing.
Another great episode. 

Arya and Tywin.
I'm with you O-Neg, If half an episode was dedicated to those two I wouldn't be mad in the least.


That accent. 

It's so entertaining how uncomfortable she makes Jon and gets under his skin.
  I could imagine Jon making a girl problem thread on NT about her.

I'm really intrigued by the change to Jon Snow's storyline.

I'm meh at this point about Dany and her dragons, but I am looking forward to how they portray the House of the Undying.


Scumbag Theon.
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Was that supposed to be Bran and Rickon at the end?!

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be them, but I highly doubt that it was actually them. Maybe someone who has read the books can shed some more light on the situation.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Another great episode. 

Arya and Tywin.
I'm with you O-Neg, If half an episode was dedicated to those two I wouldn't be mad in the least.


It's so entertaining how uncomfortable she makes Jon and gets under his skin.
I could imagine Jon making a girl problem thread on NT about her.


Scumbag Theon.
So true.
But I agree with all of that.. such a great episode.  Wondering if that really was Bran and Rickon... if so, what happened to Osha and Hodor?  So many questions, too few episodes left this season.  They better give us at least 13 next season, this 10 shh is not cuttin' it.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Was that supposed to be Bran and Rickon at the end?!

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be them, but I highly doubt that it was actually them. Maybe someone who has read the books can shed some more light on the situation.

Or maybe they shouldnt?
Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Was that supposed to be Bran and Rickon at the end?!

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be them, but I highly doubt that it was actually them. Maybe someone who has read the books can shed some more light on the situation.

Or maybe they shouldnt?

Agreed.  Keep it on the hush por favor.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be them, but I highly doubt that it was actually them. Maybe someone who has read the books can shed some more light on the situation.

Or maybe they shouldnt?

Agreed.  Keep it on the hush por favor.

As a spoiler, of course 
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Was that supposed to be Bran and Rickon at the end?!

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be them, but I highly doubt that it was actually them. Maybe someone who has read the books can shed some more light on the situation.
This, but please put on a spoiler.
Originally Posted by hymen man

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be them, but I highly doubt that it was actually them. Maybe someone who has read the books can shed some more light on the situation.

Or maybe they shouldnt?

Agreed.  Keep it on the hush por favor.

at dude ASKING to be spoiled.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by hymen man

Originally Posted by Regis

Or maybe they shouldnt?

Agreed.  Keep it on the hush por favor.

at dude ASKING to be spoiled.

I know. I'm weird like that. I've always read spoilers for saga type shows I watch. I read spoilers for LOST all the time. IDK why. I always pictured it happening in my head and looked forward to seeing if it matched how they portrayed it on film.
and Jon Snow 

- Theon giving Joffrey a run for his money

-That Moby dude giving me the heebie-jeebies...and so Rampage Jackson was basically in it the whole time?

-Tywin and Arya is good tv....2nd best storyline behind Jon and Ygritte

-No Stannis

- Jaime getting under catelyn's skin...I suppose Jon Snow will become more important later on?
Well DAMN at the ending. Lots of good %+%! in this episode. Unlike most of y'all I'm liking the Dany storyline, so pretty much everything tonight was 
Remember Rickon was tlaking about two boys? The ones that got sent to help tend to the farms! One who can climb? I'm betting its them.
 At y'all begging for spoilers now. We actually did talk about the Rickon & Bran thing like a maybe 5 pages ago? Look for my posts.

EDIT: I think this show gets it. You can deviate from the source but you have to make it engaging. And yea I'm engaged. I don't care for the changes. Why can't The Walking Dead be like this? 
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