Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Then another comment defending the govt...my people :smh: :smh: :smh:

Translate some of that Tagalog **** to English, and you'd swear that it was one of these MAGA-Rednecks out here in the US that posted this.............it shows delusional ignorance on this disease is truly a GLOBAL PROBLEM, not just American
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so I live in Eugene and it’s funny man. You get to the market of choice, south eugene hippy/ yuppie area and it’s all masks on everybody.

you venture out like 10 or 20 miles to the rural areas and not a single masked person to be found unless it’s a worker. Probably seen 20:1 ratio of MAGA hats to PPE out in cottage grove and Creswell :lol:

I was wondering if Portland was masked up or not

i mean most people are wearing masks in portland, but there are also many, surprisingly, who don't seem too concerned with other's or their own wellbeing either

and i was out around brice creek last week just southeast of cottage grove and was really turned off by the trump/pence flags en route lol
Went grocery shopping today and noticed everyone had on a mask, in compliance with the recent city mandate. Only problem is they must have forgotten to get the word out that it is supposed to cover your mouth and nose because I saw some just covering mouths, some around the neck, and one dude even just had it dangling from his ear. I’d say solid 80-90% doing it right though.
We had to lock the office door and put a sign up saying to call for an appointment with a disclaimer that masks are required because there were too many salesmen dropping by unannounced and delivery drivers, all with no masks on. I would have figured people working these jobs that are exposed to the public would want to protect themselves, but it’s just the opposite in my experience.
Went grocery shopping today and noticed everyone had on a mask, in compliance with the recent city mandate. Only problem is they must have forgotten to get the word out that it is supposed to cover your mouth and nose because I saw some just covering mouths, some around the neck, and one dude even just had it dangling from his ear. I’d say solid 80-90% doing it right though.
We had to lock the office door and put a sign up saying to call for an appointment with a disclaimer that masks are required because there were too many salesmen dropping by unannounced and delivery drivers, all with no masks on. I would have figured people working these jobs that are exposed to the public would want to protect themselves, but it’s just the opposite in my experience.
I seen a large influx of self entitled people coming into my store not complying with masks by not having them covering their face the entire time. We Are limited to what we do Instore n need to re route some ppl to customer service and they flat out refuse to leave. I’ve had to call the police twice to get people out of the store. Makes sense why my county has the highest covid 19 cases in the entire state. :smh:
not to mention they feel some of way when we remind them to keep 6 ft of distance between them and us.

Just do a rational observative take here a lil bit, these death totals are from admitted COVID folk that were in the hospital before Texas was going bat**** crazy UN-PEELING of the stay-at-home orders. Maybe a few of these could've been from recent COVID-admitted hospitalizations, but I cannot really confirm either category of numbers............BUT rational observation from previous reported deaths taking 1-2 weeks after a COVID-patient is admitted says that a majority of these "recent death numbers" are coming from the previously admitted folk from the last few weeks or so before the recent re-opening "relaxation" that have been holding their dear lives on ventilators.

The number to look for is "newly admitted hospitalizations of COVIDs"...........which is almost never released by the media since they always focus on the "newly confirmed positive cases" numbers instead.

Granted, I still think the Texas Government are ******* baffoons for "UN-PEELING" the stay-at-home orders within 1 week after starting the re-opening plan with a reasonable "curbside only" plan..............BUT if the number of hospitalizations for COVIDs are going down, then there is some hope.
Went grocery shopping today and noticed everyone had on a mask, in compliance with the recent city mandate. Only problem is they must have forgotten to get the word out that it is supposed to cover your mouth and nose because I saw some just covering mouths, some around the neck, and one dude even just had it dangling from his ear. I’d say solid 80-90% doing it right though.
We had to lock the office door and put a sign up saying to call for an appointment with a disclaimer that masks are required because there were too many salesmen dropping by unannounced and delivery drivers, all with no masks on. I would have figured people working these jobs that are exposed to the public would want to protect themselves, but it’s just the opposite in my experience.
Masks seems to promote public face touching, just like gloves seems to promote surface touching.
These new norms, man :smh:

if back in the 90s someone told me that 2020 was going to be like this, I wouldn’t believe it.

the only believable thing would be the 10 part MJ/ bulls documentary lol....everything else, man forget it

Blame your uneducated, entitled, narcissistic country and be accountable. Either adjust to or live miserably. I’m 32 years old and plan on living a long life. Either you’re going to sulk and drive yourself mad, or shape your personal world and keep living. We are not meant to like everyone. We are not meant to all have the same past-times or get along. Learn to co-exist or face the remainder of your life living miserable and afraid
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