Help on this trade

Apr 14, 2013
Ok idk where to put this thread at I might be in the wrong section, but I'm trading this guy my tokyo 5s and BIN 9 both sz 8 very rare sz, vvvnds too! For his WHITE OREGON 3s and lighting 4s both sz 8.5 and 130$ cash. Who's winning this deal? Please help I really want oregons bad and I feel like this is my chance to get them because I know I will not spend 3k+ for those but I worked hard for my Tokyos and bins too :/ tough decision I would really like some help please
80% of the white oregon 3's you see out there are fakes. Better post pics of both the oregons and lightnings
Without detailed pix of all shoes in question we can't tell you much.. UOs are more than likely fakes, and depending on how you acquired the Tokyo's they may be fakes as well..
Your talking about 4 very rare and very faked shoes.. I assume that you know the difference Between unauthorized/fake and legit oregon 3s. Still, you should post pics of all the shoes since they are worn to get a good idea of their value. It's hard to say who is wining that Trade without pics
I wouldn't do the trade. Mainly because I like Jordan 5s a lot more. And like most people have said, the 3s are most likely fake. 
You're losing the deal, Tokyo 5s are a Tokyo release. Bins are ******* rare in general. These out together are worth a **** ton. Oregon ducks 3s are not heat, their mainly PEs and not really released to public unless you have connections. Lightning 4s are not the heat either compare to what you're offering, now especially $130 for his man you are getting ******, you better not accept that he better be paying you $200 cash and his shoes to trade yours.
Honestly. ....If both parties are happy it don't matter. But u do have the better kicks ..imo. U shouldn't offer up cash, he should be coughing up dough. But it's on u. He must know u really want those ducks to be asking for 2 pairs with cash on top.

In the end u both want to come out happy with the trade. Just don't over extend urself.
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