HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

Originally Posted by skillzboy44

i've been looking for season 1 all over the internet and can't find a place where i can find a single episode. any help? i've been meaning to catch this show forever!

If you got HBO just use HBOGo and if you don't.... The back streets of the internet shall help you or just buy the blu-ray. 
robbs mom...

the little stark boys are ok....

the nurse finally cleaned up her damn face

snow is still a dumb !%+..
cant wait for the next episode
The cliffhanger with bran and rickon was so hardcore in the books. I reeeeally thought that was it for them. For multiple chapters.
I've always been appreciative of how strong each of the female characters in this tale. In particular, Lady Stark was my favorite from last season. So, it was almost uncomfortable last night to see how she erred in such a significant way.

I've come up with a sort of realization, a sort of justification if you will. Each character has certain flaws or commits certain errors. Some are much more easy to see than others. Cersei and Jaime, for instance, have obvious shortcomings. But seeing any of the Starks, particularly Ned or Catelyn, do anything dishonorable is unsettling. So how does the viewer cope with seeing such a proud, seemingly proud character fall short of their self-imposed standard? Simply, I view Catelyn's actions as an act of love. Obviously, her thoughts process was conducting purely with the goal of securing the safety of her two young daughters.

The theme of love is prevalent throughout GoT. There is the healthy love of the Stark clan, but there is also the perverted love of the Lannisters (and also from Lysa Arryn... shudder). The purer, healthier love of the Stark clan is obviously supposed to be displayed as "good" in the traditional "good vs bad" presentation. Continuing on, Catelyn Stark's actions, while obviously flawed, poorly thought out, and hasty, were performed purely with these pure, "good," intentions in mind. So while these should not be forgiven, they should be interpreted as the best of the worst, if you will.

Hope that made enough sense...
Originally Posted by DubA169

Yeah I read the books so i know what's cuming up. Gonna be EPIC.


Spoiler [+]
I can't wait to see how the events of the Red Wedding unfold on the show. Man that's gonna be heartbreaking.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

robbs mom...

someone had to pick up the crown, now that Lori from Walking Dead's on vacation.

Cat is nowhere near the level of Lori's unbearableness, at least not yet.

Everytime Lori had a scene last season I wanted to punch her in the throat.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

robbs mom...

someone had to pick up the crown, now that Lori from Walking Dead's on vacation.

Cat is nowhere near the level of Lori's unbearableness, at least not yet.

Everytime Lori had a scene last season I wanted to punch her in the throat.
i was reading the article about the battle, and they said they wanted to have a battle in season 1 but ended up having to cut it out.

can someone explain what battle they cut out, and how it played out, or would have played out? and what they did on the show instead?

since i didnt read the book i didnt expect a battle or anything...but am interested now.
Originally Posted by presequel

i was reading the article about the battle, and they said they wanted to have a battle in season 1 but ended up having to cut it out.

can someone explain what battle they cut out, and how it played out, or would have played out? and what they did on the show instead?

since i didnt read the book i didnt expect a battle or anything...but am interested now.
only battle it could have been was when Robb faced the Lannisters at Whispering Wood i believe. They could have showed Tyrion and the Stone Crows fighting, how Jamie got captured etc Instead they jsut showed Tyrion getting hit and blacking out. In the grand scheme of things, showing that battle wasnt that important but Blackwater is a must. They def cant omit that. 
It sucks for Tyrion that they cut that battle and knocked him out instead.  He did work in that battle and murked a good number.

What Catelynn did just goes with how the Starks make bad decisions.  Cue the Ned memes from last season.  
Originally Posted by shogun

It sucks for Tyrion that they cut that battle and knocked him out instead.  He did work in that battle and murked a good number.

What Catelynn did just goes with how the Starks make bad decisions.  Cue the Ned memes from last season.  

This show TRULY highlights that people with Honor are fools. 
I have a few questions for you guys. I just re-watched season 1 b/c I realise I didn't pay enough attention when I first watched and I missed a lot of important dialogue, and some scenes I missed entirely. This made keeping up with S2 hard.

Why didn't Eddard tell King Robert about Cersi and Jamie before he died? I know he gave her warning for the sake of the kids, but why not tell him while he was doing his last will and testament?

I know Cat didn't plan on seeing Tyrion at the pub/inn so her reaction was impulsive. Was this a mistake on her part? I feel like it was the turning point to the downfall of the Stark house by taking him prisoner. What was her plan had she not seen him there?

