HBO's Game of Thrones: Season 2 Official Thread *Ep. 10* "Valar Morghulis" 6/03 @9pm ET/PT

I just gotta say that Jaqen H'ghar is THAT DUDE!!! I love the way the actor portrays him, and that scene in tonights episode where arya "chooses her last name" and his reaction and rebuttal were priceless. Not to mention he is straight SAVAGE on some serious ninja, super spy, untouchable ishhh. Dude knows how to get it done. I'd like to know a little bit of a back story on him. Like how did he become so pro at offing dudes? And i don't want a spoiler per se, but if someone who has read the books could tell me if he is a character that stays in the story or just kind of here for the moment/this part of the story.

on a side note, loved the entire episode. Nurse was fiiiiinnnnneeeee. A whole lot of BA is about to go down in the next episode and I can't wait. Man I wish these episodes were 2 hours long!!!!!!
I was so pissed at the beginning of the episode...thought they really offed Bran n Rickets...

was juiced at the end when I seen the slave girl.

Robb diggin in ol nurse finally
Originally Posted by AlRjordan

I just gotta say that Jaqen H'ghar is THAT DUDE!!! I love the way the actor portrays him, and that scene in tonights episode where arya "chooses her last name" and his reaction and rebuttal were priceless. Not to mention he is straight SAVAGE on some serious ninja, super spy, untouchable ishhh. Dude knows how to get it done. I'd like to know a little bit of a back story on him. Like how did he become so pro at offing dudes? And i don't want a spoiler per se, but if someone who has read the books could tell me if he is a character that stays in the story or just kind of here for the moment/this part of the story.
Yeah, the character on screen is cool as hell.  Arya got too close to Tywin.  She could've had Jaqen murk him and guaranteed Robb a win against the Lannister army.  It was messed up that Arya wanted him to kill himself 
He might reveal a tiny bit of info about himself before the season is over.  Highlight the text below for more info.

You won't find out more about who he was until maybe season 4 or 5.  He showed up in the story again but I didn't even realize it at first.  It was very brief and subtle.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I keep getting on this show for it's bland direction, but not this time...Alan @%@%#+* Taylor...I'm so happy that dude is directing Thor 2. He's gonna fix all the things I didn't like about the first Thor, I can feel it.

Now there were obvious reasons why this wasn't as good as the last 2 episodes...less Ygritte...less Tywin...less movement. This was an episode about people taking a deep breath before #$*+ goes absolutely crazy.

That said...there's still things I don't think work on this show:


!!+% Shae.

When she appeared in this...shroud of mystery and had exotic skintight clothes...was the first person (outside of Bronn) to challenge Tyrion intellectually...showed them to bounce all her lines off of Tyrion and Bronn in the shadow of a coming war...she was awesome.

Then she got to the King's Landing...put on some maid a ton stupider and forgot how to act. At first, I's not her. It's cuz they don't give her screen time. She's by herself. She has nothing to do. Just fix that and she'll be back...Nope.
Maybe she's got that Penelope Cruz disease, where she can't act outside her native language...and last year was just a fluke.

How disappointing was it, when they brought out the wrong ho and it turned out to be Ros? At first I was like...Damn...that's so clever. Turn random prostitute #3 into Ros. Really put some stakes on it. Well done.
. I actually like Ros. Yall got the wrong %%$%@, Shae's over there!

Qhorin Halfhand:

I see what you're doing...I get it...I'm just disappointed having read the book. You sold out Qhorin and Jon for Ygritte and Jon. And I can't be mad...Ygritte's damn near my fav character right now...but I can't help but feel that you coulda had both. Maybe have Qhorin catches up with Jon and Ygritte before the ambush, Ygritte runs and then they run when they see all of the wildlings? Too late? Oh well.

The Mountain That Rides: I just wish they didn't have to recast.

It's not that he doesn't look the part...I just feel nothing towards him now. *shrug*

And why is this show so bad with music?

It's so sad. Whenever they use it, it's to such great effect, but it's almost at random when they actually will. You'll watch one scene and the score swells just a little and hits the perfect notes to the emotions or drama of it. But then the next scene, they just leave you hanging with dry silence between lines. I think it matters. And it's not being indulgent. It's smoothing over the slow pace and adding weight to some of these scenes. God knows Lost trolled a lot of weak or unsatisfying scenes over on us with that amazing score.

And outside of how the show's made...Catelyn...YOU LET HIM GO?!.
You Britta everything.
Things I love about Game of Thrones:
Alan Taylor.

Dany sucked, he gave her real emotion...she's a real character again. Nurse and Robb were sappy and obvious, he gave us Nurse cheeks. Alan Taylor is a saint. Stannis was the worst, he gave us the best written and acted Stannis we've gotten all season, easily. He gave this show style again and nuanced direction...more than I've seen in a while, even when all the storylines were slowing down or stalling.

Good episode, great direction.

Theon and Asha. Theon in general. As horrible, a human being he is, this is his season. He stepped up in his own miserable way and has been good in every part of his story. And I really liked Asha's scene. A lot of parallels with Tyrion and Cersei.

Tyrion...and Bronn
...and Varys
...and Cersei
and all of King's Landing...I'm so hyped for the battle.

Arya and Tywin, at least one of them is getting an Emmy nom.

That scene with Jaqen... "A man can go kill himself."

