Hello, I'm No On Prop 8

Originally Posted by truthmain

This was voted on in the year 2000, and gay marriage was effectively banned. Four justices (non-elected, mind you) decided to overthrow the will of the people. In my opinion, the decision was already made in 2000, and I'm seeking to restore that.
This is the reason I am voting yes on 8. The judicial system uses precedence to overthrow voter approved laws. It has been the practice of thejudicial system to do so since the 60s. There is no check-and-balance for this because the Constitution never intendedfor the judicial system to get into the business of making laws.
also, so what if they are going to teach our kids? its not going to turn them gay. we have gay people everywhere
and its not like its taught in school to become gay.
Originally Posted by The G0d MC


i understand your stance but i must disagree with you. i feel that religious texts and the word of a higher power give faith to those who need it. i see nothing wrong with that. however, i feel these texts should also be interpreted loosely as they were written LONG ago and times have changed since then. people who follow these texts to the letter are misguided in my opinion. i am a non practicing buddhist, but i gain faith from the kind words and tolerance taught to me by monks and buddhist scriptures. at the end of the day, i think that makes me a better person. education has little to do with that. i don't think religion itself is the oldest form of mind control. it's the people in power who misuse religion to push their own agendas who engage in mind control.

"A new broom can sweep the floor but a old broom knows where the dirt is"
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TOTHEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look upRick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points.Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas. Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christians don't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, which is not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have posted about the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preserved the truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth is what it is.
The fact that this response has so many assumptions about Christians just proves to me how close-minded you are. I also like how you originallyput Education > Religion, yet confined your clarification to Christianity. You might as well just put Education > Christianity, since that's whatyou meant.
Originally Posted by The G0d MC


i understand your stance but i must disagree with you. i feel that religious texts and the word of a higher power give faith to those who need it. i see nothing wrong with that. however, i feel these texts should also be interpreted loosely as they were written LONG ago and times have changed since then. people who follow these texts to the letter are misguided in my opinion. i am a non practicing buddhist, but i gain faith from the kind words and tolerance taught to me by monks and buddhist scriptures. at the end of the day, i think that makes me a better person. education has little to do with that. i don't think religion itself is the oldest form of mind control. it's the people in power who misuse religion to push their own agendas who engage in mind control.
The G0d MC, I totally respect where you are coming from. In my research of the history of religion I have always found it intriguing as to why manneeds "religion". The theory I have concluded is because human beings fear that we are all alone. From the first scrolls ever recorded, it wasbelieved that religion was in fact created to explain death. People cling to these beliefs and without question defend them to the death. It's in ournature to behave as such, so trying to change that isn't even a possibilty. What disturbs me though is how my fellow human being can judge one anotherbased on their conditioning. It's easy to subscribe to a religion, you don't have to think. You take the teachings as your beliefs without anyexploration or questioning, it's easier to be lazy than to push the limits on what you have been told. Like I said earlier, this is the oldest form of mindcontrol. The sad thing about the whole ordeal is people welcome this behavior.
a few of you will get a kick outta this... and it's legit

[h3]Dodgers Player Jeff Kent Donates $15K to Support Prop 8[/h3]

Look at Dodgers second baseman Jeff Kent, he just looks so angry in that photo. Well, he's sort of angry all the time, probably even when he donated $15,000 to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign that seeks to ban gay marriage in California. "In a disclosure filed with the California secretary of state, Kent listed his occupation as professional baseball player for the Dodgers and his address as Austin, Texas. He gave the $15,000 in a transaction dated Monday but which only now is public," reported the LA Times blog Top of the Ticket. "A review of campaign records shows no other donations to federal or California state campaigns by Kent." Does this mean Kent hates gays? We don't know, but he does appear to be an equal-opportunity hater.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by The G0d MC


