HBO's The Night Of

Word now that's some unrealistic ****.

He's a financial adviser that stole money from a client not Keyser Soze. He aint about to flee the country to further compound his guilt.

If anything the best thing he has in his favor is that Naz's case was a hung jury. His defense lawyer should just keep bringing him up.

Box spooked dude to get him shook and see if he'd start ******* up from there.
None of that is better evidence than what they had on Naz. Which is exactly what the prosecutor said when she dismissed Box. Which again goes back to the theme of the show's legal system and how ****** up it is.

If you're not leaving the country what's the point of leaving town? To go be yourself in Montana where you would still be easily traced? That's how you get your bank accounts frozen and don't go saying he could set up something with the Swiss or Cayman's cuz this dumbass didn't even think to hide a 300k transaction.

Leaving town ain't the move if you want to front like you innocent. Nobody was paying dude any mind. He had nothing to sweat. He clearly had no backup plan.

They have clear motive, they have him in the area trying to be discrete, he has access to the house, they have him dumping the murder weapon + possibly the bloody clothes. They had a lot on Nas but there's more on this guy.
Brah whatever the motivation was for Chandra to kiss him, the writers used that to move the story forward with Stone.

I really think you're way too caught up on it.

But for a show that was supposed to be such a realist portrayal of the criminal justice system that just seemed really forced.
Naz had also seemed like he was cool with doing a bid :lol:

Dude was legit acting like he wasn't getting out. I get that you gotta do what you gotta do to survive in prison but he seemed the relish in it, almost enjoy it. He transitioned from prison newbie to hardened prisoner was too easy. It's like it was already in him. Not to mention his terrible prison tattoos. How does he plan on getting a decent job now that he's got tattoos on his neck and hands?
They have clear motive, they have him in the area trying to be discrete, he has access to the house, they have him dumping the murder weapon + possibly the bloody clothes. They had a lot on Nas but there's more on this guy.

It's all circumstantial.

They have him dumping something. Unless I missed the part Box found what he threw away.

They have Naz's DNA putting him in the house, they have the alleged murder weapon, they have Naz on video admitting to being in the house and saying he blacked out when she was murdered. Couple that with drug use and sex which is the better case?

That'll trump what they got on dude given they're in the middle of a murder trial about to finish up.

No ADA asks to dismiss all charges on Naz unless they get a confession and concrete proof the other dude did it. Unfortunately thats how it is.
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7/10 Overall..

Chandra risking her life/career like that
sick.gif she gotta work at Starletts during lunch hour.

Nas is free but prison will prob ruin him (tattoos/FreeBasing/Habits)

Dude from RoadTrip half way to Argentina by now

Stone gone Stone
I didn't love the show but I really enjoyed it. The light it shined on the imperfections of our judicial system was spot on. Cheesy lawyer (Stone), crappy DA only looking to increase her conviction rate, innocents kid, even tho he had his flaws, turned into a criminal and junkie by the same system that is suppose to make you able to reintegrate into society after incarceration. Also shined some light on the recidivism rate and the plight of career criminals such as Dwayne Reade.

We can't always have TD season 1 from HBO man, take away the gems this show actually had besides just the fillers and questions left unanswered.
I really enjoyed the show. Everything was not perfect but I am glad we got closure. At the end Naz was never found innocent he just got let go. He was changed. The end when the girl smiles at him, made me feel bad for Naz, that smile pretty much ruined his life.
You really need it spelled out ....hmm lets see the fact they never mentioned how nas wasn't covered in blood ... The fact that his lawyers never looked and Andreas call records .... Neither did the police until the very end , like box didn't believe he did it the whole and waited to the very end look at her call records what ? ...the finaical adv stayed in town know he committed a murder and was just tipped off by the police what ???? There's tons more you have to be playing dumb to not see the outrageous things that took place

You like that soap opera ****.

Did you not watch the show?

Box was done. The case was open and shut for him.

He had lawyers who weren't in it to win...they were victims of circumstance.

It's apparent that some of you have never been in trouble or know someone who has been on trial.

You ever hear the saying "everyone in here is innocent." ?

There's a high number of people doing time right now off **** like we just saw.

This wasn't goat but y'all just being petty.
So that girl who was killed at the beginning of ep 7.....the financial adviser did that as well??
the best part about the finale is that we know someone is still alive.

"dont ever threaten my family. i got a friend from New Jersey who would love to pay you a visit" (forgot the exact quote)

I really enjoyed the show. Everything was not perfect but I am glad we got closure. At the end Naz was never found innocent he just got let go. He was changed. The end when the girl smiles at him, made me feel bad for Naz, that smile pretty much ruined his life.

This. There's no many cinematic moments that made this show great.

I'm convinced the deer eye was a metaphor for naz. He stared at everyone. They could see he was innocent.

Like stone said, "this is how you survive"

He turned into what the system made him.
the best part about the finale is that we know someone is still alive.

"dont ever threaten my family. i got a friend from New Jersey who would love to pay you a visit" (forgot the exact quote)


That was a great tribute. Love Easter eggs
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