Why did Little Finger betray Eddard?

Why did Danerys make such a big deal of Khal Drago's scratch?  She allowed that witch to infect him.  Also when the witch did the blood magic did that make Danerys' son turn into a dragon or was already going to be born as a dragon?  When the witch was explaining what happened, it didn't seem like it was a human baby?


I don't know about anyone else but the scenes with Tyrion and Arya are the most entertaining.
^ Not really. Lots of characters on the show have honor and are living great lives. Jaqen Ha'gr, Davos... umm... Hodor?

Yeah I guess they're few and far between
Originally Posted by Nako XL

^ Not really. Lots of characters on the show have honor and are living great lives. Jaqen Ha'gr, Davos... umm... Hodor?

Yeah I guess they're few and far between

I really want a Hodor chapter.... 1 page. One word in the dead center of the page:



Did anyone buy the Game of Thrones video game, I just saw the videos on psn. I really want this
Originally Posted by Spiceman80

I have a few questions for you guys. I just re-watched season 1 b/c I realise I didn't pay enough attention when I first watched and I missed a lot of important dialogue, and some scenes I missed entirely. This made keeping up with S2 hard.

Why didn't Eddard tell King Robert about Cersi and Jamie before he died? I know he gave her warning for the sake of the kids, but why not tell him while he was doing his last will and testament?

I know Cat didn't plan on seeing Tyrion at the pub/inn so her reaction was impulsive. Was this a mistake on her part? I feel like it was the turning point to the downfall of the Stark house by taking him prisoner. What was her plan had she not seen him there?

Why did Little Finger betray Eddard?

Why did Danerys make such a big deal of Khal Drago's scratch?  She allowed that witch to infect him.  Also when the witch did the blood magic did that make Danerys' son turn into a dragon or was already going to be born as a dragon?  When the witch was explaining what happened, it didn't seem like it was a human baby?


I don't know about anyone else but the scenes with Tyrion and Arya are the most entertaining.

what purpose would it have served to tell the King on his death bed that his wife was banging her brother? another instance of the Starks' honor. also, i dont know how much he really knew... other than the incest. if he knew joffrey was an incest bastard... then he wouldnt have needed the Kings will or whatever to let him rule the kingdom. it wouldve been Renley/Stannis' throne to claim. turned out to not matter anyway.

Little Finger looks out for himself. serving a king's hand who is about to be run out of town/killed doesnt help him any. helping the queen/prince secure the throne helps him going forward. a lot of his shadiness comes from greed and straight up survival mode.

Cat acted on implulse... i dont know if she had a plan or ever does. if i remember, dude that tried to kill Bran was using Tryrions stolen sword. so when she saw him, she probably felt that she had to take him captive. twas the honorable thing to do.

book readers
Spoiler [+]
cant wait till the red wedding. do you think that will happen this season? i read up on clash of kings and storm of swords wiki... all this stuff is happening quick than i expected. i thought a lot of the stuff would happen next season.. but now im thinking it will be the season finale.


Dany's concern was real. maybe an overreaction, but again, she's a childish princess who is still quite naive. theres a reason the soldiers were raping them brauds, theyre trash. she didnt quite get that, and it ended up killing her king. lol @ her baby being an actual dragon though. i never thought of it like that. thats obviously how dany sees it, and its what Jorah was trying to explain to her last episode when she said... 'a mother doesnt leave her children' and he was like 'lol, wut?'

the witch said a life for a life... in order to save the King, she had to kill the baby. they thought the horse was the life, but the witch was like 'nah, just part of the process'

for those interested in catching up on the books, but dont want to read all of them... the Fire and Ice wiki is amazing. Chapter by chapter summaries of each book. ive been hooked on it the past few weeks.

im currently trying to decide between another ipad (gave OG to mom dukes) or a kindle. so the wiki has done a great job of holding me over until i scoop all of the books.
i'm not expecting them to keep the battle like they did in the books
it's gonna be more of a LOTR type of feel to it
i'm not saying it's bad or anything but i really would have like to see how it was done in the books

either way... next 2 eps are gonna be EPIC
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Nako XL
I really want a Hodor chapter.... 1 page. One word in the dead center of the page:



