Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

Originally Posted by javier5857


no on prop 8.

i just found out 90% of my parents and freinds parents are all voting yes on it.

im almost positive it will pass..

same situation man.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Why would you wish something like that on anyone? Just to prove a point? Come on your better than that

I can't believe how people will go this far to insult "GOD" being gay alone is like telling God He made a mistake for putting a woman in a mans body or a man in a womans body....and now they want to get married??? Marriage originated from God....and not by man.....so YES on PROP 8!!!
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a good example...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you to be gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or not abused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sick perverted mind........


Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good.Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?
Jesus dude! So many ridiculous claims here. So you think sexual orientation only comes after experimenting with it? You don't think that one's sexual orientation has nothing to do with genetics or the like? Gay people are only gay because they tasted it and liked it? Why would someone openly invite YOUR kind of hatred into their world? Why would they want to be an outcast? Just for the sake of being different? "I sure do like girls....but god I'd love to get the #+%$ kicked out of me. Wieners are gross and that, but I am really not happy with being so socially acceptable!"

How old are you? Where are you from? What backwoods porch did you plop down on, afterbirth and all, with your arrival into this world? Better yet, when are you from? 1940s? Maybe I give people too much credit, but I always really try to believe that no one could be as stupid as what you displayed in your post. It's easier on the mind to think that people of your intellectual ilk don't exist. I plan on bringing open-minded kids into this world to counteract the stupidity and hatred of people like you. The rationalizing of your homophobia is amazing.

And your "man loving a child" argument is weak at best. There is a huge difference. You not realizing that makes me feel sorry for anyone that is in your life or will ever come into it. You equate consensual relations with that of someone taking advantage of a younger, defenseless person. THAT IS THE SAME THING? REALLY? Do tell?

What if its a 16 year old? I consider that a child.

That doesn't change or even challenge my point.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

That's just based on my Christian values. I'm voting based on my values.
You can't do that homie.
So why are personal religious beliefs not respected but sexual orientation is? Because the government says so? Man you guys just don't care about my beliefsimage. OOooo I can't stand you guysimage image

Its because religion has no place in politics. We made sure of that in our Constitution and it has to stay that way.
And that there is why you can't.

Christian values are still values. He has every right to use those values to determine how he votes.

The separation of church and state is something that must take place on the governmental level, not the citizens.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Wow. I could stay busy just correcting your moronic posts. So, incest is the same as homosexuality? Is that you, Rick Santorum? Incest, which runs the risk of inbred birth defects is the same as giving you the creeps? Lets look at this. Now I am going to use words that may not be indigenous to your secluded cabin. For reference use this

- unmasking of recessive genes
- higher infant mortality
- genetic disorders increased
- lower life expectancy

- RKO2004 gets creeped out.
- Intricately decorated Living Rooms
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Yes on Prop 8.


i'm not from Cali....but got damn marriage is a religious thing anyway so why have adam and steve getting married
Please see- Last post, Page 3, that addresses everything you just said before you even said it.
ok but still two dudes getting married is unnatural, sickening, and disgusting....and they trying to get tax benefits?
ahhh hell no....i bedamned
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

That's just based on my Christian values. I'm voting based on my values.
You can't do that homie.
So why are personal religious beliefs not respected but sexual orientation is? Because the government says so? Man you guys just don't care about my beliefsimage. OOooo I can't stand you guysimage image

Its because religion has no place in politics. We made sure of that in our Constitution and it has to stay that way.
And that there is why you can't.

Christian values are still values. He has every right to use those values to determine how he votes.

The separation of church and state is something that must take place on the governmental level, not the citizens.

I understand that. I just find it sad that even though there is a separation between church and state the church is still going to find a way tohave its say in law/politics.

But at the same time, if Jesus Christ ate at the table with sinners then why can't we? Jesus denied no one and I would bet my bottom dollar hewouldn't deny gays or married gays.
Originally Posted by jpap348

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
Get over yourself. I'm not homophobic. Matter of fact, I have cousins who are gay. Hell, one of them is even a transexual. Do I still love them? Yes, of course I do. Do I support them? No I don't. That's just based on my Christian values. I'm voting based on my values. Whether it passes or not, at least I voted based on what I stand for. Whether you like it or not, I could give two craps. You have your values and we have ours. Your thinking doesn't make yourself anymore better than those voting yes. Get off your high horse. I have nothing against homosexuals whatsoever, but when it comes to a vote like this, I'm going to stand for what I believe in. Pure and simple.

this is the same thing as when someone says "I'm not racist...I have black friends!"
So basically you're saying you would deny someone from your own family the right to be happy with a person of their choice?
How am I denying them from being happy? They can be happy without having to have a piece of paper telling them they're married. **** withthat. I'll be damned if anyone tries to tell me what my values should be. I still love them as my family. I just can't agree to them being marriedbased on my faith.