I loved Harrenhal in general. Perfect from beginning to end.

Stannis, for once.
Podrick Payne's face

Ros...They caught the wrong chick.

The Nurse...she can act...and them much better than Shae, already. She's making Robb worth watching.

The ending...such a nice bittersweet chance to breathe before hell rises.

I missed the Jaime scene.

I'm mad they stalled out the House of the Undying, but now they get to intertwine it with the battle, Winterfell and the wildlings. Sofa king hyped.

Nah dude. Shae could never act. Even in season 1. She can't deliver emotion or her lines correctly in English. That's the casting directors fault. I feel bad for dinklage. He's actually acting only to have a wooden board talk back to him
I like how the show shows that Yara(Asha) has love for Theon. The book made Yara(Asha) seem cold blooded.

I don't like how Arya is going to escape though. Arya from the book is much darker than Arya from the show.

Another cool thing is them showing how young Robb is and how he has really no clue how to defeat his enemies in the big scheme of things. What Tywin said about him being too unexperienced to be scared seems to be true.

Also, who is playing Roose Boltons bastard?
Originally Posted by blakep267

Nah dude. Shae could never act. Even in season 1. She can't deliver emotion or her lines correctly in English. That's the casting directors fault. I feel bad for dinklage. He's actually acting only to have a wooden board talk back to him
I haven't read past the 2nd book (and probably won't cuz I like not knowing better), but I hope she doesn't get a bigger role. Or just goes away.

omgitswes wrote:
Jaqen H'ghar is probably the most intriguing character of this whole show.
I'm gonna miss Harrenhal.

I know logic can't be applied but judging how easy he's been putting in work how did he get captured in the first place?
Going from page to shooting to editing, has anything significant changed along the way?

Very minor spoilers

Spoiler [+]
Benioff: Yes. First of all, we almost had no battle at all. For budgetary reasons we came very, very close to having all the action take place off-screen, the way plays have handled battle scenes for a few thousand years. The idea was [MINOR SPOILER ALERT] that we’d set most of the episode in Maegor’s Holdfast. Cersei and Sansa would be cooped up in there with the other noblewomen and children, hearing occasional reports from the battlements.

Given how good Lena and Sophie are, we could probably have made a decent episode, but we didn’t want to do it that way. Last year we had to cut a battle we wanted to shoot, and the Battle of Blackwater Bay is far more important. To our minds, the entire season builds to this clash, and if we didn’t see any of it, we were undercutting the story and short-changing the audience.

As we’ve mentioned before, we went pleading to HBO for more money. We made our case why we needed the battle and they obliged. That allowed us to do a battle. It did not allow us to do the battle from A Clash of Kings. It would be difficult for a $200 million feature to do justice to the battle from the book. We didn’t have a chance; there just wasn’t enough time on the schedule or money in the budget (even after our Blackwater bonus).

There was a good deal of pressure to turn Blackwater into a land battle. The Battle of the Blackwater Banks, I guess. And we understood the technical reasons why that would help our cause: land battles are much easier to shoot than naval battles.

Weiss: But we’ve seen so many pitched battles in epic fantasies, and relatively few naval battles (probably because most people making epic fantasies are smarter than we are and know to avoid them). And the split between army power and navy power is central to George’s story and the whole dynamic between Stannis and Renly (and indirectly central to the Tyrion storyline as well). Going with the exclusively land battle route would ultimately have meant rewriting the whole season.

So we had to perform triage on the battle, determine what we could save and what had to go by the wayside. Quite a bit had to go, including some stuff we absolutely hated to lose. But it was really about keeping the heart of it intact, preserving the core elements that would give the episode the impact we need. In our unbiased opinion, we think that we – the collective ‘we,’ the team of hundreds and hundreds of people who worked like dogs on this thing into the wee hours of many, many nights – we think that we created an intense, dramatic battle.
People would have been furious if the whole battle occurred offscreen.  Too many things would need to be explained and what happened to certain characters.  Glad hbo was convinced to give them the extra money.  The battle is going to be one of the defining things about the show.

Watching the preview reminded me of The Battle of Helm's Deep.  These next 2 episodes are going to be so epic 
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I guess for time and budget restraints they're leaving out the whole Riverrun, Blackfish, Catelyn Stark's ill father story arc huh or does that happen later? Can't remember at the moment...
Originally Posted by KOD843

Spoiler [+]
I guess for time and budget restraints they're leaving out the whole Riverrun, Blackfish, Catelyn Stark's ill father story arc huh or does that happen later? Can't remember at the moment...
Probably just save it for next season. It will be a good plot device to get them to head there.
Just saw the preview for next weeks episode with the Battle of Blackwater, holy !%$*!%% !%@+ it looks epic 
. I don't think I'll be able to wait a whole week. Glad that they decided to go ahead and actually show the battle instead of skipping to the aftermath. This'll probably be the defining moment of the series,so far. 
"There's some brave men knocking at our door,let's go kill them" 
Kind of a boring episode but it's understandable. Some big events happened. Just moved hints along
Originally Posted by DubA169

Kind of a boring episode but it's understandable. Some big events happened. Just moved hints along
everyone says this episode was just a build up but for robb stark it was the climax 
i've been looking for season 1 all over the internet and can't find a place where i can find a single episode. any help? i've been meaning to catch this show forever!
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