i understand your stance but i must disagree with you. i feel that religious texts and the word of a higher power give faith to those who need it. i see nothing wrong with that. however, i feel these texts should also be interpreted loosely as they were written LONG ago and times have changed since then. people who follow these texts to the letter are misguided in my opinion. i am a non practicing buddhist, but i gain faith from the kind words and tolerance taught to me by monks and buddhist scriptures. at the end of the day, i think that makes me a better person. education has little to do with that. i don't think religion itself is the oldest form of mind control. it's the people in power who misuse religion to push their own agendas who engage in mind control.
The G0d MC, I totally respect where you are coming from. In my research of the history of religion I have always found it intriguing as to why man needs "religion". The theory I have concluded is because human beings fear that we are all alone. From the first scrolls ever recorded, it was believed that religion was in fact created to explain death. People cling to these beliefs and without question defend them to the death. It's in our nature to behave as such, so trying to change that isn't even a possibilty. What disturbs me though is how my fellow human being can judge one another based on their conditioning. It's easy to subscribe to a religion, you don't have to think. You take the teachings as your beliefs without any exploration or questioning, it's easier to be lazy than to push the limits on what you have been told. Like I said earlier, this is the oldest form of mind control. The sad thing about the whole ordeal is people welcome this behavior.
Come on dog, you can't say you respect one'sbeliefs in one post and turn around and say Christian's are mindless, ignorant sheep in the next.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

Your attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't thepopulation be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats themain reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man havingsex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.

Come on dog, you can't say you respect one's beliefs in one post and turn around and say Christian's are mindless, ignorant sheep in the next.
I'd rather be called a mindless sheep then a God bashing smarty.
truthmain wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas. Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christians don't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, which is not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have posted about the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preserved the truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth is what it is.
The fact that this response has so many assumptions about Christians just proves to me how close-minded you are. I also like how you originally put Education > Religion, yet confined your clarification to Christianity. You might as well just put Education > Christianity, since that's what you meant.

What "so many assumptions" did I make about Christianity? (FACT) Christianity is the preservation of Sun Worship, thenames have only been changed. You need to step up your education before you come at me sideways truthmain, this isn't a Cubs - Cardinals debate my man. Youare on a whole different echelon with me on this topic. I have been studying religion for 16 straight years, you better know what you are talking about if youwant to get into this with me. I mentioned Christianity in my reply because those opposing this prop keep referring to their "Christian values". Readwhat I highlighted in yellow, does that constitute my many assumptions? Those are nothing more than facts.

Come on dog, you can't say you respect one's beliefs in one post and turn around and say Christian's are mindless, ignorant sheep in the next.
I like how you twisted what I have said, you have clearly shown you can't have this discussion. Nowhere in any of my responses have I saidChristians are mindless, ignorant sheep. Good try though, your lack of intelligence really reflects in your responses. You should stick in the S & T forum,you do better in those threads.
The gays can have each other.
Just leaves more females for us straight dudes.
I will teach my kids that same sex marriage is wrong! but I'll still love them
if they were gay. If your my son though, you're not going to be some sissy feminine
girly boy though. You'll be the manliest gay man possible.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

You attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't the population be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats the main reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man having sex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.

You make it out to be like there can ONLY be gay or straight. Like both cant exist at the same time. "If God wanted man to be gay, he woul dhave made Adamand Steve" As if there is only one version of anything on this planet.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

You attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't the population be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats the main reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man having sex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.
Yo RKO, interesting enough, I come back from my break at work and find a Vote NO ad printed and taped to my monitor.

Insulting thing is, my coworkers know that I'm Christian, and never have I even called out on anyone for voting no nor have I given them anything about it.I don't even debate with them on it. I respect their views and I stand by mine. But it's funny that those that are voting no seem more to have aproblem with those voting yes rather than the other way around.

A couple minutes later a coworker emails me this and I thought I should share it with you since you're a fellow Christian.

Matt 5:11-12

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

James 1: 2-3

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

truthmain wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas. Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christians don't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, which is not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have posted about the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preserved the truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth is what it is.
The fact that this response has so many assumptions about Christians just proves to me how close-minded you are. I also like how you originally put Education > Religion, yet confined your clarification to Christianity. You might as well just put Education > Christianity, since that's what you meant.
What "so many assumptions" did I make about Christianity? (FACT) Christianity is the preservation of Sun Worship, the names have only been changed. You need to step up your education before you come at me sideways truthmain, this isn't a Cubs - Cardinals debate my man. You are on a whole different echelon with me on this topic. I have been studying religion for 16 straight years, you better know what you are talking about if you want to get into this with me. I mentioned Christianity in my reply because those opposing this prop keep referring to their "Christian values". Read what I higlighted in yellow, does that constitute my many assumptions? Those are nothing more than facts.

