Heat Vs Pacers East Semi-Finals. Good Series Folks, Now Time To Destroy Boston.

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Hibbert: "you see what happens when people get in his face".

So that's the book on Bron now?

He was talking about Danny Granger

Nah, I know.... But this is the first time I've seen this tactic be employed 100% in a series, D Stevenson not included.
The dream of this mythical character Riley coming down to coach the heat and turning them into the greatest team ever needs to die . his old @#% will not change the way wade and lebron play together during crunch time and won't change their attitudes and egos. i know placing all the blame on spo is easy and fun but he takes the smallest portion of the blame IMO .
I can't believe this 

I honestly don't see Miami coming back from this 
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

It just sucks that Bron had a pretty bad second half. Because that is going to take away from people blaming Wade. Wade deserves the blame for this loss. Bron could have tried to dominate more. But Wade was hot garbage the entire game and then had the nerve to get in peoples face when they called him out on it. He gets way to much of a pass for the downfalls of the Heat. Yet is more than willing to take that shine when him and Bron have a good game.

Wade gets equal blame, but Wade is not the MVP of the league. 
equal 2 nights ago? Absolutely and even more on LeBron. Most of their failures? Yep, and the biggest one - the Finals, were squarely on LeBron and nobody else. 
But, tonight? Find me a worse performance out of a 'star' that was healthy in a pivotal playoff game. I'm 99% sure it doesn't exist. Especially after you tack on Wade calling out the Pacers after Game 2 and then getting into the Spoelstra confrontation and finish it with 2-13, 5 points and 5 turnovers. 
He should be lambasted for the next 48+ hours. 
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTOOOOW Wade not even showing up for the post game interviews. $%#!% made dude
Makin Bron take all the Heat again (no pun intended). Certified lame in my book. Any respect I had for him (very little after that sissy !%%% throwin Bibby's shoe) is pretty much gone now.
Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

I can't believe this 

I honestly don't see Miami coming back from this 

I think whoever wins the next game wins the series
either Indiana will have that big 3-1, or they go back to Miami 2-2 which would probably lead to a Heat victory
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by shogun

Wade should yell at himself for playing like doo doo.
Word. Spoelstra should've put on a D-Wade mask and then let him continue.
I would actually like to see that 
Spoelstra should've signaled for the medical staff to put out a wheel chair and proceed to tell wade to take a seat.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Time for Riley to step in.

I can imagine him suiting up and slicking his hair back as we speak.


Nah, Riles knows this team is flawed. So imagine what would happen if he took over and they STILL don't win the title. His rep would be damaged and Bron's psyche would be crushed beyond repair. Spo is the fall guy until someone like Phil Jax comes to SoBe.
Oh I didn't mean he had to coach.. I mean he needs to step in and take care of things.
Whatever that means... 
He should get killed for tonight.

I haven't seen this dude SenatorJeffSmith post in a looooooooooooooooooong time until tonight
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by lakersreppa008

Why did Granger go back at him? Was it for that elbow at the end?

It probably was the elbow but Granger been going at Lebron since 08. Son got that "I wish a _ would" mindset when it comes to Lebron.

Lebron's elbow caught Granger's arm if ya'll watch the video closely.  It shows why Granger came back at him. 

Yeah I saw it in the first replay, but Granger been tryna get in into it with Lebron forever. Im not mad at him though its part of the game.

The Slick Back is not comming back. If he was he woulda came back at the start of this season. 
Wade had a dog %%$$ game and WILL get most of the blame (deservingly so) but let's not forget that the MVP of the league looked like any other role player on the road. Okay, you're having a terrible shooting 2nd half...why not bully your way to the basket like you know you can do WHENEVER you want? Why are you settling for 20 foot jumpers (playing PF no less
) instead of using those post moves he learned from Dream over the summer? Where was the hustle on defense? Mario got beat on one play by Hill cutting and LeBron + James Jones didn't even bother to give weak side help. Even if the shots aren't going down it's pretty much a guarantee Lebron locks up whoever he's guarding but that wasn't the case today. No excuse for the bad effort from Lebron in the 2nd half. Wade should straight up give back his game check for Game 3.

Mario Chalmers had a hell of a game though. He's the only one on their side who showed up. Maybe he should yell at the rest of his team in the locker room like LeBron yells at him on the court when he !+$*+ up.

I'm not even gonna talk about Spo. Riley will handle that sooner or later.

This is why the Heat are labeled as front runners. When everything is going good they look unstoppable and carry themselves like a dynasty...when faced with adversity, they fold up and look completely clueless.
Lol this is worse than Wade was against Chicago. Good lord.

And why does Granger have such an intense hate for Bron?
That's the 2nd straight game he went at Bron
I mean that was a historically bad performance when u factor in calling out the opponent before the game and getting in your coach's face cussing
Yup, blame coach Spo. No Bosh, you got Wade going ghost, 3-ball ain't falling for their shooters, and their trash bigs. Blame coach Spo.

"It was all good just a week ago.."

Originally Posted by ill steelo

Lol this is worse than Wade was against Chicago. Good lord.

And why does Granger have such an intense hate for Bron?
That's the 2nd straight game he went at Bron

He has issues with length, its always been his fatal flaw.
Paul George just happens to be the longest guy who can somewhat keep pace with his speed
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Lol this is worse than Wade was against Chicago. Good lord.

And why does Granger have such an intense hate for Bron?
That's the 2nd straight game he went at Bron
He's just in his head.  Lebron isnt used to having people come at his neck like that....but theres definitely times when I thought Danny was gonna hit him lol
It's his fatal flaw now, but back in the day when healthy he used to eat any 2 or 3 who tried to check him, even dudes like Tayshaun Prince got worked

I guess I underestimated his decline
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Time for Riley to step in.

I can imagine him suiting up and slicking his hair back as we speak.


Nah, Riles knows this team is flawed. So imagine what would happen if he took over and they STILL don't win the title. His rep would be damaged and Bron's psyche would be crushed beyond repair. Spo is the fall guy until someone like Phil Jax comes to SoBe.
Oh I didn't mean he had to coach.. I mean he needs to step in and take care of things.
Whatever that means... 

Any type of "stepping in" Riles does would pretty much be called "coaching".

PJ is the Neo for this situation. Cuz no other coach would be able to command respect from these guys but him. Sloan? JVG? Ewing?? No one but Phil. So if it's not PJ, then I doubt Spo gets the ax.
I said when bosh went out that the heat are in trouble.
Wade and bron are similar players and pacers can pack the paint and be good.
Bosh spreads the floor and hits the open shots and rebounds decently..

If Heat are smart, suspend wade next game and let lebron do this himself.
He has beat teams way better than the pacers in the playoffs by himself.
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