Hello, Am I crazy for this? give me some SKA

Jan 22, 2007
This is a female post. And before I say whats going on if you are wanting pictures you can press the back button.

Ok, me and my girl are doing long distance after about a year. I trust her completely and feel as though our relationship is going as strong as it did when wewere together.

But the other day this is what we argued about, so I wanted to ask you if I am crazy for stating this. And ill just lay them out in point form, and you canstate all your opinions or suggestions or beaks.

Alright, now I understand we are far away and we gotta continue living, cant just not meet people and stay in your room all hours, but there are lines, Ithink.

- When she goes to a bar /club and dudes buy her drink, she will sometimes give her number to him. Which I am "cool" with to a point, but I say sheshould not be answering phone calls/texts from him. Expecially not meeting up with him, right?
- Before she left for school she some dude on facebook hit her up and they talked and chilled when she was there. Now he calls her, now I would be"ok" with it if he was not interested in him, but even after she has told him she has a boyfriend he continues to complement her and call her andsuggest they be more. However, she is ok with it and considers him a friend because he is funny or whatever, so now its cool they hang out and talk? I thinkotherwise, is that crazy, I know its ultimately up to her what they are, really, but I just see it as wrong , no? So really she consideres someone a"friend" even if he would rather be more, possible?

- now there are many great things about her I wont list in this topic, and I love her, but just these things she seesas fine, I do not, and wanted to here your thoughts or experiences.
you're cool with her giving her number to another guy? this relationship has FAIL written all over it...
I think I would have a problem with my girlfriend giving her number to guys at the bar. It just doesn't seem right.

As for the guy who wants to get with her, it does seem suspect that she continues to hang out with him knowing that he wants to be more than a friend.

Good luck with the long distance relationship; those are really hard to maintain.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you're cool with her giving her number to another guy? this relationship has FAIL written all over it...

If she is never going to speak to him again, I can be cool with it, but really I dont think she should even accept drinks in the first place.
I hate to break it to you, but shes already been getting plowed since like, month 2.

Thats just how college life and Long Distance Relationships are
cuzz u wylin really...ur main squeeze cant give her number to noone mayne %*%...ur girl prolly gettin that triple penetration as we speak
Originally Posted by Club29

I hate to break it to you, but shes already been getting plowed since like, month 2.

Thats just how college life and Long Distance Relationships are

No , I trust her that she would break it off before she cheated on me. Why would she bother continue lying to me continually.

And no pics now sorry.
Originally Posted by wanksta23


no pics=no advice
best thing I can tell you is realize that if yo girlwanna cheat she gone cheat regardless of what u do. Take that approach and really it come down to not caring what ya chick does unless she's just dumb andcompletely naive. Now chicks do be trifling as hell, but if they gone be trifling then they dont need to be wifed anyway. I am a full supporter that whateveris reaped will be sewn, so hopefully if a chick does hit trife mode u not sittin there taking losses without EVER knowin. But just be right on your end andyou should b str8
To answer the topic question: YES!

There is no way in hell she should be talking/hanging out with another dude, thats absurd. Either you need to get some
"friends" of your own or let that chick go cuz your gonna end up looking like a fool if you don't.
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you're cool with her giving her number to another guy? this relationship has FAIL written all over it...

If she is never going to speak to him again, I can be cool with it, but really I dont think she should even accept drinks in the first place.

how you know she's not speakin to him? he has her number and you go to a different school so you only know what she tells you...not saying you can'ttrust your girl cuz i don't know her but common sense would tell most people thats not a good look...she shouldn't really be takin drinks but iwouldn't wanna pay for drinks either...
are you young? why does it seem like these young whippa snappas have the strangest open relationships? i take it you do the same thing she does, and you bothgo back and tell each other about it.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you're cool with her giving her number to another guy? this relationship has FAIL written all over it...

If she is never going to speak to him again, I can be cool with it, but really I dont think she should even accept drinks in the first place.

how you know she's not speakin to him? he has her number and you go to a different school so you only know what she tells you...not saying you can't trust your girl cuz i don't know her but common sense would tell most people thats not a good look...she shouldn't really be takin drinks but i wouldn't wanna pay for drinks either...
She tells me, I trust, if it comes back and bites me then $!@* im a fool, but I cant not trust her. But yeah she saves money, and just feels badnot giving the # when they ask.
Isn't Air Lloyd the kid that got the STD? i would be more certain if I could understand whatever language it is that you're speaking
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 87

sucker for love?

mmm mmm

sucker for love... she shouldnt be givin her number out period... let alone doin what she's doin. U lost... she prolly spendin the night wit another duderight now
Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by And I Love It

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you're cool with her giving her number to another guy? this relationship has FAIL written all over it...

If she is never going to speak to him again, I can be cool with it, but really I dont think she should even accept drinks in the first place.

how you know she's not speakin to him? he has her number and you go to a different school so you only know what she tells you...not saying you can't trust your girl cuz i don't know her but common sense would tell most people thats not a good look...she shouldn't really be takin drinks but i wouldn't wanna pay for drinks either...
She tells me, I trust, if it comes back and bites me then $!@* im a fool, but I cant not trust her. But yeah she saves money, and just feels bad not giving the # when they ask.

So basically, your girl is getting drunk and teasing a bunch of college dudes.

yeaa shes not getting plowed....
if she felt that bad she would give a fake number or a friends number...i'm normally one to give the benefit of the doubt but i think your girl is up tosomething and if she gets caught she's gonna play it like"but you knew he had my number" or "you knew we were hanging out it justhappened" type stuff...keep your heart...these girls are smart...play your part...
Cuz...DEAD her. Time and again I see girls like this and they get turned out while your out of sight and out of mind. For real for real nothing good will comeof this.

Man up and stop kidding yourself.
sorry, but......FAIL. my man, there's nothing right about what she's doin'. not accusing her of cheating or nuthin' like that. just whati'd be willing to believe. even if she's not cheatin', it's downright disrespectful. I could be wrong but i've learned thru personalexperience. you just DON'T KNOW what's goin' on behind closed doors. that's just truth right there. how do u know she's not havin'private time wit some other dude while ur thinkin' she's "at the club"? idk. you know her better than I or anybody else on NT. sorry if Ijust put you in a state of paranoia. but don't let urself get played. that is, if it hasn't already happened. I just wish you the best of luck.
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