Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Some people are so stupid, here's the deal : No one chooses to be gay, ever, in fact the majority of those who are gay were abused in some way growing up. Being against homosexuals is just as bad as being against black people. Why? Because neither group chose to be who they are.

Dr. Drew Pinsky > the ****** known as theyhatinonme
so black people =/= gay now?
Y'all might catch the gay if y'all keep talking bout it. Keep it out of our schools and our homes. I don't want my child to be no panty wearingqueen. Daddy's roomate in the face reading boy.
Uuh, read my post again, genius. It doesn't have to be black people, my point is that hating someone for being born with a certain skin color, no matterwhat it is(not sure why I have to clarify that . .) is just as illogical as hating someone for being gay.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Y'all might catch the gay if y'all keep talking bout it. Keep it out of our schools and our homes. I don't want my child to be no panty wearing queen. Daddy's roomate in the face reading boy.

If your kid ends up gay be sure that he was either born that way or he was abused by some knucklehead. Likely a gay knucklehead but the percentage of gay childabusers is the same as hetero ones so that argument is null and void as well.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Y'all might catch the gay if y'all keep talking bout it. Keep it out of our schools and our homes. I don't want my child to be no panty wearing queen. Daddy's roomate in the face reading boy.


You sound so ignorant, its insane.
I can't believe how people will go this far to insult "GOD" being gay alone is like telling God He made a mistake for putting a woman in a mansbody or a man in a womans body....and now they want to get married??? Marriage originated from God....and not by man.....so YES on PROP 8!!!
Yes on 8!

A person on the fence on whether he/she is gay will think its natural/normal to be homosexual since society is saying it is ok, when it obviously is not.

I dont care if some giraffee's are gay, they probably have genes from the short neck ones anyway.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Some people are so stupid, here's the deal : No one chooses to be gay, ever, in fact the majority of those who are gay were abused in some way growing up. Being against homosexuals is just as bad as being against black people. Why? Because neither group chose to be who they are.

Dr. Drew Pinsky > the ****** known as theyhatinonme
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a goodexample...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you tobe gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or notabused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sickperverted mind........
23sole collector23..... what? What do you mean you can't be born gay, or that its by choice, people can't help the way they are, they can't likemen but force themselves to like woman or vis versa just for the sake of socity, if that were the case this wouldn't be an issue because it is portrayed asbeing wrong, so lets say hypotheticly the make hetero relations illegale, you're suddenly just gonna have to turn gay? I doubt it because you like womanand you can't force yourself to change that (any typos sorry I jus woke up
Dude stepped up wit the smooth swag. Tho not smooth enough. I'm no on Prop 8. Just isn't fair. Why should one be deprived the right to marry because oftheir sexual orientation? This is almost as negative as racism. It just shows how messed up our country is.
,... people getting all bent outta shape for gay marraige... if sooomany people dont want it around respect the country's decision...

apparently they're doing something wrong
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Y'all might catch the gay if y'all keep talking bout it. Keep it out of our schools and our homes. I don't want my child to be no panty wearing queen. Daddy's roomate in the face reading boy.
Originally Posted by 23sole collector23

Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Some people are so stupid, here's the deal : No one chooses to be gay, ever, in fact the majority of those who are gay were abused in some way growing up. Being against homosexuals is just as bad as being against black people. Why? Because neither group chose to be who they are.

Dr. Drew Pinsky > the ****** known as theyhatinonme
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a good example...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you to be gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or not abused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sick perverted mind........
How would you know if youre not gay? I hate when straight people do this. So ignorant and sad at the same time. Even a cute girl who was BORNhaving feelings for other girls is sick and perverted?
Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs tobe wiped off the face of this planet.
Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

Yes on 8!

A person on the fence on whether he/she is gay will think its natural/normal to be homosexual since society is saying it is ok, when it obviously is not.

I dont care if some giraffee's are gay, they probably have genes from the short neck ones anyway.

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Kobe Fan

Yes on 8!

A person on the fence on whether he/she is gay will think its natural/normal to be homosexual since society is saying it is ok, when it obviously is not.

I dont care if some giraffee's are gay, they probably have genes from the short neck ones anyway.

Oh my god, can you imagine the horror of someone accepting their homosexuality and not being ostracized? I just can't imagine a worse world tolive in. We'd have gay people running around all gay and stuff. Like not even feeling bad for being gay. GROSS! Seriously, have they no shame? Andshame on society for not shunning these people for their sexual orientation. It's like "that's a butthole dude, poop comes out, penisesaren't supposed to go in." They need to quit being all trendy with all of their homosexual tendencies. I mean I know they want to open up a world ofhatred and intolerance to themselves and their families. I mean it's so not natural to do what is natural to them.

Someone tell me what's so wrong about being a homosexual other than the extremely flawed argument that it's a sin.


The amount of intolerance and judging that goes on in this world is sad. Why can't we all just have the same rights and live. As long as someone is livingtheir life the way they want to, and not infringing on someone else's rights and freedoms, I don't get why people are so set on keeping homosexualssecond class citizens.

I guess it's just human nature. In 20 years it'll be another group being persecuted.
Legally and legislatively, marriage is a contract. It is not one and the same with religion. If your religious beliefs prohibit allowing a gay couple to enterinto the sacrament of marriage, that's one thing. These moral and religious views can and do govern marriage - but only in the church. No one ischallenging that or asking the church to honor gay marriage.

Two consenting adults who would otherwise be legally permitted to marry another legal consenting adult - that's a different issue. It's a contract, andthey are well within their rights to want to enter into that contract. No to proposition 8.
Originally Posted by Hard Rock Chasez

Legally and legislatively, marriage is a contract. It is not one and the same with religion. If your religious beliefs prohibit allowing a gay couple to enter into the sacrament of marriage, that's one thing. These moral and religious views can and do govern marriage - but only in the church. No one is challenging that or asking the church to honor gay marriage.

Two consenting adults who would otherwise be legally permitted to marry another legal consenting adult - that's a different issue. It's a contract, and they are well within their rights to want to enter into that contract. No to proposition 8.
this post just bodied a lot of posts here...or any other Prop 8 thread.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Why would you wish something like that on anyone? Just to prove a point? Come on your better than that

I can't believe how people will go this far to insult "GOD" being gay alone is like telling God He made a mistake for putting a woman in a mans body or a man in a womans body....and now they want to get married??? Marriage originated from God....and not by man.....so YES on PROP 8!!!
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a good example...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you to be gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or not abused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sick perverted mind........


Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddieporn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproarand I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hotwings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?
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