And here comes the earth ending proof that what you say is the final word...

Sorry dude, NT is full of opinions made fact by experts on the subject. I amsure there is research to find just the opposite of what you say, just depends what books you read and what you choose to believe. No one knows the truth, andno one on NT is going to change another's state of mind.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

Your attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't the population be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats the main reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man having sex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.

Come on dog, you can't say you respect one's beliefs in one post and turn around and say Christian's are mindless, ignorant sheep in the next.
I'd rather be called a mindless sheep then a God bashing smarty.

I have never called anyone a mindless sheep and I do believe in a Supreme being, just not your rendition of one.

that is just how it is in Cali. O.k. to be liberal, not o.k. to be not liberal even if you aren't a, dare I say it, Republican. Some of us just don'tagree with either party. I can't even tell people that I don't believe in the Democratic Party or they get aggressive with me. My landlord the otherday said to me that he is glad I am a Democrat because he doesn't rent to Republicans. Never once have we spoken politics before that and never once did Iever mention my voting record (didn't stop him from putting an Obama 08 sign in my yard). I mentioned in another thread that a lesbian couple severalhouses down from me has 10 No on 8 signs up. The next day couple next to them puts up 1 Yes on 8 sign. Following day Yes on 8 sign is gone and their house wasegged. I guess that is tolerance.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

You attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't the population be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats the main reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man having sex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.
Yo RKO, interesting enough, I come back from my break at work and find a Vote NO ad printed and taped to my monitor.

Insulting thing is, my coworkers know that I'm Christian, and never have I even called out on anyone for voting no nor have I given them anything about it. I don't even debate with them on it. I respect their views and I stand by mine. But it's funny that those that are voting no seem more to have a problem with those voting yes rather than the other way around.

A couple minutes later a coworker emails me this and I thought I should share it with you since you're a fellow Christian.

Matt 5:11-12

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

James 1: 2-3

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Man you gotta love the word. Can't nobody truthfullyknock Jesus. The words he spoke were

I have never called anyone a mindless sheep and I do believe in a Supreme being, just not your rendition of one.
OK so you believe in a higher power but not ones you think humans created. I can dig that. But remember what I told you. Keep your eyes open. Thesigns are there my man.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

truthmain wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas. Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christians don't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, which is not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have posted about the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preserved the truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth is what it is.
The fact that this response has so many assumptions about Christians just proves to me how close-minded you are. I also like how you originally put Education > Religion, yet confined your clarification to Christianity. You might as well just put Education > Christianity, since that's what you meant.
What "so many assumptions" did I make about Christianity? (FACT) Christianity is the preservation of Sun Worship, the names have only been changed. You need to step up your education before you come at me sideways truthmain, this isn't a Cubs - Cardinals debate my man. You are on a whole different echelon with me on this topic. I have been studying religion for 16 straight years, you better know what you are talking about if you want to get into this with me. I mentioned Christianity in my reply because those opposing this prop keep referring to their "Christian values". Read what I higlighted in yellow, does that constitute my many assumptions? Those are nothing more than facts.
And here comes the earth ending proof that what you say is the final word...

Sorry dude, NT is full of opinions made fact by experts on the subject. I am sure there is research to find just the opposite of what you say, just depends what books you read and what you choose to believe. No one knows the truth, and no one on NT is going to change another's state of mind.

I am not trying to change anyones state of mind, if youread what I wrote in response to the G0d MC, I already stated that. I am well aware that NT is full of opinions, however most of thoseopinions are based on heresay and ignorance. When I say I have been studying religion for 16 straigh years, that includes reading every opposing view. Theinformation is out there, people just elect to remain lazy and accept what they are told.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