That would be funny to read 
.  Or GRRM can make it so Hodor actually thinks like a regular person but when he talks only Hodor comes out.  His thoughts would be written out all coherent.  At the end of the chapter he'd be like "Damn.  I wish I could say what I want to say but the only word that comes out is "Hodor".
I don't remember but since it was brought up again, did that witch do anything to make Khal Drago's cut worse or was it going to get infected regardless?  A cut getting a bad infection seems normal out there.  They should've had their Dothraki healers check up on it.  I still think about how awesome it would've been if he lived and brought the Dothraki horde to Westeros.  They would've joined up with Dorne and other Targaryen supporters.  Robert's army would have no chance.
From the Wiki:

Though Drogo was unconcerned with his minor wound, Daenerys convinced him to let Mirri Maz Duur, a Lhazareen maegi (herb-woman) she had rescued, make him a poultice. The poultice itched, and Drogo tore it off, causing the wound to fester. Drogo's condition deteriorated until he fell from his horse, a symbol to his warriors that he could no longer lead them.
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

what purpose would it have served to tell the King on his death bed that his wife was banging her brother? another instance of the Starks' honor. also, i dont know how much he really knew... other than the incest. if he knew joffrey was an incest bastard... then he wouldnt have needed the Kings will or whatever to let him rule the kingdom. it wouldve been Renley/Stannis' throne to claim. turned out to not matter anyway.

Little Finger looks out for himself. serving a king's hand who is about to be run out of town/killed doesnt help him any. helping the queen/prince secure the throne helps him going forward. a lot of his shadiness comes from greed and straight up survival mode.

Cat acted on implulse... i dont know if she had a plan or ever does. if i remember, dude that tried to kill Bran was using Tryrions stolen sword. so when she saw him, she probably felt that she had to take him captive. twas the honorable thing to do.

book readers
Spoiler [+]
cant wait till the red wedding. do you think that will happen this season? i read up on clash of kings and storm of swords wiki... all this stuff is happening quick than i expected. i thought a lot of the stuff would happen next season.. but now im thinking it will be the season finale.


Dany's concern was real. maybe an overreaction, but again, she's a childish princess who is still quite naive. theres a reason the soldiers were raping them brauds, theyre trash. she didnt quite get that, and it ended up killing her king. lol @ her baby being an actual dragon though. i never thought of it like that. thats obviously how dany sees it, and its what Jorah was trying to explain to her last episode when she said... 'a mother doesnt leave her children' and he was like 'lol, wut?'

the witch said a life for a life... in order to save the King, she had to kill the baby. they thought the horse was the life, but the witch was like 'nah, just part of the process'

for those interested in catching up on the books, but dont want to read all of them... the Fire and Ice wiki is amazing. Chapter by chapter summaries of each book. ive been hooked on it the past few weeks.

im currently trying to decide between another ipad (gave OG to mom dukes) or a kindle. so the wiki has done a great job of holding me over until i scoop all of the books.
Thank you for responding to my post.

The reason I ask about him telling the King was maybe it could have prevented what happened.  The King could have sent for the royal guards right there to kill Cersi and Jeoffry and announced his brother or Gendry his bastard son as the heir to the throne.  I just figured it would have been a smoother transition.

^ Well that's what Cersei was worried about... What Ned SHOULD have done was air out her dirty laundry and declare himself the King right then and there. Had her imprisoned and then dealt with transferring power to Stannis later.

But he was too honorable (read: naive) and absolutely wanted nothing to do with the throne. He had no interest in being king. It ended up costing him because why would Littlefinger and the rest help him to oust what at the time at least was the rightful heir and the richest family in town when he would no longer be the Hand and wouldn't have any REAL power.

Everyone who betrayed Ned made a play to ensure their own survival because sooner or later they knew the $$%@ was going to hit the fan.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

From the Wiki:

Though Drogo was unconcerned with his minor wound, Daenerys convinced him to let Mirri Maz Duur, a Lhazareen maegi (herb-woman) she had rescued, make him a poultice. The poultice itched, and Drogo tore it off, causing the wound to fester. Drogo's condition deteriorated until he fell from his horse, a symbol to his warriors that he could no longer lead them.
So he should've kept it on and he would've been all good?  An undefeated warrior killed by a cut 
When the first season aired I thought Gendry would play more of a role.  Ned did all that investigating to find out he was Robert's bastard.  I thought he would make it known and try to stop Joffrey from gaining the throne.  But it looks like he'll just continue being a blacksmith wherever he goes.  His character was just used to show that Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen weren't Robert's kids.
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