Like I said, whether it passes or not, the only thing I care about is that I voted towards what I believe in. If it doesn't, am I going to go ape crap anddeny all gays? Hell no.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Whether you want to acknowledge that being gay is not a choice or not, comparing it to child pornography is way off base considering with child pornography, a minor is being EXPLOITED for the benefit of adults.

If people that truly thought that homosexuality was a "choice" why aren't they out there leading the crusade to fight the "causes" of homosexuality?

It's because they can't identify the causes because these "causes" don't exist.

OK I agree. I used a stupid example.

So your basically sayiny you think little billy was born digging guys?

You know gays can't have kids at ALL right?

Christian values are still values. He has every right to use those values to determine how he votes.

The separation of church and state is something that must take place on the governmental level, not the citizens.

I'm glad you said that. Now what if a politician doesn't agree with it due to religious beliefs? What should he do?Hold true to his beliefs or change them to conform to others?

But at the same time, if Jesus Christ ate at the table with sinners then why can't we? Jesus denied no one and I would bet my bottom dollar he wouldn't deny gays or married gays.
Oh noez you didn't. Oh noez! you didn't. Yes Jesusate with sinners but he NEVER WENT AGAINST HIS FATHERS WORD! I am shocked and spechless.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by javier5857

*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.
co-sign on that
For the those who are voting yes on Proposition 8, are you are aware that by voting yes, you're denying the rights of a citizen? That's pretty muchwhat this boils down to. Kinda ridiculous to me in all honesty.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

Whether you want to acknowledge that being gay is not a choice or not, comparing it to child pornography is way off base considering with child pornography, a minor is being EXPLOITED for the benefit of adults.

If people that truly thought that homosexuality was a "choice" why aren't they out there leading the crusade to fight the "causes" of homosexuality?

It's because they can't identify the causes because these "causes" don't exist.

OK I agree. I used a stupid example.

So your basically sayiny you think little billy was born digging guys?

You know gays can't have kids at ALL right?

What does that have to do with anything?
But at the same time, if Jesus Christ ate at the table with sinners then why can't we? Jesus denied no one and I would bet my bottom dollar he wouldn't deny gays or married gays.
Oh noez you didn't. Oh noez! you didn't. Yes Jesus ate with sinners but he NEVER WENT AGAINST HIS FATHERS WORD! I am shocked and spechless.
And how exactly would accepting gays be going against God's word?
My wife's grandmother plans on voting yes, because her pastor at her church is brainwashing all of them.

I wish religion didn't exist........
For the those who are voting yes on Proposition 8, are you are aware that by voting yes, you're denying the rights of a citizen? That's pretty muchwhat this boils down to. Kinda ridiculous to me in all honesty. I can live with someone not sharing the same ideas and beliefs as I do. What I can't livewith is when those ideas and beliefs shape how others are "suppossed" to live.
Originally Posted by eaalto

I wish religion didn't exist........
i was about to say the same thing.. religion %$@## everything up.. without religion there might be more peace on this planet
This was voted on in the year 2000, and gay marriage was effectively banned. Four justices (non-elected, mind you) decided to overthrow the will of thepeople. In my opinion, the decision was already made in 2000, and I'm seeking to restore that.
RKO2004 wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

javier5857 wrote:
*waits for all the homophobic NT'ers*
There are some in here already. For those of you voting yes, I hope that you have a gay son or daughter eventually. Your type of thinking needs to be wiped off the face of this planet.

Why would you wish something like that on anyone? Just to prove a point? Come on your better than that

I can't believe how people will go this far to insult "GOD" being gay alone is like telling God He made a mistake for putting a woman in a mans body or a man in a womans body....and now they want to get married??? Marriage originated from God....and not by man.....so YES on PROP 8!!!
^^^ that's one of them stupid people....^^^^ It's a choice that you have to make if you want to be gay or not....here is a good example...I choose not to be gay so i'm not gay....You want to be gay so you are gay!!!...simple as that!!! nobody put a gun in your head and tell you to be gay!!! so don't give that lame excuse that you were born to be gay or you want to be gay because you were abused when growing up......abused or not abused...you still have to decided if you want to be gay or not. One of the main good reason I know why they want to be gay is because they have a sick perverted mind........