truthmain wrote:
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

You can't be serious with yours

When an individual chooses to educate themself, they open their mind up to the endless possibilities that exist. Gathering facts to debunk theories or ideas. Religion on the other hand is absolute doctrine. You blindly accept something that can easily be manipulated and defend it like it's truth. What Christians don't like or want to hear is that Christianity has been debunked and proven to be nothing more than a preservation of the greatest story ever told, which is not the story of a man named Jesus Christ. The greatest story ever told is the history of mankinds relationship with Sun worship. Many people have posted about the movie Zeitgeist on this forum, but if you were to open your mind and watch this film, you would be able to really see how Christianity has preserved the truth of Sun worship, but has taken a form all of it's own. Many of you Christians here are automatically going to dismiss what I say, but the truth is what it is.
The fact that this response has so many assumptions about Christians just proves to me how close-minded you are. I also like how you originally put Education > Religion, yet confined your clarification to Christianity. You might as well just put Education > Christianity, since that's what you meant.
What "so many assumptions" did I make about Christianity? (FACT) Christianity is the preservation of Sun Worship, the names have only been changed. You need to step up your education before you come at me sideways truthmain, this isn't a Cubs - Cardinals debate my man. You are on a whole different echelon with me on this topic. I have been studying religion for 16 straight years, you better know what you are talking about if you want to get into this with me. I mentioned Christianity in my reply because those opposing this prop keep referring to their "Christian values". Read what I higlighted in yellow, does that constitute my many assumptions? Those are nothing more than facts.
And here comes the earth ending proof that what you say is the final word...

Sorry dude, NT is full of opinions made fact by experts on the subject. I am sure there is research to find just the opposite of what you say, just depends what books you read and what you choose to believe. No one knows the truth, and no one on NT is going to change another's state of mind.
I am not trying to change anyones state of mind, if you read what I wrote in response to the G0d MC, I already stated that. I am well aware that NT is full of opinions, however most of those opinions are based on heresay and ignorance. When I say I have been studying religion for 16 straigh years, that includes reading every opposing view. The information is out there, people just elect to remain lazy and accept what they are told.

Maybe we just don't believe what you believe
. I'llremain lazy. I've read and watched some but I still don't buy it.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AG 47

Did you really just cross species to make an argument against gay marriage? You must be running out of things to say.

Both are a act of desire. Like some desires to beat someone up. Its unnatural. Peep this. If it were meant to be gay people. What would have happened in evolution or religion if two men had to get the ball rolling?
Again with the "this = this". Homosexuality isn't any more of an act of desire than your attraction to females. IT IS NATURAL TO THEM. IT IS THEM! How do you not get this? Lumping homosexuality with incest and bestiality is stupid. They aren't the same. I implore you to look up Rick Santorum and see what trouble he got in for doing the same thing.

Also, what makes you think that homosexuality isn't the product of evolution?

I find it funny that you really think you are making valid points. Like in your Rube Goldberg of a brain you are hammering home some solid talking points. Like to your little mind you are just killing it. That to me is funny.

Your attempt at coming at me is funny. Oh and I don't buy evolution. But how would we have made it this far if people are born gay? Wouldn't the population be at like 3 billion or less? If its not natural then how can it be justified? They served no purpose when it comes to human reproduction. Thats the main reason why God made Adam and then a female. If gay was cool wouldn't he have gave Adam a male? He didn't. He made a male and a female.A man having sex with another man serves no purpose but to satisfy a sexual desire.
Ok, well if you don't "buy evoultion" (
)than any logic is going to be lost on you. You go ahead and stick with your "Magic: The Gathering" theory on life, I will stick with science.

Is your refusal to go by anything other than the bible (!) a shortcut to thinking? Like do you hide your intolerance behind the veil of "the bible tellsme so"? I don't believe the bible....but even if I did, I don't think that all of the ground rules for the rest of time lie directly on the daywhen God made Eve for Adam. You are a mess and probably a liability for anyone that claims they know you.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Ok, well if you don't "buy evoultion" (
) than any logic is going to be lost on you. You go ahead and stick with your "Magic: The Gathering" theory on life, I will stick with science.

Is your refusal to go by anything other than the bible (!) a shortcut to thinking? Like do you hide your intolerance behind the veil of "the bible tells me so"? I don't believe the bible....but even if I did, I don't think that all of the ground rules for the rest of time lie directly on the day when God made Eve for Adam. You are a mess and probably a liability for anyone that claims they know you.
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