Hello, I'm No On Prop 8


What ever happened to the seperation of church and state?
Bottom line, we live in the US.
Not under the Bible.

I can't believe people can be so intolerant of other people's views and feelings.
I honestly couldn't imagine being gay in a place like this.
So much descrimination, it's saddening.
No on Prop H8te! Oh well, they can come up to Vancouver and get married lol.

My case for gay marriages..
1) Gay marriages => less reproduction => less people => less resource & energy consumption => increase longevity of earth
2) None of my business
I didn't even vote on this because I was on the fence about it.

No because they are human beings and who am I to tell them what to do. Its their life and they live it the way they want even if I don't agree with theirchoices.

Yes because if their going to let man/man woman/woman marry each other where will that end? What if a guy wants to marry his mother or his son or sister orsomething crazy like that? Are they going to teach gay sex ed in school now to my kids???

IMO its just going against nature. That's why we have a penis and women have a vagina so we can reproduce. But then again they have feelings as well andthey can love whoever they want. See? Thats why I didnt vote on it.

In the end it doesn't directly affect me.
Prop 8 boils down to religious people vs. rational thinkers and I fear there's not as many rational thinkers as I'd like.
Originally Posted by SUCKAFREE85

I didn't even vote on this because I was on the fence about it.

No because they are human beings and who am I to tell them what to do. Its their life and they live it the way they want even if I don't agree with their choices.

Yes because if their going to let man/man woman/woman marry each other where will that end? What if a guy wants to marry his mother or his son or sister or something crazy like that? Are they going to teach gay sex ed in school now to my kids???

IMO its just going against nature. That's why we have a penis and women have a vagina so we can reproduce. But then again they have feelings as well and they can love whoever they want. See? Thats why I didnt vote on it.

In the end it doesn't directly affect me.
Then you vote against those propositions and dont let the snowball effect cloud your judgemen
Originally Posted by SoleAddict34

Prop 8 boils down to religious people vs. rational thinkers and I fear there's not as many rational thinkers as I'd like.
Unfortunately there is not. I wish I lived in Cali just so I could vote no.
Originally Posted by SoleAddict34

Prop 8 boils down to religious people vs. rational thinkers and I fear there's not as many rational thinkers as I'd like.
you and me both my friend...
California Constitution FTW
So far the only arguments I've heard in support of prop 8 are senseless/unconstitutional. Besides, it's about time same sex marriage is a rightalready, because if it doesn't pass this time then it'll just keep coming back and this #+%% will pass inevitably anyway.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23


What ever happened to the seperation of church and state?
Bottom line, we live in the US.
Not under the Bible.

I can't believe people can be so intolerant of other people's views and feelings.
I honestly couldn't imagine being gay in a place like this.
So much descrimination, it's saddening.

Yeah you can. I'm assuming you're a minority (black) Sohi. Correct me if I'm wrong on that, but

Blacks were discriminated against just like this. People are STILL intolerant of accepting progressive blacks.

You see those same racist videos against Obama that I do too. It's all saddening.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Yes on Prop 8 and I'm not from Cali. Just goes against my beliefs.

at you hoping that someone's kid becomes gay. My kid had better not be gay.

Why do people insist on arguing that people are born gay? You aren't born gay, it's a choice. Like people aren't born racists, it's a choice. People aren't born evil, it's a choice. Stop it with that BS argument.

To people that think religion has anything to do with this is blind. This country is run by corporations and if gays are allowed to marry the insurance industry is going to take a huge blow.

This has to be the most full of $%*$ argument i have heard. How exactly do you know this? when you reached the age of 12 you decided that you weren't goingto be attracted to men? YOU dont know what they going through. How can you say you do? Were are your facts?

Oh yes, and you bible thumpers are ridiculous, not everyone believes in the same thing you do. And why is it that you pick and choose certain"entries" and words of "god" ? I strongly dislike all these religious people, so blind..
im no on 8 but i know a whole bunch of people that r voting yes. my church for the past month has been mentioning why it is impt to vote yes. i know itsunfair and unjust but it just seems nearly impossible to convince the older people to vote no
I'm a libertarian so a big no to prop 8.

A few years ago I said that I was uncomfortable with the idea of a court imposing gay marriage on an unwilling population but I would be fine with gay marriageif voters enact gay marriage or approve it through a referendum. Some said that I was being a secret bigot. Well, the day has come that we can essentially votefor or against gay marriage and I am voting for it.

I love how progressive California is. If only we had such a live and let live attitude in some of our economic policies, but practically legal pot is no smallconsolation prize.
I didn't even vote on this because I was on the fence about it.

No because they are human beings and who am I to tell them what to do. Its their life and they live it the way they want even if I don't agree with their choices.

Yes because if their going to let man/man woman/woman marry each other where will that end? What if a guy wants to marry his mother or his son or sister or something crazy like that? Are they going to teach gay sex ed in school now to my kids???

IMO its just going against nature. That's why we have a penis and women have a vagina so we can reproduce. But then again they have feelings as well and they can love whoever they want. See? Thats why I didnt vote on it.

In the end it doesn't directly affect me.

I have very similar views to you on this...but I voted no just because I feel that it's outright discrimination to ban it like that. I don'tnecessarily agree with gay marriage, but what I don't agree with is not letting people be themselves and be happy with who they are.
wow...a lot of you guys are very ignorant
no on prop 8...how are you gonna tell someone what to do in terms of marriage?...i pray that you guys get homosexual children and I don't even believe ingod lol
To the guy that said being gay is a CHOICE:

Considering the discrimination, homophobia, hate, etc. directed towards homosexuals in our society, why would anyone CHOOSE to go through with all that forsomething that you claim is completely unnatural to them?

Why would there be SO MANY people choosing this same kind of lifestyle?

I have several gay friends/acquaintances, and the ones I've felt comfortable enough asking have assured me that it's not a choice.

So why don't you give them the benefit of the doubt and just believe what I'm saying and we'll all give you the benefit of the doubt and justassume that you're ignorant and prejudiced because you were born that way.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Matt 5:11-12

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

James 1: 2-3

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Praise God.
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