Being gay is a CHOICE. People need to stop saying "What if the girl was naturally attracted to other girls?". What if I'm attracted to kiddie porn? Wouldn't many say that its wrong and perverted? What if I said there is nothing wrong with a Man loving a child? I bet it'll be a freaking uproar and I'd be on the run. How the heck are you born with a sexual preference? Thats like saying I was born loving hot wings. It would be crazy. I tasted hot wings and I like them. They may be bad for me but they taste good. Doesn't the same apply for Gay people?

You seriously are one of the most ignorant people I have come across, what's even more sad is there are a lot of people with your outlook.
Your lack of education is magnified on so many levels. It's nowonder why this world is in such dire straits, your whole religious outlook is nothing but hypocrisy.
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

For the those who are voting yes on Proposition 8, are you are aware that by voting yes, you're denying the rights of a citizen? That's pretty much what this boils down to. Kinda ridiculous to me in all honesty.

I can't vote on it but my vote would be Yes. Like I said. I can't praise my lord and savior for dying for my sins without being sued in most places.
There should be a warning in this thread to not argue with anyone who has "Christ can save you. God Bless" in their sig... That one statement justabout sums up who is backing this ludicrous Prop. Although it is pretty funny to hear the ignorance that gets pushed through the churches to these people.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

But at the same time, if Jesus Christ ate at the table with sinners then why can't we? Jesus denied no one and I would bet my bottom dollar he wouldn't deny gays or married gays.
Oh noez you didn't. Oh noez! you didn't. Yes Jesus ate with sinners but he NEVER WENT AGAINST HIS FATHERS WORD! I am shocked and spechless.
And how exactly would accepting gays be going against God's word?
Bro, what he's really trying to say is that God's word isn't going against gays, but the sanctity of marriage that was created by God.Granted Jesus died for all of our sins, whether it be murder or individuals being gay.

There's a fine line in regards to the definition of marriage. Some find it to be just a word and others find it to be a gift of God. In the end, no one onboth sides, has the right to judge anyone in regards to whether they vote yes or no.

I'm voting yes, but you don't see me calling anyone or judging anyone of voting no as a heathen.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

For the those who are voting yes on Proposition 8, are you are aware that by voting yes, you're denying the rights of a citizen? That's pretty much what this boils down to. Kinda ridiculous to me in all honesty.

I can't vote on it but my vote would be Yes. Like I said. I can't praise my lord and savior for dying for my sins without being sued in most places.
Ahh, so take away someone's rights that didn't take away your lord praising rights?
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Some people are so stupid, here's the deal : No one chooses to be gay, ever, in fact the majority of those who are gay were abused in some way growing up. Being against homosexuals is just as bad as being against black people. Why? Because neither group chose to be who they are.

Dr. Drew Pinsky > the ****** known as theyhatinonme
This has GOT to be one of THE most stupidest comparisons EVER made. So now being abused = being forced to be gay? So making bad relationshipchoices = being forced to be gay? Because I know a fair amount of people who have "switched sides" simply because they couldn't find a decentmate of the opposite sex.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You seriously are one of the most ignorant people I have come across, what's even more sad is there are a lot of people with your outlook.
Your lack of education is magnified on so many levels. It's no wonder why this world is in such dire straits, your whole religious outlook is nothing but hypocrisy.
Thanks I'm always looking for your approval
. My viewsare my views. If I don't agree then I don't agree. I refuse to lie down for man and go against my beliefs. Like I said, call me whatever you like. Bemy guest. But I won't back down on my beliefs just to conform and make others happy. When it comes down to it, I TRY TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD NOT MAN. Iwas taught not to be of this world. This world is wicked and is full of wickedness. So why be a follower of it?

Ahh, so take away someone's rights that didn't take away your lord praising rights?
No just making a point of we can't always have it our way. My point is why is it ok for people to disagree with me for misc. reasons and voteagainst my beliefs but when I don't agree with theirs its WW3.

And you guys are wild. You call my beliefs "fairytales", "mumbo jumbo" but isn't that the same as me being against gay being right?
The main reason why people ( mainly parents) vote yes on Prop 8 is because they will teach the children about same sex marriage in school. And no its no bull,once it pass, the teacher has to teach bunch of little kids about this matter, and parents are just scared they will get confuse and etc..

No on Prop 8 is lieing to YOU if they say they are not going to teach to ur kids, but they will tell them what it is and etc.

Kickmatic23 wrote:
eaalto wrote:
I wish religion didn't exist........
i was about to say the same thing.. religion %$@## everything up.. without religion there might be more peace on this planet

Education > Religion

The more you educate yourself, the more you realize religion is full of $%#! and nothing more than the oldest form of mind control.
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